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Temporary versus Non-Temporary Postings


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I have an application pending for Logistics.  I am married with a young son.  I understand that the process from basic to the first operational posting can take a couple of years.  Does anyone know if the Forces financially supports a move to occupational training in Borden?  There must be others out there that have had a similar experience.  My main query relates to just what constitutes a temporary versus a non-temporary posting.  Would Logistics training in Borden be considered a temporary posting and therefore, possibly deemed not an eligible posting for reimbursement of moving expenditures?  I heard from the local recruiting office that the Forces might be able to supply a PMQ in Borden, but that seemed to be all that they were aware of.  Any help would be great. ???
Going to Borden for your QL3(an later courses) would be considered a temporary, because you would only be there for a few months.
Just curious as I will also be heading to Borden, ON for training.  I am currently in the Res and will be heading to Borden for a period of 18 mths or so on my 3's training.  Can anyone give info on whether or not this would be considered an actual cost posting.  From what I've gathered, I would be permitted to a full cost move (Family and all) as long as I remained in a PMQ for the duration of the training.

Any responses are more than Welcomed

I have seen elsewhere that it could depend on the length of the training.  I could be wrong and I am sure that someone will correct me.  I would be interested to know if the PMQ option is there and whether the option of buying and having the move paid for is there for longer stays in Borden, such as for Logistics Officer training.  Thanks for any responses ...
Generally speaking, if the course is longer than six months, you may be entitled to a move of your Furniture and Effects. The local recruiting center will probably have more info for you though.
Thanks for the quick reply .. Actually the course USED to be 6 months .. hehe .. BUT .. they decided (Murphy's Law and most likely for the best) .. to increase the course to 18 months.  This changed the idea of leaving the family behind.

Recruiting centers have not changed much in the past 10 years .. I still find much mis-information (Not necessarily their fault).  Believe it or not I get so much more concise informaiton from Army.ca.

If anyone else can shed some light on the "Family Move while on Training" issue, it would be greatly appreciated

I find the recruiting centres a wealth of information as well.  However, I too have experienced vague answers to questions and Army.ca seems to provide more information in some cases.  I would be interested to know the outcome of this thread as well.
For this issue I would have to say that the recruiting center would be the ones to ask. They deal with this type of thing all of the time and should be up on current rules and regulations on the subject. I am going off of memory but, they will have the policy there in front of them. Getting info from here is all well and good but there has been a number of times where misinformation or totally wrong info has been given here. It is good to get the info from the source not always from cyber space.
Yes... as Gramps said... Take the advice from the Recruiting Center.  There is a difference between a Serving Member being sent on a Crse over six or nine months duration and that of a Raw Recruit.  You may find that you will not be allowed a move of Furniture and Effects and Family, until your first Posting after being Trained.  The Gov't will probably have an attitude that it does not want to have the expense of moving a 'Recruit' and all his possessions and family to a Base, only to have that person fail the crse and be released before completion of that crse, and then be stuck with a family living in CF Housing with no means to move out.  Money IS a factor in these decisions.
I'm not a Raw Recruit .. I was Reg until 1995 (FRP) and then directly into the Res from there .. My Recruiter told me that since I'm going to be doing a CT that I would receive a Posting message as opposed to going through the BMQ etc.. Anyhow, with this being said, I will take whatever advice I get from the Recruiting Center and Other members that have gone through the same thing.

Fine!  But remember....you may not necessarily be treated the same as someone else who may post here.  All are treated on the individual case, and thus you may be treated differently.  Only the Recruiting Office can give you the correct info that you seek.
Understood .. That makes sense.

I would appreciate info from anyone else that may have experienced the same issues.  With this said, keep the posts coming.

