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Study: CF Snipers "coping as well or better than regular soldiers"

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wondersmoke said:
fit to kill

Amongst other responsibilities
Snipers also render enemy weapon systems useless.
Please Read on....

A British army sniper helped save his commander and set a new sharpshooting record after killing two Taliban machine gunners in Afghanistan from a mile-and-a-half away.

Corporal of Horse Craig Harrison fired his consecutive shots from such a long distance that they took almost three seconds to reach their targets.

This was despite the 8.59mm bullets leaving the barrel of his rifle at almost three times the speed of sound.

The distance to his two targets was 8,120ft, or 1.54 miles - according to a GPS system - and about 3,000ft beyond the weapon's effective range.

The 35-year-old beat the previous sniper kill record of 7,972ft, set by a Canadian soldier who shot dead an al Qaeda gunman in March 2002.

Speaking about the incident, Cpl of Horse Harrison said: "The first round hit a machine gunner in the stomach and killed him outright. He went straight down and didn't move.

"The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and turned as my second shot hit him in the side. He went down, too. They were both dead."

The serviceman then fired a third and final round to ensure the machine gun was out of action.

from sky news 03 May 2010
                          (Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act)

CDN Aviator said:
You go back to playing black Ops....we will leave that kind of decision to actual snipers, k ?
I dont play black ops, was pretty good at cod4 tho. And also, I put the money where my mouth is, I'll be doing my research and believe me, I am going to get there faster than YOU think.

K buddy??

wondersmoke said:
I'll be doing my research and believe me, I am going to get there faster than YOU think.

I couldnt care less where you are going or how fast. It wont keep me up at night. Just as long as you dont end up next to me with the attitude you have now, life will be just fine.
wondersmoke said:
I dont play black ops, was pretty good at cod4 tho. And also, I put the money where my mouth is, I'll be doing my research and believe me, I am going to get there faster than YOU think.

K buddy??


Alright, now that the laughs are done, let's get this thread back on track.

wondersmoke, I'm strongly suggesting that you stay clear of this thread and creating any others for quite some time. Sit down and read the information on this site.

wondersmoke said:
I dont play black ops, was pretty good at cod4 tho. And also, I put the money where my mouth is, I'll be doing my research and believe me, I am going to get there faster than YOU think.

K buddy??


Apply, pass your tests and then pass BMQ and your SQ before you even dare tell anyone how awesome you are going to be. Many have tried here and most don't even pass their BMQ or become training failures. Thanks for coming out but don't waste our time again.

Milnet.Ca Staff
wondersmoke said:
d) They don't have to fear IED as much as soldiers because IED tactics are targeted more towards troops for ambushes, etc. Only thing they they fear are other snipers, mortars, and being spotted & killed.

Really???????????? Please explain.

Towards_the_gap said:
Really???????????? Please explain.


Easily explained by reading his profile and then this:

wondersmoke said:
Would really like to know, if having the right mentality would be enough and how to become a sniper as fast as possible? Is there an accelerated program or anything like that? Anybody can recommend any reserves or full time entry level vocations that teaches transferable skills?

Thanks for any helpful advise

Although I have no military training, I am seriously capable of this vocation. Mentally I am extremely prone to stresses of this nature, and I'm naturally selfless, and overprotective at most times.

wondersmoke said:
To all of y'all who claims to know why a "sniper" would cope better with stress over regular soldiers.

And what qualifies YOU to tell US....who have been in the business for many years why snipers cope better with killing than the average soldier?

PLUS....it takes a number of years..not months....to train a sniper. Add to the fact that snipers are selected from volunteers. Not everyone that volunteers makes the grade.

So once YOU get to be a sniper, come back and tell us how good you are. Until then you should go on listening silence.
George - I know I know....Nutjob.

It's just that after the summer I've had and who I worked with, I really want to know why he said something quite so astronomically daft.
I think we've seen all there is to see here....
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