So looking at my local paper, one scumbag has been arrested on weapons charges 3 times in the last month, from waving around illegally acquired loaded pistols, to waving around bear spray.
This is getting ridiculous, we have criminals essentially having a revolving door where there is no consequences for their actions so why would they stop committing crimes? They have no fear anymore. People I work with have caught people trying to go through their car and when they yell at them the only reaction from the criminal is to flip them off and walk across the street to try their neighbours doors. The Liberals are literally creating a crime crisis in our country, then using it to blame legal firearms owners as though we are somehow the problem.
The cops are overloaded, my one friend is a dispatcher and the cops are literally going from one higher priority call to the next with no time to address the smaller stuff. Many murders recently, someone has become a firebug, etc. If you have a noise complaint it is never going to get answered at the moment, etc. It also must be so frustrating to constantly be arresting the same people for the same crimes and knowing your going to be arresting them again in a few days or weeks. Not only that but the public has turned on them, demanding they do something about the criminals, not realizing their is literally nothing they can do as when they arrest them they are immediately released.
I am amazed people haven't gone vigilante yet because if the government is failing to provide order, eventually people will take it on themselves to do so.