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Strong Point West - Afghanistan

observor 69

Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
MotherCorp has an interesting photo gallery  here:

(Edited by Moderator to correct thread title.)
Wow...very nice and interesting pictures. I really hope progression is made there.
I'm glad pictures like that are being posted... It shows that we're making progress.. it may be slow, but its better than nothing.

It also makes me feel a little... uh.. sad.. or depressed... Every time I see pictures of the troops, I always hope to catch a glimps of the guys I was with over there.  Then I miss it even more. 

Some times it seems so bad over there, and people just don't understand why we're there.. I see picture like that, and I know how important our work is over there, and no matter how bad it gets, I'd rather be there. 

I hope those pictures help people understand...  and I'll keep looking for my boys.
Those are really great pictures.
Now if only they would show ones like that and make stories of that for TV.
I've seen a story about the road being built in Panjwaii but thats it.

piper... how big was panjwaii, population wise?
midget-boyd91 said:
piper... how big was panjwaii, population wise?

Well.. Technically, Bazar-e-panjwayi (the actual town) was some burned out ruins behind where we first set up our firing line.

Where the troops are now is Pashmul... and while I was there the population was around 400, and they were shooting at us.

I honestly couldn't tell you how many people live in that area, but I'm going to assume quite a few, as it is pretty much the biggest green belt in Kandahar.  Probably one of the more populated areas outside of Kandahar city.

I agree with you though... These are the images the media should be showing more often.  real progress...

Thanks for pointing out the site. Some great pics.
When I look at what our troops ( like yourself ) are doing overthere today, it makes me realize , that no matter how bad we had it in Kabul (Roto 3), it was a cake walk in comparison.

Take care of yourself. 