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Tattoo Photo Thread

Hatchet Man said:
If you have DIN access there is a policy located in the Recruiting group site, for recruiters on how to deal with potenial applicants with tattoos (specifically the no visible tats on the head/neck).

I can't remember exactly where I heard it, but there is a significant chance I may have read it there...  I'll have to look for that when I'm back in the office.
Either way, I've never had to deal with that situation... Just lot of piercings, hair cuts and junk like that... which are easy to deal with since they're not as permanent.
St Michael's tattoo is now done.. an yea last time I ever get a tattoo over my ribs.
I went through BMQ and BIQ with a few people that had visible tattoos, on the neck, throat, and hands, but they weren't offensive.
stealthylizard said:
I went through BMQ and BIQ with a few people that had visible tattoos, on the neck, throat, and hands, but they weren't offensive.

Tattoo's visible on the hands/arms, as has been stated REPEATEDLY are fine (so long as they aren't offensive).  If you went on BMQ/BIQ prior to the change in April 04, then neck/throat are fine as well.  As well CFRG Recruiting Directive 02/08 (DIN link for those who are interested and have access ftp://borden.mil.ca/cfrg/Bilingual%20Messages/directives/RD_02_08.doc), states that potenial applicants who have visible tattoos above the collar (except on the face), that aren't offensive will be permitted to enroll in CF.  From reading the directive it appears that this had been an unwritten policy, after 04, while the lawyers and senior people worked out the kinks.  The policy became effective in Jan/08.
Ran across this pic tonight and thought it might make an interesting topic.


A Canadian soldier from the 1st battalion Royal 22nd Regiment C company 7th platoon of the NATO-led coalition shows a tattoo of his regiment on his fingers in Ma'sum Ghar base in Kandahar province, southern Afghanistan, April 10, 2009.
JBoyd said:
Can't you tell from his belly rocker tattoo.. he's 'Hard Core'    ::)

He's there....you're back here......stupid tatoos or not, hes one up on you.
tomahawk6 said:
Ran across this pic tonight and thought it might make an interesting topic.


Good Gawd!

Cool ball rd.

(EDITed for my own stupidity - thought that lower tatt said ACDC, ha!) - Get some f*cken glasses Wesley!

Tatts don't wash off, and fore the record I have three.


Overwatch Downunder said:
Good Gawd!

Cool ball rd.

(EDITed for my own stupidity - thought that lower tatt said ACDC, ha!) - Get some f*cken glasses Wesley!

Tatts don't wash off, and fore the record I have three.



Yup you got that right, but sometimes I'll bet they wished they did.

My Partner and I were on AWOL patrol in Montreal and were questioning a Suspect who denied being .......... of the VanDoo's, finally my Partner smiled and lifted the Chaps left hand up to eye level, guess what was Tat'd on his knuckles, yes R 22 R.

Well, I hope he continues to like his tattoos as he grows older...

Wonder what all those chest tatts will look like with another 30 or 40 Lbs added on.

If I was going to get a tattoo that could change when I get old and fat I'd make sure it could be like one of those MAD Magazine foldables.
Kyle Burrows said:
If I was going to get a tattoo that could change when I get old and fat I'd make sure it could be like one of those MAD Magazine foldables.

I have heard of some people who have had one tattooed on their back between their shoulder blades, so that when they pull their shoulder blades together it closes...
Michael O'Leary said:
Some tattoos are body art, some are a sign.

LOL I can agree with you there..


I have also read about other idiots who have been caught on security tape with their name, DOB, SSN/SIN tattooed on the back of their neck.
Is it just me or does it look like the third fist from the left is missing an arm :o