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The Great Gun Control Debate

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I want this kid on my team.

Kat Stevens said:
I want this kid on my team.


Her name is Katelyn Francis, 13 yrs old.

US info. I am sure the NDP and the Liberals would do the same if they could.


Dem bill would trigger huge new taxes on guns, ammo

By Perry Chiaramonte - Published August 26, 2013 - FoxNews.com

A pair of Democratic lawmakers are proposing steep new taxes on handguns and ammunition, and tying the revenues to programs aimed at preventing gun violence.

Called the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act," the bill sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

"This bill represents a major investment in the protection of our children and our communities, and reflects the long-term societal costs of gun and ammunition purchases in our country,” Pascrell said.

The lawmakers say the bill would generate $600 million per year, which would be used to fund law-enforcement and gun violence prevention.

Critics predicted defeat for the measure.

“What the anti-gun interests can’t ban, they want to tax it out of existence,” Alan Gottlieb, chairman for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, told FoxNews.com. “It’s nothing more than confiscatory taxation.

“I doubt this bill will pass, but we will lobby against it if need be,” he added. “This is simply another shot against gun owners in this country.”

The bill would exempt all federal, state and local agencies, including police departments, from paying the tax.

The bill would also increase the transfer tax on all weapons (except antique guns) covered under the National Firearms Act (which excludes most common guns) from $200 to $500 and index to inflation and  increase the transfer tax for any other weapon from $5 to $100.

The amendment will be voted upon when the House returns for the new session in the fall.

Davis, who represents a portion of Chicago which has been ravaged by gun violence in recent years, said money raised from the new taxes will go to good use.

"This legislation is a pro-active approach to reducing gun violence by using proven preventive programs which have been starved for funds until now," Davis said. "As part of a comprehensive, multidimensional strategy to reduce gun violence, this legislation closes major loopholes in tax law and lays out an equitable, long term, sustainable strategy to provide the requisite resources.”

Hello all, I am not at all interested in gun control for law abiding citizens. However, I'm looking to purchase my first rifle and I'm mainly interested in purchasing a civilian version of a C8a3. A friend of mine has a civvie version of an H&K 416 but that's too rich for my blood. Can anyone out there give me some good civilian manufactured alternatives?

Stag arms or BCM mid-16 from Armseast:

Colt 6920 from Irunguns:

Daniel Defense from Wolverines Supplies:

All top quality rifles for ~$1500
X_para, everything you want to know can be found over at Canadian Gunnutz.

Back on topic folks.

Current backlog for non-restricted PAL: 6 weeks to load the application.  Interestingly, the 28 waiting starts once the application is in the system not the date of application. The Federal welfare employment scheme on the Miramichi seems somewhat inefficient. 59 moose draw winners in NB will not be shooting their moose this year and they are screaming at their MPs. I am one of them and my MP says he has been busy because of this.  Province says it ran the gun safety course in plenty of time for processing PALs so no refunds will issued on moose licenses.
Well, for me, the province is full of crap. When I came here in 010 after myself & ninerdom retired out of uniform to settle down in her homedown just outside Bathurst, I had to go to Chatham to do a 'restricted' course for a job application. I would have had to wait a couple months to do a non-retricted course or go back to the Mirimichi or Campbellton, but I was 'grandfathered' & showed my old FAC. I challenged the test & passed. Of course, you could go to the DNR & inquire about it...oh, wait, they shut down the DNR here in Bathurst for customer service. Well, you could to to 'Service Canada' here in Bathurst to see if they can help...oh wait, they shut that down here too. The only option here is 'Service New Brunswick'. Took me about 45 minutes to get my deer license & name put in for a doe tag (not the guy's fault, he had to look up the info). Another guy went to get his bear license, the clerk, she said to the guy 'Bear license? Do we have bear in New Brunswick?' (Jesus wept)...Didn't get drawn for the moose license (again) but I did get my doe tag. The problem in my uneducated opinion is that with the federal government, Canada ends just west of Edmunston; with the provinicial government, NB to them appears to end just slightly north of Fredericton & Moncton. But hey, watta I know?
On Quebec wanting to keep its own mini-registry, this, from Canada's Federal Court (summary and full decision attached):
.... Although Parliament abolished the long-gun registry last year with respect to nonprohibited weapons and ordered the destruction of records that had been collected, those records have not been destroyed vis-à-vis Quebec residents. Quebec has taken the position that the destruction of those records would be unconstitutional.

The applicants, Canada’s National Firearms Association, its vice-president, and a Quebec gun dealer, sought an interlocutory injunction to have these records destroyed, as the Quebec Court of Appeal has held the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act to be valid.

The Federal Court refused to rule on the motion for an interlocutory injunction, but rather stayed the motion as Quebec has an application for leave to appeal the decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada ....
The legal wheels grind on ....
I love how our firearm legislation is so clear and concise that even the federal court can't get it straight

Although Parliament abolished the long-gun registry last year with respect to nonprohibited non-restricted
weapons and ordered the destruction of records that had been collected, those
records have not been destroyed vis-à-vis Quebec residents.
A bit of a tug-of-war on the Foreign Affairs Minister ....
The Harper government faced sharp criticism Wednesday for its continued refusal to sign a landmark treaty to regulate the global arms trade.

