The 90's and 2000's??? Try going back a hundred, thousand, years to start getting to the base of the problems. The US invasion of Iraq certainly didn't help anything, but I suspect that the conflict we're seeing would have erupted at some point because clearly the sunni/shia dynamic wasn't sustainable in the long wrong (going back to the days of muhammed). At the peace of sevres in 1919 Ottoman diplomats warned the french and british that dividing the middle east between them would come to bite them in a hundred years, so clearly the underlying problems were apparent back then.
I dont agree with Mulclair or Trudeau that Canada needs to step in and help out thousands of refugees unless we are in fact willing to allow them to become citizens. If we are going to bring in thousands of people they are going to be here for a long while... it appears the middle east is heading into their own 30 years war, complete with isolated bands, non-professional militaries, and ideological backdrop.
I also dont particularly agree that us dropping the odd bomb on a bridge is going to have any long term effect on the region. ISIS grew out of Sunni anger at growing Shia and other tribes power. If we bomb ISIS out of existence then what? Do we think that ISIS going away is going to solve the underlying tribal and religious hatred? I suspect all we would see is the next ISIS. If we put troops on the ground with significant ROE we (and we would need to work WITH Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, etc) could possible stabilize the region enough to allow for real talks and long term if we are prepared to stay for 10-30 years and invest billions into the region.
So- I agree with both points in that canada can't, or unless we're going to offer these people citizenship, shouldn't take in massive numbers of refugees. I also dont believe a military mission without troops and extensive political will/financial backing has zero chance of success (and the odds of us having financial and political will to stay is almost zero). So what are we to do? Abandon the mid east to its destiny or put ourselves out to assist thousands of refugees with little to no knowledge of their intent, backgrounds, or will to return? That's the billion dollar question.