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Taking wife/kids to live with you for training courses


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Originally posted here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/106492.0.html but I think the topic is misleading to my question and didn't get replies. I have an interview on Wednesday and would like to get this sorted out before hand if possible to avoid looking like a guy that is going to more of a hassle than an asset. Apologies for cross posting if that's an issue.

I've read the pilot training can take years to actually get through all of the courses. Are there options to live on/off base with your family (wife + kids) for the duration of the training courses? Some of the courses e.g. 7 months of french training and 8 months of BFT would be easier to manage if the family can come in tow. BMOQ is obviously off the table. Not as fussed about costs if the CF doesn't want to pay for a move (family vehicle + uhaul trailer for basic needs), more-so just the feasibility of trying to make that work. Assuming it's about 4 years after BMOQ to getting wings and being posted, how much of that should I expect to be away from the family? The shorter courses are obviously not worth the effort of trying to pull that off.

This is key one to discuss with my wife, especially considering she's preggers right now with #2 on the way. I have a great sense of timing to do a 180 career change at this point in life :camo:
Not sure about your specific situation but I know all the guys here (Borden) have PMQ's and moved their family's.  We will be at this base about 14 months and it was all ok here.
The link provided above is excellent and should be a must read for anyone with questions about bringing the family along during training phases. Many thanks for posting.
Great link, thanks. The answer I got today from the RC is that for courses/postings > 6 months, you can get a pmq.