I have served in Afghanistan on Combat Operations, I have served in the Sinai on Peace Support operations, I served as in support of humanitarian efforts in Lebanon, and I served in Eastern Europe as part of the NATO Assurance efforts against Russia. I have a good breadth of experience when I say this:
Please for the love of god stick to honouring our war dead. Peacekeeping is a noble effort. NATO deterrence missions and the warm and fuzzy things we do around the world and at home are of note, however, use Peacekeeper's Day and Armed Forces Day to highlight those efforts. Remembrance Day is solemn and commemorates the loss of life in conflicts by those called to the service of their nation. I have buried friends and comrades who have died in Afghanistan; I would be livid if they turned the focus of Remembrance Day annually to highlight Op DANACA 1973-? because it was "their turn"