Thanks for the advice.  I will speak to someone at the Recruiting Centre.  The recruit training posting issue makes sense, however, for those that would be away for up to a couple of years or more (initially), I thought there might be something that was done to help out.  I will re-post after my call to the recruiters. :salute:
OK .. Here is the whole Pile of Poop on Move of HG & E in a specific scenario as listed below:

Recruit School By Pass with dependants - Homeowner -  Owns Vehicle:

This scenario involves a member with dependants and, at time of enrolment, owns a home and has HG & E  and will be posted directly to a trg establishment for MOC trg.
Currently, if the member is posted to the trg establishment for a period of less than 180 dys they are posted "Prohibited".  They will not be reimbursed any costs associated to the movement or storage of HG & E or, be reimbursed for any costs associated with the disposal of owned accommodations.  As long as the member maintains a residence at place of enrolment they will be given free Ration and Quarters at the Trg establishment and be entitled to Separation Expense. (Currently $11.50 p/day)  If the member will be at the trg establishment for a period in excess of 180 dys he will be posted "Restricted".  When a member is posted restricted there is an expectation that his D HG&E will be moved to the location where his is posted, unless there is mitigating circumstances to change that decision.  If these circumstances exist and the member does not intend to move his D HG&E to the trg location he must request an Imposed Restriction, through the CFRCHQ, indicating reasons why he does not want to move his family.  If the member elects to move his family to the location where he will be undergoing trg he will be entitled to a move of D HG&E and, the member can be reimbursed for expenses associated with the disposal of his principle residence if he elects to sell.  As this move would be outside CFIRP and administered by the Recruiting Centre and the gaining Base OR, a request must be submitted, from the Recruiting centre, to the Comptroller CFRG in accordance with the instruction at CFRGHQ UNCLAS COMPT 03003 031414Z Apr 03 and any subsequent amendments.

Hope this clarifies somewhat .. Cheers
I hate to be one to Flog a deceased mare....but I am having a bit of an tit-a-tat with some folks on another forum...

I understand that generally speaking if a course is longer than six months a member is likely able to have his F&E moved at public expense...

I also understand that the 8 month SLT in St-Jean after BOTP does not qualify for a paid move...and Phase training being a series of 11-14 week courses also do not qualify... (this has been my personal experience)

I was hoping someone could help me find the regs that would better explain this phenomenon...as there are a few on my "other forum" that are insisting to a somewhat naive wife of a new Ocdt that she will be able to move to Gagetown from Calgary at the expense of the CF while her hubby is in Phase training...some are even saying that as long as her hubby finishes basic, the CF will move her to St-Jean for the SLT and then to Gagetown...

I am just trying to keep some poor soul from being led astray...if she needs to start saving to pay approx $10,000 for a move or decide to wait it out for the first operational posting, she should have all her facts straight....

Please someone help...

Thanks in advance!
You are indeed correct with your assessment of how the rules go.  But you have had the recent experiences too.

However, that being said, there is some scope for flexibility built in.  If the time for training is protracted, ie phase training over three successive summers, there can be a discretionary cost move.  If the OCdt is going on an OJT to a unit where he will likely be posted upon completion of training, again, a discretionary cost move can be authorised.  There are other scenarios, but these two are the ones I have had dealings with in my experience.

Some of the factors that mayl affect whether the cost move will be authorised:

- family.  ie if the OCdt is a parent, especially a small child

- likelihood of success, ie having completed two of three phases and having no difficulties

- likelihood of first operational posting being at same base, ie if an OCdt is on training in Borden, and his first posting is there, should not pose a problem, but if he is on training in Gagetown and his posting is to Edmonton, it might.

- where is family moving from.  If the family is from Regina and he is a Gunner, then they will likely keep them there (unless it is extremely prolonged or difficult) for the posting to Shilo.

- the amount of discretionary funds left for cost moves. 'nuff said

- the mood of the career manager.  It should not, but human nature says that some are more receptive to pleas.

With all that being said, in the past 3 years here in Gagetown, the only people that had their families here were ones that moved them down themselves.  None that I know had a cost move until they were posted to a Regiment.

I hope this helps.  (BTW, I waited 19 months for my move, but I was single then)
Thanks STA Gunner

That essentially reiterates everything I have told the wife in question in my other forum...only in a heck of a lot more words! LOL

I have looked up the CFAO's but cannot find anything pertaining to IPR moves accept compasionate exceptances, and prior to release info.

This particular Ocdt will be in infantry, and his family is in Calgary currently...there is a high possibilty of a preference for posting to PPCLI rgts in Edmonton...so I am trying to encourage waiting it out... as I have had several friends do the same (for up to two years).