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The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

AbdullahD said:
As I may have stated here, I am in the process of purchasing investment houses in the USA mostly in OH and AL. Have friends in both states and I can very easily get work in both states as well, I find this ban extremely undemocratic and setting an extremely dangerous precedent. I have the money, the capability and werewithal to move. I plan on starting sailing fall 24 or spring 25 (due to the keel issue I am having more likely spring 25).

All I would change is my primary home becomes another investment and when I am done sailing, I will apply for a position with CN rail in the USA.

I am not spouting hot air here, I am deadly serious.

This is their tipping point. If this is allowed to stand, it will give them free reign to infringe as much as they like without consequence. I'm starting to think that if I could get out of my house what I owe on it, I'd be gone.
Target Up said:
This is their tipping point. If this is allowed to stand, it will give them free reign to infringe as much as they like without consequence. I'm starting to think that if I could get out of my house what I owe on it, I'd be gone.

Sadly the public will stay quiet most likely, ND we aren't like say Turkey where the military has a history of stepping in when the people are being infringed of their rights under the constitution
Only one way to defeat this, get team blue in to Office.

The Cons desperately need some leadership though.
Humphrey Bogart said:
Only one way to defeat this, get team blue in to Office.

The Cons desperately need some leadership though.
Their leadership selection process encourages candidates to appeal not to the wider public but to factions within the party.

With little space between the two Dal law grads, they have to tailor their messages to be second and third choices for Sloan and Lewis supporters, which are messages that would tend to alienate centrist voters who might otherwise give Team Blue a chance.

As well, remember, Team Blue did not amend the CCC or Firearms Act, and left classification to regulation, not legislation.  They had ample opportunity to amend the framework for firearms in Canada, and chose to do nothing (except to routinely use it as a tool for fundraising).
MilEME09 said:

27 year old Phillip Blair used a 12-gauge, semi-automatic shotgun. Given no criminal record I am willing to bed he was a PAL holder.

He sure was a pal holder. The police immediately make sure everyone knew that. Strange his name wasn't released for 9 days though, then name gets released from the family in a very official sounding release from the CBC and a veteran crime and justice reporter.

Feels like there is a lot of effort to keep this shooting out of the news and put it in the past as quickly as possible. I wonder why that is.
[quote author=dapaterson]

As well, remember, Team Blue did not amend the CCC or Firearms Act, and left classification to regulation, not legislation.  They had ample opportunity to amend the framework for firearms in Canada, and chose to do nothing (except to routinely use it as a tool for fundraising).
That's the sad truth about the CPC. For voters whom firearms are a major issue, who else are they going to vote for? Conservatives know they have that vote and Liberals know they'll never get it.

Conservatives had 10 years to make changes but they kicked the can down the road. Sure they got rid of the LGR but really why wouldn't they? It was costing them money and it wasn't working a intended. Plus the RCMP have shown they ignored the order to hit delete, so hardly a win.

If the population at large wasn't so retarded when it comes to firearms I would go for registering every firearm in Canada and treat their buying and selling like handguns and AR15s were treated. RCMP approves it. That would require a lot of trust that the government wouldn't arbitrarily ban them of course.

Now we seen them arbitrarily banned on May 1st and 15 days later the Liberals observed there was no protests or major heartache for them so they're sliding more banned firearms onto the list over night. By the end of this firearms that are black, have plastic on them, use magazines or are semi-automatic will be banned.

Another 255 firearms allegedly being banned.
I wonder when we'll see this new NZ law pop up in Canada

Coronavirus: New Covid-19 law gives police power to conduct warrantless searches amid civil liberty concerns

And no I didn't post this in the wrong section.
dapaterson said:
As well, remember, Team Blue did not amend the CCC or Firearms Act, and left classification to regulation, not legislation.  They had ample opportunity to amend the framework for firearms in Canada, and chose to do nothing (except to routinely use it as a tool for fundraising).

Should the Cons get elected, any pro-gun legislative changes they attempt to the CCC or Firearms Act will die in the Liberal dominated Senate. 

Both the OIC and C-71 are here to stay unless the SCOC strikes the OIC down or Canadians wake up to the true economic impact of this, which is significant.  Sadly, as Jarnhamar mentioned earlier, the economic impact and job losses associated with the OIC bans will be lost in the post COVID-19 recession/depression.  Our only hopes are that hunters and farmers take note that they are at risk of losing their guns now, too, or the court challenges succeed, and those are both long shots (pun intended).
Jarnhamar said:

Another 255 firearms allegedly being banned.

Can anyone post this list ?  Stupid ship borne DWAN wont open anything... Other than Army.ca of course :)

I am still at sea until the end of July, at the earliest, I would like to know how many firearms I stand to lose...
Halifax Tar said:
Thanks brother!

I could be wrong but from what I understand after years of pressure the RCMP "obeyed" a court order to make the FRT system more accessible to the public. The RCMP however did it with a twist, the FRT system has 3 levels of accessibility. For them it's updated every day. For businesses it's updated on a weekly basis, so a business could theoretically be selling a non-restricted firearm that was prohibited 5 days ago. For the public it's even longer for it to be updated so today or in two weeks when I go shooting I could be using a prohibited gun and have no idea.

It's causing a confusion over what businesses are seeing as now prohibited and what the public is seeing.
What *IS* plain to see is that the RCMP are adding more and more firearms to the OIC list of banned firearms.

It seems that Search Results PolySeSouvient is coming up with guns they want to see banned, sending that to Bill Blair and he's directing the RCMP what to ban next.

There's guns that the RCMP previously deemed to be "NOT based on AR15s platforms" this non-restricted which they're now deeming as "AR15 platforms" or however they're wording it.

Everything I'm seeing and hearing is suggesting beat cops and even chiefs think this is stupid, politically driven and not going to prevent crime.
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

May 1, 2020

CACP Statement: Ban on Assault-Style Firearms

On May 1, 2020 the federal government of Canada announced a ban on assault-style weapons in Canada.

The CACP supports improving safety for front-line police officers and the public. We appreciate the federal government’s commitment to this issue.

The CACP’s Special Purpose Committee on Firearms will review the Order in Council that enables the prohibition. While the CACP has advocated for this type of initiative in the past, it will be important for the committee to review the proposed legislation in the coming weeks to determine the impact on public safety as well as the implications for, and expectations of, police services in Canada.
Absolutely disgusting. The police have no business lobbying the government for or against any laws put in place.
Eaglelord17 said:
Absolutely disgusting. The police have no business lobbying the government for or against any laws put in place.

Why not?  The police are part of the front line enforcing the laws, there should be feedback if laws are/aren't working as intended, or if things could be done better in some areas.

The statement also actually isn't even supporting the legislation, they are just saying they need to review it to see if it will actually do anything (which is pretty neutral, and the opposite of a ringing endorsement).
Navy_Pete said:
Why not?  The police are part of the front line enforcing the laws, there should be feedback if laws are/aren't working as intended, or if things could be done better in some areas.

The statement also actually isn't even supporting the legislation, they are just saying they need to review it to see if it will actually do anything (which is pretty neutral, and the opposite of a ringing endorsement).

Agreed.  They also have to figure out how they will enforce it.  Little things like measuring the bore of a shotgun correctly and consistently.
Navy_Pete said:
Why not?  The police are part of the front line enforcing the laws, there should be feedback if laws are/aren't working as intended, or if things could be done better in some areas.

Should the CAF lobby the government?