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Support your troops. Just make sure you know who they are....


Army.ca Legend
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American members and visitors are encouraged to contact the DNC about their page purporting to support thier troops:

http://www.democrats.org/a/communities/veterans_and_military_families/ (note, they might pull and hide this before they are outed by too many people)

Look carefully at the picture and you will see the same team which photoshopped those pictures in Lebanon have come to apply their skills in America! The troop they are supporting is a member of Her Majesty's Canadian Armed Forces!


Seriously, why?

Out of all the pictures available they used a Canadian pic?

And they knew it was Canadian otherwise they wouldn't have photo shopped
this capbadge and one collar dog.

Possible scenario:

Political staffer to web flunkie - "find me a photo of a soldier, any soldier, to put on the front page of our vets and families page"

Is it just me, or is the Photoshopped beret black?  Armoured dude?  Maybe a super-secret armoured unit, where if they wore their cap badge, we'd have to be killed?  ;)

Can someone explain this to me .. im not sure I get it. whats with the Lebanon thing?
well thas the part I dont get :

the same team which photoshopped those pictures in Lebanon have come to apply their skills in America!
what is that bout?
More at this LGF thread, including the original photo.  Unfortunately it appears that this RCR soldier is in fact short one collar dog!
Well, this appears to be quite a fiasco on the top, but looking into a little deeper, a couple things caught my eye, such as this quote.

Florida Cracker said:
Florida Cracker makes a similar observation:

LGF is claiming a Democratic photoshop on the cap insignia, but iStock’s photo is without it. Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by incompetence (as I need to keep telling my own self). They went for a free iStock photo of a soldier, and had no clue what an American one looked like.

Hmm. Looks like simple ineptitude on the Democratics' part, here. Annoying that nobody bothered to double-check, though, and realize, "Hey, wait. This isn't an American soldier. Whoops, better fix that." What I want to know, though, is why iStock would be keeping a photoshopped photo of a Canadian soldier lying around? I'm sure there's a valid, simplistic reason for it... anyone have any thoughts on that? It's a bit late at night and my head's not functioning as well as it perhaps could.

nova_flush said:
well thas the part I dont get :

the same team which photoshopped those pictures in Lebanon have come to apply their skills in America!
what is that bout?

It is a reference to the altered photos that Reuters wired out on August 6th 2006.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't his one collar dog wrong for being a Royal?
big bad john said:
Nothing to do with Lebanon.  Get with the program.

BBJ: he didnt get the Lebanon reference on the first post. Remember the thread last month on how lebanese photoshop experts "added in" some extra destruction to show the world how nasty Israel was? He probably didn't see/remember it
Does this guy look familliar?  I taught this guy AVGP many years ago.  Great Guy, lots of laughs.  Got out a few years back.  I think he went back to Trinidad.
Krisz said:
What I want to know, though, is why iStock would be keeping a photoshopped photo of a Canadian soldier lying around? I'm sure there's a valid, simplistic reason for it... anyone have any thoughts on that? It's a bit late at night and my head's not functioning as well as it perhaps could.

iStock is a service that allows amateur photographers to upload photo's for use by other people.  When they are used a fee is paid to the owner of the photo.  One of the criteria, however, is that there not be any identifying signs, etc without written permission, ie. Nike, RBC or, in this case, RCR.  So, whoever took this pic probably photoshopped the cap badge out so that iStock would accept it.  A bit of a side note though, the person in the pic would also have had to sign a release to allow their pic to be uploaded or iStock would not accept it.  It would be interesting to know whether he did, or the photographer faked the release, given the attention this is suddenly getting.  I am not sure I would want my pic posted all over the internet when I was uncaring/dumb enough to go on parade missing a collar dog.  I know if I had gone on parade like that I would be having a conversation with the SSM shortly after and I imagine there are some senior Royals currently trying to figure out who this guy is.
   WTF is this peace of S--- ! doing there ?
     LOOKS good  !
                           What a photo Op !
Spring_Bok - I thought I wasn't hallucinating when I thought I saw a black beret in the photo in question...

Any idea where that shot could have been taken?  The other one on Michelle Malikin's blog looks Toronto-esque, but it could be any major city with a Remembrance Day parade.
Spring_bok said:
Does this guy look familliar?  I taught this guy AVGP many years ago.  Great Guy, lots of laughs.  Got out a few years back.  I think he went back to Trinidad.

Yeah, Salazin or Salazar, something like that?  Think there were a couple of brothers.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't his one collar dog wrong for being a Royal?

That one collar dog doesn't look quite right to me either.  Some of you must be colour blind in thinking that that is a Black Beret.  However, what I am wondering about the most, is how and why he is wearing the French Commando badge under his medals? 

Maybe the picture was taken in Germany when we were allowed to wear it on our uniforms - though my badge looks a little different from his.
Perhaps it was in Germany.....but why the SSM ribbons behind the badge?

Actually if you look at his Command Badge and Medals, we had long been out of Germany in order for him to be wearing them.

The French Commando badge we were allowed to wear was attached to the button on the left side of the tunic.  Mine's in the basement somewhere.