With regards to customs, traditions and mindset...I cant say much for the other cultures but I will say this for my own. Just to clarify, I consider myself Canadian first, and what ever ethnicity second. I do not agree with many of the ideals and beliefs of members of our society of the Asian ethnicity. I too believe that on parts multiculturalism have failed miserably. This is my observations from my everyday life which has pointed to such failures. The lack of ability for a majority of Asians to speak English/french. This is disturbing to me. GREATLY disturbing and really quite annoying. There are many times that I've encountered Asians who are Canadians or Landed Immigrants who do not speak a WORD of English, or extremely BROKEN English after being here for more then 10 years. The elderly are of course NOT included in this population to which I am referring to.
There are also too many individuals who bring their way of doing things over here and CON yes CON money out of our government. Either through tax evasion, or applying for child support money though loop holes in the system: ie. no employment, or low income. Some of you may say many cultures do this, yes...however, being a member of the Asians community, this borderline infuriates me. Why should MY tax dollars fund their illegitimate ways of life?! Many of you are in the same situation, and I'm sure it infuriates you too.
I believe that the people who decides to immigrate here or any other foreign nation should think twice before they do so. Immigration should not be a way of escaping crime, heavy taxation, poor environment, just to go to other people's countries and ruin it for them... If you made the choice of immigrating to Canada, YOU WILL LEARN THE LANGUAGE. YOU WILL ADAPT TO THE WAY OF LIFE HERE. You should NOT ruin the way of life for everyone else by bringing your bad habits over here....ie. poor driving skills
Also...to CougarKing's comment about pushing Thanksgiving and Veteran's Day and such predominantly 'ENGLISH' or WESTERN cultures on to these other cultures...well I say TOUGH LUCK. No one asked you to immigrate here. YOU made that choice, and you can also make a choice to LEAVE when ever you want. Irregardless of WHAT your cultural beliefs are, you have to take it into account that CANADIAN culture comes FIRST because YOU now live in CANADA and not any OTHER COUNTRY.
Just my 0.02... I apologise in advance if I've offended anyone...