I started reading the posts on this topic with great interest a few days ago, and it's an interesting topic.
Last summer I got my PAL, and own my own rifles and pistols now. I shoot as often as I can and have
a great time. I have invited many non-PAL owners along too, and they also have a great time. Owning
my own firearms opened my eyes to alot of firearms related problems that the public and politicians have.
The lack of firearms related knowledge our politicians have really astounded me... don't any of them ever
read the Criminal Code of Canada. It seems like they are just out for ratings and make decisions based on
fear and ignorance of those who are uneducated on Canada's firearms regulations. In my opinion, a law
abiding citizen who takes on the additional responsibility of obtaining his PAL, owns a firearm, and obtains
additional training with that firearm should be allowed to carry that firearm if he or she wishes to do so.
All firearms owners may not wish to do this and that's fine with me, but the option should definitely be
available for interested licensed gun owners. I am hoping that those in charge will one day see the light
of day and change the laws to reflect this. Until then I'll keep enjoying my firearms and having fun on the