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Stupid question about Basic - Aggression

The Peoples Army is a club to be used against the people of China.  It is not staffed by an elite by any stretch of the imagination.  As the Peoples Army does not have the traditional role of protector in the minds of the Chinese people, it is not seen as an esteemed profession.  At different times soldiers have been seen as anything from saints to murderers, when neither has ever been true. Our army is a small group of dedicated professionals that any parent should be proud to have a child in.  I admit to some pride when my own daughters speak of wishing to join when they are old enough.
Its interesting to note the differences in social perception between societies, and how the military is viewed. 
I recall in 85 or 86, there was a Sikh who enlisted in the Arty. If I remember the details, it was a great honour for him to be in the CF, and his family was quite proud. To many caste and ethnic groups in India, military service has been an avenue of social mobility.  The same can be said for Chile, where being an officer in the forces is apparently quite a thing (according to my long time friend Capt. Jorge Rohas-Gonzales.  I gather that being in the forces in China is not a good thing, but then again, being in the CF doesnt open up many social gates either.....  I guess its all a matter of perspective.  In any case, Spock, I wish you all the best in your chosen profession. Ultimately, if you make your own choices for yourself, and you will be happier time and again.
Well, there have been some very interesting comments made in this thread all from a very simple request for information. For Spock, like i said before, you may run into a bully type person, don't sweat it, find the people in your platoon that you mesh with and work with them. Bullies usually wind up doing something stupid and getting released or recoursed in the end so they are really not a problem. Good luck.

For GO.
You will most likely be one of those people who wind up with Seven counsellings in the first 5 weeks of your BMQ. You are are a loud mouth and you really don't think about what you are saying before you say it. Yes ST Jean is a large training base with mostly recruits and 10 year + personnel. However most if not all of us who teach here have been in the Sh_t for real at one time or another. So before you start spouting off about things you don't have a clue about think about this. Most instructors here have been to Yugo, Somalia, Afghanistan, Chzech Republic and have been fired upon and returned fire at one time or another. Others have been in Aviano and Turkey making aircraft fly, while still others have been in the Gulf and on OP Apollo ,facing everything from SCUD missiles with chemical warheads to being stuck between an Indian battle group and a Pakistani battle group. These are all things that make the sphincter pucker at an amazing rate. Getting into a fight after a high school dance just doesn't count. So next time you want to make comments about the people who are already serving members of the CF, read this and then give your head a shake and don't.
For every one else if this goes against the rules of the site, sorry. I will accept any verbal, recorded warning that comes my way, but it had to be said.
Ready Aye Ready
Marc (Op Apollo Roto 0)
M Feetham said:
For GO.
You will most likely be one of those people who wind up with Seven counsellings in the first 5 weeks of your BMQ.
Nice one. I've been in the CF for several years now, and did quite well in all of my courses to date - NEXT.

You are are a loud mouth and you really don't think about what you are saying before you say it. Yes ST Jean is a large training base with mostly recruits and 10 year + personnel. However most if not all of us who teach here have been in the Sh_t for real at one time or another. So before you start spouting off about things you don't have a clue about think about this.
So tell me, how much shit have you been in? How many times have you fired your weapon in anger? Have you altered the trg plan at the Recruit school to reflect your experiences? I've worked as staff on courses before too - and there is nothing worse than a service trade instructor sounding off about having "been in the shit", when they never went beyond the wire.

Getting into a fight after a high school dance just doesn't count. So next time you want to make comments about the people who are already serving members of the CF, read this and then give your head a shake and don't.
I was busy after high school dances  ;) son.I am a serving member of the CF, I've been deployed and I've done numerous courses, missions and taskings. The only head I'd like to shake is YOURS!

Ready Aye Ready
Marc (Op Apollo Roto 0)
::) ::) ::)
Is that a title now? Like VC or CD? I was on Apollo too - did'nt see too many Master Seamen around.

Sum up. Your bleating might impress a bunch of brand new recruits - save your stories for them.


I suggest you read the previous posts of a person in various threads before you go telling them what's what.  Reading a few of GO!!!'s posts, it is very quickly apparent that he has some experience.  In fact, a simple read of his profile would show that he did his Basic several years ago!