A group of non-governmental agencies, called the Control Arms Coalition, said it was frustrated and disappointed that the government did not follow the United States and more than 90 other countries in signing the Arms Trade Treaty.

( .... )

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has said there is a potential link between signing on to the treaty and Canada's now-abolished long gun registry.

Baird's spokesman said the government is still doing consultations on whether the treaty would affect lawful recreational firearms owners in Canada.

"If properly done, an Arms Trade Treaty can help limit the worldwide trade in illicit arms," said Rick Roth in an email to CBC News on Wednesday. "At the same time, it is important that such a treaty not affect lawful and responsible firearms owners nor discourage the transfer of firearms for recreational uses such as sport shooting and hunting."

Project Ploughshares is a member of the Canadian coalition, along with Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Quebec and Amnesty International.

"It is past time for Canada to get beyond spurious claims that the treaty will affect legal Canadian gun-owners and join the states that want to save lives by ending irresponsible arms transfers," said Ken Epps, senior program officer for Project Ploughshares, in a statement.

NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said he was shocked that the U.S., which has a much tougher gun lobby, has signed the treaty before Canada ....
CBC.ca, 25 Sept 13

Canada's recreational firearms lobby is telling the Harper government to avoid signing a landmark United Nations arms trade treaty, saying it could lead to an insidious return of the federal long-gun registry.

That's the message Canada's National Firearms Association and the Canadian Shooting Sports Association are delivering to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird.

Baird is weighing whether Canada should follow the United States in signing the Arms Trade Treaty, which aims to regulate the multibillion dollar global arms trade.

Sheldon Clare, president of the National Firearms Association, says he doesn't think Canada will follow the U.S. and sign the treaty because that would have "ramifications" within the Tories core voting base ....
The Canadian Press, 2 Oct 13

Meanwhile, on the Supremes looking at Quebec's desire to keep a gun registry, this from the NFA ....
On Monday September 30, 2013, Canada's NFA filed a Motion for Leave to Intervene in the litigation involving Quebec and Canada over the transfer of the long gun registry records (Supreme Court of Canada File #35448). According to NFA Vice President Shawn Bevins, "We should know within the coming weeks whether the Supreme Court will allow the NFA to become a party to that litigation, as it is a matter over which the Court has discretion."

President Sheldon Clare added, "Canada's NFA strongly believes that the presence of a party representing and willing to stand for the rights of law abiding gun owners is necessary. A debate about firearm owners' civil rights should not just involve the governments of Canada and Quebec. Canada's NFA remains concerned about lack of government attention to the tactics of the Quebec CFO in compelling registration of long guns by dealers and owners."

Clare continued, "The NFA will use its best efforts to prevent Quebec from obtaining the private information of Quebec licensed firearms owners. The recent actions of the Quebec CFO, purporting to enforce non-existent criminal law, made it clear that the Quebec Government is willing to go to any extent to enforce its anti-gun agenda. The NFA is determined not to let that happen." ....
Bought a semi auto 22 at Canadian Tire today. I was shock to find that the clerk collected my phone number, name, address, and gun details For warranty purposes. He wrote it on a yellow stickie. Funny thing there is a warranty card in the box. Is this legal he would not give me the gun without it? 
AFAIK you can turn down an offered warranty and they can not keep an "under the counter" registry. Now, are you in Ontario by any chance??
Lightguns said:
Bought a semi auto 22 at Canadian Tire today. I was shock to find that the clerk collected my phone number, name, address, and gun details For warranty purposes. He wrote it on a yellow stickie. Funny thing there is a warranty card in the box. Is this legal he would not give me the gun without it? 
Just picked this up from the RCMP firearms site and as I read this it appears that what that particular CT is doing is verbotten...
The Government of Canada has introduced new Firearms Act regulations, which provide that businesses will not be required as a condition of a licence to collect and keep data with respect to the transfer of non-restricted firearms.  The regulations came into effect on June 29, 2012. 

Under the Firearms Information Regulations (Non-Restricted Firearms): “A person cannot be required, as a condition of a licence that is issued under the Firearms Act,

to collect information with respect to the transfer of a non-restricted firearm;
if they collect such information, to keep a record of it; or
if they keep such a record, to keep it in a form that combines information that identifies the transferee with information that identifies an individual firearm, links such information, or enables such information to be combined or linked.”
The CFP will be contacting firearms businesses to provide additional information.

For more information, please contact the RCMP CFP.

This bulletin is intended to provide general information only. For legal references, please refer to the Firearms Act and Regulations. Provincial, territorial and municipal laws, regulations and policies may also apply.
That's a shame. The CT in Sussex is selling SKS in laminated stocks with accessories for 149 each. A Great War chief could arm his warrior society on the cheap.
So..... apparently it's illegal for MNR officers to decide to search your vehicle without asking or telling you? It's also considered an illegal seizure if they take something from your car a friend tells me.
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