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The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

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Great website, very informative for those not yet in the Reserves.  Might have to borrow your idea, the CommRes recruiting site is pretty out of date from the looks of things.
NOTICE >> change of timings for Army Reserve Training Tour

Sat, 18 Sept 2004
From 1000 Hrs to 1800 Hrs (6 PM)
Location: Dundas Valley Trail Cente, DVCA

Enter DVCA off of Governor's Rd.
Not sure why, but there seems to be some confusion about location and purpose.

1. The unit recruiter (in this case, the Argylls), is there to give you the basic info on the military, to give you lots of info about the unit, and to give you the application package.

Basically, unit recrruiters sell the idea to you that you want to be in the Army Reserves, and that you want to be in the unit. So, that said, I sell you on the idea that you want to be an Argyll.

The Argyll Recruiting Office is located at 200 James St North, in the Armoury.

2. CFRC Hamilton (Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre) basically processes your application. They do NOT represent the unit.

You submit your application to CFRC Hamilton, and do all of your tests there, and they are open from 0900-1630 Hrs on weekdays.

CFRC Hamilton is located at 55 Bay Street North, across from Copps Colliseum.

We are currently recruiting for the following trades (MOCs)

1. Infanteers (031)
2. Infantry Officers
3. Pipers and Drummers
4. RMS (Admin) Clerks
5. Logistics Officer

Other positions to be filled in the unit within the 031 MOC:

1. Drivers and Logistics (CQ and RQMS)
2. Combat Signallers

For more information,  please contact us at 905.541.ARMY (2769)

or check us out at www.sentex.net/argylls

Hey, I'm looking for comments on a recruiting campaign we are trying to style to the younger crowd. Basically, we are trying to develop interest in the unit through movie-style adverts for recruiting posters.

Let me know what you think.


We are also aiming a campaign at people looking to get into law enforcement and public safety >>


Also, there are revised trades and job postings on the Argyll website.

I have to say that I am pretty impressed by the recruiting efforts you've put forth. When I was younger I didn't join the reserves because i didn't know they existed. I didn't grow up in a military family and had no idea that there was some sort of part-time military commitment I could make. It was only after I joined the reg force did I learn about the reserve force.

So that being said, I think it would be very effective to try to book demonstrations and lectures at high schools. Maybe show off some of the equipment and vehicles and talk about some of the things they could do. If something like that had been done at my high school i definately would have joined.
Hey, fair enough on it being lame ... but why?

Remember, your comments will help develop our outreach program.
I agree, the first picture does not do much for me. I don't think it conveys the images you are trying to achieve, it just looks a bit tacky to be honest. No offence intended.

The third link has a really nice photo. The picture of the soldier with the chopper in the background, it is a little artistic and I think it would grabs people's attention. Maybe add some text in the bottom right corner. Something like:

"Some people take a bus to work....

An Argyll rides the sky."

And then contact/webpage info in a smaller font under that. Would make a fantastic poster I think.

Something like that...maybe that text is tacky too, if so I am sure you could think of something better. I guess that does not fit into your movie theme, but it is just an idea.

Ya... the amount of work you have put forth into the recruiting is very impressive. Excellent work. I will have to agree with the others though that the first image is not all that appealing, at least to me anyways. It does seem a bit tacky and doesn't really something that draws you in.. just my .02.

Other than that everything looks very nice, keep up the good work!
I have to say that your website looks far better than the official websites of other reserve units found on DND website. However for some reason I didn't find the picture appealing. I'm sure that Carl G is far more appealing to service man than to civilians. Remember that most of the public gets it's perception of military from what the media serves it. If you can use other pictures available at your website (i.e. Amphibious Assault) that more or less resemble SF type units I'm sure that you can play more on the cool factor than with the Carl G. For some reason even my initial unit choice (you know which) brochure had a lot of â Å“cool â Å“pictures of people running around with guns.Can you relate? Anyway keep up with good work.

I dont like the first pic either. However the third links chopper pic is a hot ticket if you could work it. Although is the person who is concerned with "maximum damage" the type you are trying to attract? However I do appreciate the fact that you guys are going so hard with the recruitng-its good to see.

for some additional ideas, here are some of the images that were being used by the Princess Louise Fusiliers' recruiters. You might want to contact the Recruiting Sergeant at the unit to find out what has been most effective for them:

The road less travelled ...   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-1.jpg

How are you getting to work next summer?   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-2.jpg

Be part of a team   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-3.jpg

Take aim on your future   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-4.jpg

Make things happen   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-5.jpg

Test your character   --   http://regimentalrogue.com/plf-pics/plf-bookmark-6.jpg

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments.

The purpose of the Carl G advert was to see if the movie-style motif appeals to anyone.

I've added some more background pics to make it more interesting (i.e. high-speed), and will see what kind of reaction I get from the guys on my recruiting team.

FYI --> The advert may be used in conjunction with other brochures (at high school recruiting events), but the plan is to post it stand-alone in high traffic areas near schools to see if it encourages people to call. I've also changed the wording to make it straight-forward that it's about the Army Reserve and Jobs.

To put this whole debate into perspective, I must assert that the unit has a range of recruiting brochures, including a full-colour 4-pager with lots of pics and info.

We also provide two different 2-page brochures on army life, training, etc, as well as a  (11X17) folded brochure on Urban Ops training (which really does the trick).

The photos from the website weren't really up for debate, rather I provided the link to announce new trades. That said, I do appreciate the comments and will try to work some high-speed tac-lift photos into the new adverts.

Again, thanks for the help.
The Argyll Recruiting Team will have a display at:

Hamilton Careerapoloza
Thrs, 03 Nov
0830-1530 Hrs
Hamilton Convention Centre
1 Summers Lane

We will have on-hand:

> Soldiers from the unit who will talk about thier training and tour experience
> Vehicles, weapons, and equipment
> Multi-media displays
> Info on current job vacancies
> Hand-outs
> Entries for a contest for Argyll merchandise
Better check the CFAOs -

291.4  Professional Association

(c) Canadian Forces units and individual members are expressly forbidden from participating in any event in which "-palooza" forms part of the event's name.
Wow, I think we've stumbled across a Charter violation in the CFAO's. Does anyone have the number of the Canadian Human Rights Commission or the Ombudsman? :dontpanic:
Thanks to everyone for their input, both on this forum and in email/pm.

Here is the finished product >> http://www.sentex.net/argylls/g_thebest.gif

No doubt that it will ruffle a few feathers. But, again, it's supposed to -- that's the Highland way!
Not bad...not bad at all.

I wonder what the Riley's will say.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, when I was up at school (Mohawk College) the other day, I saw one of the RHLI recruiting posters, and on it, the phone number was crossed out with the message "Don't do it! Join the Argylls! 905-541-ARMY" I thought that was pretty cool.

Thanks for the compliment. By the way, I don't condone defacing posters. However, that did give me a chuckle.

By the way Jonsey, have you joined a unit yet? If not, what's keeping you? If you are interested in becomin an officer, or even coming in as an NCM, call me at 905-541-2769 and let's get the ball rolling. 