(OMG!!  Did I just defend GO!!!?  Someone, please check to see if I have a fever!)  ;D ;D
Hey Strike,
Good point, my bad.
GO, I shake my  and take a step back. No I have never fired my weapon in anger, but then I am a Radar Operator and my weapons leave the ship at moch 2. I have taken fire in Haiti and been stuck between two hostile Battle groups in the Indian ocean. I spewed before I investigated, wrong of me, won't happen again.
when were we in the Czech republic?just curious, but I dont recollect hearing of Canada being there, unless it was on vacation for that really good beer they have their.mmm, czech beer.
Spock, after starting a thread this big and well debated, you better top your course this summer! 8) 
We will be watching for the quiet tall guy.  ;)
M Feetham,


You are talking to the master of the going - off - half - cocked - internet - flamer!

No worries, I have a thick skin.
aggresion id be more concerned about this comming back from tour "broken" thing...sonds not good
bigjeff said:
aggresion id be more concerned about this comming back from tour "broken" thing...sonds not good

Please feel free to start a thread in your native language.  ESL is difficult, so don't try to keep up here if you don't have to.  :P
Not really for me to say, but since you asked...
ESL stands for English-Second Language.  Your posting style seems to suggest that English isn't your native tongue.  There is a whole section for French, or if you speak a completely different language, perhaps you could PM a mod and start your own thread in whatever you speak. 
If English is your first language, feel free to apply things like grammar, capital letters (they don't take up extra broad band, FYI) and Mr. Bobbit has provided to us, FREE OF CHARGE, a spell checker that is just a click away.  Most of the folks here don't expect university professor caliber writing, but sounding like Yoda:

aggresion id be more concerned about this comming back from tour "broken" thing...sonds not good

doesn't tend to get too many nods around here.  You may be making a perfectly valid point, but it can't be deciphered from what you posted. 
bigjeff said:
aggresion id be more concerned about this comming back from tour "broken" thing...sonds not good

zipperhead_cop said:
Please feel free to start a thread in your native language.  ESL is difficult, so don't try to keep up here if you don't have to.   :P

bigjeff said:
wow, i dunno what ya mean but , sure, whatever ya say there cheif. :salute:


zipperhead_cop said:
Spock, after starting a thread this big and well debated, you better top your course this summer! 8) 
We will be watching for the quiet tall guy.   ;)
Yeah well... at the rate of my application is going, I don't even know if I'll make it to Basic in the summer. It's been 3 weeks since I've handed in my application and they still haven't called me for my CFAT. I'm keeping my fingers corssed and answering machine plugged.
zipperhead_cop said:
Please feel free to start a thread in your native language.  ESL is difficult, so don't try to keep up here if you don't have to.   :P
I've done a few years of ESL, man it was brutal! I sometimes still make grammar mistakes when I speak, and my white friends laugh at me, I would just stare at them and say " I'd like to see you speak Chinese :p." I'm also doing French immersion now, hardest language I've ever learned, hope I might be able to practice it in Basic.
Your grip of English appears to blow away Bigjeffs.  The irony is not lost on me. 
Three weeks isn't very long, unless you are waiting.  There is still plenty of time to get ramped up for the summer. 
I finally got my call (or rather I called them) for the CFAT, April 18th. Jeez, you really have to hunt down those recruiters  if you want your application to go through. I must've bugged the crap out of them for the past month, phoning the recruiting center 3-4 times a week. What kind of math questions are on that test? I heard it's gr.10 level, but are there going to be specific questions from the Math 10 textbook or stuff like that? I'm doing gr.12 math right now, do I need to whip out the Math 10 textbook again to do a refresher course?
spock said:
I finally got my call (or rather I called them) for the CFAT, April 18th. Jeez, you really have to hunt down those recruiters  if you want your application to go through. I must've bugged the crap out of them for the past month, phoning the recruiting center 3-4 times a week. What kind of math questions are on that test? I heard it's gr.10 level, but are there going to be specific questions from the Math 10 textbook or stuff like that? I'm doing gr.12 math right now, do I need to whip out the Math 10 textbook again to do a refresher course?

It wouldn't hurt to practice eh? Better to be safe than sorry. Brush up on your grade 10 math skills with no calculator. Its pretty easy...but its timed so you gotta be quick. What trade are you going for?
Artillery soldier, reserved. They don't allow calculators in there? How long is the test?
I would have told you how long it is, and some other details... Buuut, they make you sign that statement that you wont talk about the content of the test.