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At the gym today I saw a dude with a tatoo on his right arm.

It was a beret (I think it had a sign on it but I didn‘t see it clearly) and two daggers/knives crossed under the beret.

Is that an army/military tatoo or is it just a cool-looking one?
its probably something he paid way to much for hoping to impress the girls!!!!!!!!!

Royal Highlanders of Canada
Black Watch

Kinda hard to make out the hackle now,
"Special Forces tattoos, mercury switches, what have we got ourselves into"? :)
Nice tat RoyalHighlander, what prison did you get that in? Just kiddin‘ ;)
I know, I‘m a new guy, I‘ll keep it toned down.
Several of the recruits on my course sport tattoos, although I haven‘t bothered to ask if they got them during the course or before.

One would figure the right time to get a tatty is after you just completed a course that is significant, or some other major event in your life.

At present, I don‘t feel a need to sport a tattoo which announces my allegience either to Canada, the CF, or my regiment. I am a Canadian citizen. I am a CF member. My regiment‘s name is on my shoulders, and soon to be on my cap badge. If this is not enough for some people to realize where my preference or loyalty lies, then bully for them. As for impressing the girls, I have no need for it. Girls are either turned on by army guys, or they run away from them. And besides, I have a girlfriend.

Failing that, I have an advantage over most of you lot anyway, being that I belong to a regiment which has the good sense to wear a kilt and proper headdress, not those ugly green slacks and crap-hats that the majority of the army seem content to befoul themselves with. But there‘s no accounting for taste. And, everyone knows: Chicks dig men in kilts! ;)

Scots wae hae.
"Nice tat RoyalHighlander, what prison did you get that in?"
Not funny kid, did you read tha whole post? or just make a stupid comment on the tat?
"And, everyone knows: Chicks dig men in kilts"

A lot of girls also dig guys who treat them like crap. Just food for thought ;)
Well, I guess there‘s no accounting for stupidity. ;)

I‘ve met some women who dig guys who treat them like crap, and nice as they seemed, I wouldn‘t have wanted to date them. But a girl with good taste, now that‘s different!

I may get a tattoo one day, but I‘m in no hurry to at the moment. I doubt very highly it will say 48th Highlanders or anything like that on it. I would want something unique to my own identity, something that evokes my motto for example - non dormiverit gladius meus. "My sword will not have slept".