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I’ve searched numerous old threads on documents but I am still a little confused on what Variable Initial Engagement exactly means. I know that the commitment is 9 years (for pilots) but I have also heard that it is based on how many years to reach an operationally functional point (OFP) plus one tour of duty. Does that mean the commitment is essentially training plus a single tour of duty then the VIE is over, whether or not that takes longer of shorter than the 9 years, and then you choose one of the three continuing options from that point? I also read that aircrew have a restricted release date of 7 years from the completion of training. Is that different from the VIE? Im just a little confused because one says 7 years and the other says 9.
DesertFox said:
I also read that aircrew have a restricted release date of 7 years from the completion of training.

While this may be true of pilots (and maybe even ACSOs) , Flight engineers, Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators and the other aircrew trades dont have a 7/9 year restriction and i assure you they are indeed "aircrew".