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Steven Staples & Company

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Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
Gents, a gentle reminder - Mr Staples reads this site from time to time.

Please keep it civil, he might actually attempt to defend his POV

I'm not going to hold my breath on  it though, but you never know.

The Army.ca Staff

Mr Staples, your position seems based on willful ignorance of the facts, of the reality of the Taliban and their program and the fate of the Afghan people should we stop our efforts in Afghanistan and the Taliban prevail. I therefore await your reply on Army.ca with eager anticipation. Present factual evidence and prove us wrong.

Just remember, lots of us have had direct eperience in Afghanistan in all kinds of roles and positions, covering Kabul to Kandahar province (among other places), so I hope a man in your position and with your resources takes the time to do the research and not just repeat talking points.
Thucydides said:
Mr Staples, your position seems based on willful ignorance of the facts, of the reality of the Taliban and their program and the fate of the Afghan people should we stop our efforts in Afghanistan and the Taliban prevail. I therefore await your reply on Army.ca with eager anticipation. Present factual evidence and prove us wrong.

Just remember, lots of us have had direct eperience in Afghanistan in all kinds of roles and positions, covering Kabul to Kandahar province (among other places), so I hope a man in your position and with your resources takes the time to do the research and not just repeat talking points.
Silly man what does experience matter Mr Staples is  morally superior to all us mere  peons .If you don't believe me just ask him !
Is Mr Staples for real? Isn't this the same guy that used to offer up ideas for what we needed for defence procurement? Polaris institute or something?

Because peace at any price is a worthy goal


The latest from QMI/Sun Media
The head of an anti-military group that accuses "old generals" of trying to fundraise on the backs of dead Canadian soldiers insists he's not a pacifist.

Ceasefire.org's Steven Staples chose the Spanish Civil War as a cause he'd fight for.

"I am not a pacifist, I think if I was around in 1939, I'd be there in Spain with all of the other organizations that even before the West got into the war, got involved in that," Staples told Sun News Network's Brian Lilley.

In 1939 the Spanish Civil war was ending. During the fighting, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin provided "volunteers" to arm the loyalists unsuccessfully against fascist General Francisco Franco, who was backed by Adolf Hitler.

Some Canadian leftists also fought the fascists, sneaking into Spain, many posing as tourists.

About 1200 Canadians eventually formed the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion made up of mostly leftists and union activists. Staples said he would have backed them, but his dates were a little off.

Staples appeared on Sun News Network's Byline to defend his fundraising attack letter against the Conference of Defence Associations (CDA).

The CDA is staffed by former military men and women.

The group had implored the feds to continue spending on the military and not starve it in between missions, as it had done during the "decade of darkness."

"After the sacrifices made in Afghanistan and the casualties taken there because we weren't ready, let us never again find ourselves having to rebuild essential military capabilities which we should have kept up all along," the CAD said.

Staples says this is fundraising off the backs of dead and wounded soldiers and refused to apologize ....

I'm going to take the position with Mr Staples that if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything... As such, were it possible to have less then nothing to say about him I would.
For Mr Staples, I would first argue, LEARN about the world sit rep first and then try and formulate a strategy. He literally seems like a "situate the estimate" type of guy.

Who actually takes him seriously? He almost comes across as a conspiracy theorist.

I don't agree at all that defence companies are drooling with anticipation any Canadian defence purchases since our numbers are too low to make a bang anyways.
ArmyRick said:
Who actually takes him seriously? He almost comes across as a conspiracy theorist.

Unfortunately, too many people take him seriously. Just look at any MSM reporter who needs a statement regarding any military and he is one of the first people they go to for a quote. That resonates with the public who don't know his background and/or agenda.
Retired AF Guy said:
Unfortunately, too many people take him seriously. Just look at any MSM reporter who needs a statement regarding any military and he is one of the first people they go to for a quote. That resonates with the public who don't know his background and/or agenda.

Being a "I wish I was/had of been/could have been a MacPap" is a pretty serious background.  ::)
That said, it's always a treat to watch Mr. Staples try and go up against very capable, well-spoken and very well-informed folks like Mercedes Stephenson.  :nod: 

Interesting to note how interviewers rarely characterise/introduce Mr. Staples as the founder of "Ceasefire.org"...always as the President/Director of the Rideau Institute.

Good2Golf said:
That said, it's always a treat to watch Mr. Staples try and go up against very capable, well-spoken and very well-informed folks like Mercedes Stephenson.  :nod: 

There, fixed that for you.
Instead of pointing to the Spanish Civil War, Mr Staples should've been honest and admitted he would've been one of the helpers to assist with Stalin rounding up people and sending them to Siberia (or worse), or assisting Mao with his Great Leap Forward.

If you look at his arguments and contradictions, that's exactly where his ideology points him....

I would go further and wager he probably has a Little Red Book somewhere in his office.

Quote from: Good2Golf on Today at 10:51:24

    That said, it's always a treat to watch Mr. Staples try and go up against very capable, well-spoken and very well-informed folks like Mercedes Stephenson.  :nod:

Technoviking said:
There, fixed that for you.

Whazzup for the next while for S.S. and Co.?
....  Next month we’re organizing our largest ever “Be Heard on March 3rd” annual day of action, calling on tens of thousands of people to refuse to pay taxes for war and the F-35 stealth fighter.

    We are continuing our work to oppose Harper’s plan to build a “Fortress North America” with deeper integration with the Pentagon and uncontrolled sharing of our personal information.

    In the fall we plan to bring experts and guests together to talk about the Arctic, and how to avoid a nuclear and military arms race in this delicate, environmentally sensitive region.

    And we’re hosting an expert on Lockheed Martin to tell MPs and journalists how Lockheed Martin drains public coffers of funds for weapons ....
A bit more in the latest from ceasefire.ca (no link, lest we boost the hits there too, too much).
I wonder if you get a free packet of gravol with the newsletter...or at least some of whatever they're smoking so all can be on the same wavelength.
