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The First Sign of Canadian Spring....rrrrrrroll up the rrrrrrrrim (merged topic)

Monday, on my way to work I grabbed a tea and yes I got the roll up the rim too  ;D told me to play again though  :( I never had much luck winning on those. But yes, to say it is a sign of "Spring" that definately works for me because I am ready for it! Just the thought of that makes me glad!

RN PRN said:
$1.50 USD
It's a shame they have to charge anything at all to those amazing folks serving our country "over there" as far as I'm concerned!  Thank you RN PRN for what you do (did).
They do accept Tim Horton's Gift Certificates though. I sent hubby and his section over some for Christmas...each got $5...two free coffee's...they did appreciate that!!  Also, my hometown (Ingersoll, ON), banded together to raise enough Timmie's GC for each guy to get $10. Hubby got that when he finally came back in camp.


28 Feb 07 0617hrs Please Play Again SVP
28 Feb 07 1244hrs Please Play Again SVP
Sig_Des Rolll up Sitrep:

x2 Tim's coffee's per day since Monday...

Each time, I won a Ressayez...That's a Toyota, right?

Honestly, the only thing I've ever won with the Roll-up the rim is a bagel. And I'm not a bagel person...
Sig_Des said:
Honestly, the only thing I've ever won with the Roll-up the rim is a bagel. And I'm not a bagel person...

Don't feel bad about this Sig_Des, because there are some of us (myself included) who are not able to win due to the fact that a member of my direct family is an employee of Tims.  :crybaby:
Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh, still no coffee, I had to stay in the school at lunch again :crybaby:
There'll be no roll up the rim in Kandahar. It was kyboshed due to logistical concerns.
Thanks, I was not sure if they would use the cups at KAF.
Here where I reside (just a short drive out of Winnipeg), we have our own "sure fire signs of spring", apart from Tim Horton's coffee. As an aside to this, my father-in-law claims that Starbucks coffee "is stronger than beer" (not certain how he'd know this since he doesn't drink alcohol! My family doctor says the Starbucks Grande has 550 mgs of caffeine verses 100 mgs in filtered coffee :-). At any rate, this convention exists between several of the neighbours on our block and in the surrounding area. Everyone hereabouts knows that the signs of spring include the following items: the robins return to our midst, the trees begin to bud, the snow recedes and ***** [not her real name :)] is outside yelling at her husband in the backyard. Perhaps it isn't terribly fair since I doubt she is able to help it but it generates a fair number of chuckles nevertheless. Anyway, let's enjoy our Canadian springs wherever we may be. I have no work today since the snowfall has shut down schools and the buses outside the city.
Gee, in our neck of the woods, the real first sign of spring is the road construction has started (following the great sinkhole and pothole obstacle course).
niner domestic said:
Gee, in our neck of the woods, the real first sign of spring is the road construction has started (following the great sinkhole and pothole obstacle course).

I think that's everywhere!!  You should drive the Sinkhole Course in front of my sons' school!!
phantomofthemuppetshow said:
I have no work today since the snowfall has shut down schools and the buses outside the city.
Here in Toronto we're just waiting for the big snow/ice storm to hit.  Hopefully we can lkeave work early and not have to come in tomorrow  ;D
This morning, got myself and my WO a coffee and both of us won.
I won a donut and he won another coffee...too bad I don't eat donuts!
So far things are going just as they have in previous years
3 XL's and nothing but please play again.

In the past 5 years I have won a grand total of 2 muffins. 
First sign of spring?  Dodging the little (or big) poop piles left by dogs who's owners are lazy.