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The Draft in the U.S.


Army.ca Veteran
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Red Alert - Military Conscription
From Robert H. Ballan

Dear All,

I just went to http://www.sss.gov/fslocal.htm and applied to interviewed as a potential member of a local draft board. You can do this also. The application can be filled out online and it is not lengthy.

The fact that the Selective Service System is interviewing for these positions sends an unmistakable signal to us that legislation bringing back forced induction into the military which has been lying dormant in the House and Senate is about to move quickly into law.

For those of us with draft age children, grandchildren or young family members, this is a serious issue - a life, disability and death issue. At present, the U.S. military is now all-volunteer but that is about to change. There are those that are willing to be put in harm‘s way, if ordered to do so by their nation, regardless of the morality of the situation. There are many that are conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form or in unjust wars. If we leave the Draft Boards to those with right wing beliefs, we will have right wing draft boards. I prefer to participate in the system, in a legitimate way to ensure that our youngsters get the fairness and balanced consideration that the seriousness of the situation warrants.

Admittedly, as a conscientious objector, opposed to all war, I would probably not be appointed by the governor nor even recommended by the Selective Service System. However, I‘m trying to fullfil my duty to my country. There may be others who upon reading this message feel the urge to participate in the system to ensure its fairness and compliance with the law.

However, I intend to notify my congressman and senators that reinstituting military conscription will inexorably lead to the expansion of our military interventions and adventures in foreign lands and ask them to oppose it.

It is time to start educating your children regarding conscientious objection. It is also time to start organizing volunteer community draft counseling organizations.

Those of you that are interested in serving either as Draft Board members or volunteer counselors, it‘s time to step up. We can all write letters and express our opposition.

As much as anything this is an opportunity to test our ability to network. Get the word out. Let‘s not allow the public to be taken by surprise.

Best regards,

Robert H. Ballan
Norwood, New York
But it is an interesting topic though is it not?
Do you think the Draft will be introduced to quell the problem‘s in Iraq?
I know that all young men of age must register and have done for year‘s.
But the reason I posted it is because with in the U.S.Military,the rank‘s are begining to speak out over the length of thier Tour‘s and just of late the families are also begining to raise thier voice‘s also.

The National Guard has just been given a warning order to activate x troop‘s to relieve those already in Iraq.
All the above from C.B.S.,N.B.C.,A.B.C. news at 6.
"As for the soldiers (ranks is a canadian term I think) speaking out, they better be careful. They are limited in what they can say....I would hate to see someone loose their freedom because they couldn‘t pass a gut check."
So much for freedom!

At least we can voice our opinon‘s as long as it does not controvene security.We Canadian‘s when we sign up don‘t give up all our right‘s like the U.S. Military.

As to your comment about the Guard and Reserve‘s being called up is this not a sign of not enough resourse‘s to solve the problem over seas?

And what theme may that be?
Spr Earl,
I have to agree with the good Major. You seem to be prodding him to see if you can get a rise. Please keep you comments professional.

As well Canada has the same policy as the US as stated: "...in it is inappropriated to voice political opinions about the military or civilan leadership publicly and against the Uniform Code Of Military Justice (UCMJ). Qestioning political decisions in the open is not our job, our job is to implement decisions of our leaders to the best of our ability."

We are not allowed to publically state our opinions on policy or political and military decisions. Feel free however to do so privately with your buds. I know I do. :-)

Lets just try to keep everything civil and stop goading each other.
We are not allowed to publically state our opinions on policy or political and military decisions. Feel free however to do so privately with your buds. I know I do. :-)
As a reservist, you most definately can. It‘s your right as a citizen. Just make sure you‘re not wearing the colours when you‘re doing it!
Thanx for the clarification Kurokaze. I did mean while in uniform.
I did not post this topic to get into a pissing contest,I posted it for discussion‘s sake as it relate‘s to the present news report‘s from the U.S. and other media outlet‘s.

I also know the bounderies were one must stay with in with in our Force‘s.
After reading the good Major‘s post‘s I realise now he can‘t comment and I except that.

I had no intention of provoking or antaganising Maj.Sherwood,as stated above,I thought it would be a good topic to discusse due to the present commitment‘s of the U.S. Armed Force‘s.