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The Great Gun Control Debate

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Real gun control:


MASS-MURDER PREVENTED: College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader:

    A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they’re thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own. Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked me who burst into an apartment. . . . Bailey said he thought it was the end of his life and the lives of the 10 people inside his apartment for a birthday party after two masked men with guns burst in through a patio door.

    “They just came in and separated the men from the women and said, ‘Give me your wallets and cell phones,’” said George Williams of the College Park Police Department.

    Bailey said the gunmen started counting bullets. “The other guy asked how many (bullets) he had. He said he had enough,” said Bailey.

    That’s when one student grabbed a gun out of a backpack and shot at the invader who was watching the men. The gunman ran out of the apartment.

    The student then ran to the room where the second gunman, identified by police as 23-year-old Calvin Lavant, was holding the women.

    “Apparently the guy was getting ready to rape his girlfriend. So he told the girls to get down and he started shooting. The guy jumped out of the window,” said Bailey.

If more home invaders had this experience, there would be fewer home invasions. Clayton Cramer comments: “If you have any doubt as to whether keeping colleges gun-free zones makes sense, I think this answers the question. This student didn’t draw a gun and start shooting when it looked like a robbery. When the bad guys made it clear that they were going to kill them all, he drew and fired–and probably saved ten lives.”
This is great:

I just LOVE it when an obviously liberal talking head gets her butt handed to her in an on-air interview.

This car dealer in Missouri has an on-going promotion of giving a certificate redeemable for an AK-47 with each vehicle sale. That got the attention of CNN and the offer of an interview.

She wasn't prepared for this straight-talking, conservative, values-oriented car dealership owner.

See (Link fixed): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icHGSiT1jEw

Rifleman62 said:
This is great:

I just LOVE it when an obviously liberal talking head gets her butt handed to her in an on-air interview.

This car dealer in Missouri has an on-going promotion of giving a certificate redeemable for an AK-47 with each vehicle sale. That got the attention of CNN and the offer of an interview.

She wasn't prepared for this straight-talking, conservative, values-oriented car dealership owner.

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icHGSiT1jEw.

The video didn't work.

Repaste. Hope it works for you.
OldSoldier said:
The woman interviewer is an airhead....or is that just me?

Nah, she knew she was had and couldn't let it go.

I personally like the little cartoon guy on the trailer behind him!  ;D
PMedMoe said:
Nah, she knew she was had and couldn't let it go.

I personally like the little cartoon guy on the trailer behind him!  ;D

PMedMoe has it about right....she just couldn't let it go...she had to try to put him down on something and she blew it bigtime.....
GAP said:
PMedMoe has it about right....she just couldn't let it go...she had to try to put him down on something and she blew it bigtime.....

Did I miss something? ;D

I am sooooo bad today!!
OldSoldier said:
Did I miss something? ;D

I am sooooo bad today!!

We need to have little reins made up for those raging hormones of yours!!!  :)
I haven't seen this posted elsewhere yet.
With the usual caveats:

Gun registry moves closer to its demise

By Kathleen Harris, SUN MEDIA

OTTAWA — The gun registry has moved one critical step closer to its slow demise.

MPs voted 164-137 in favour of C-391, a private member's bill from Manitoba MP Candice Hoeppner to abolish the 14-year-old registry. Cheers of applause rippled through the House of Commons tonight after the vote passed with the support of 21 Liberal, NDP and independent MPs.

The vote means the bill has approval in principle of the House. It will go to committee for further study before a third vote then sent to the Senate for final approval.

Hot Button: What are your thoughts on the gun registry?

Earlier in the day, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff downplayed the dissent in his caucus, insisting his party has a "strong and passionate commitment" to gun control. But he acknowledged the controversial registry has failed to garner "legitimacy" in rural Canada, and said Liberals would consult with victims' groups, sports hunters and legitimate gun owners to develop a "proposal" to improve it.

Ignatieff blasted the Conservatives for exploiting the registry as a "wedge" issue with blatant disregard to public safety.

"This is an issue where we need to be bringing Canadians together instead of dividing them. The Prime Minister has used a private member's bill for no other purpose than to cause mischief with the other parties," he said. "The fundamental issue is to make sure we get a system of gun control which works for rural Canada and urban Canada. I'm convinced that we can — but not with this government."

While the policing community is split over the usefulness of the registry — some call it an effective crime-fighting tool and others view it as a hindrance — Ignatieff said the Conservatives should not ignore the fact the system is consulted 9,000 times a day by police.

Wendy Cukier, president of the Coalition for Gun Control, accused the Tories of waging an "American-style" campaign that spread misinformation that flies in the face of police and public safety experts. She believes the issue has slid under the public radar because of the H1N1 crisis, but that reality will eventually set in.

"We're still hopeful that once Canadians get the facts, understand what's at stake, understand that this isn't going to save a lot of money, I think they're going to be outraged. I think the silent majority will stand up and I think we still have a chance to defeat this bill at third reading, in the Senate, or in the courts. It's not over until it's over."


Ignatieff said the Conservatives should not ignore the fact the system is consulted 9,000 times a day by police.

This is one of the biggest, anti gun lies out there. It is 'pinged' 9,000 times a day. Meaning, if the police run your drivers license, the Gun Registry is pinged also. It gives out no information, unless a specific request is made, which in fact only happens a few times a day. The anti gun people know this, but it sounds good to the unwashed and ignorant. It's a flat out lie and they have to back off every time they are confronted with the truth.

Count Iggy is playing cheap politics. Voters from all parties want this thing gone. He's just pissed because Harper is delivering what the people want, so he takes the low road and snivs his way along trying to deflect it as a personal vendetta by Harper. He's done anyway, no one, including his own party even listens to him any more.

Wendy Cukier, president of the Coalition for Gun Control, accused the Tories of waging an "American-style" campaign that spread misinformation that flies in the face of police and public safety experts.
Wendy Cukier? She hasn't had a true statistic ever pass her lips. Her organisation, the CGC, is a shill organisation that recieves funds from the liebral party and the United Way, amongst others. She is a liar. Plain and simple.
recceguy said:
This is one of the biggest, anti gun lies out there. It is 'pinged' 9,000 times a day. Meaning, if the police run your drivers license, the Gun Registry is pinged also.

The only information they get is that a normally law-abiding person owns a gun - low risk.  I tells nothing about the weapons held by criminals - high risk.  Any police who rely on the registry are probably already dead.

Did that nut in Mayerthorpe, Alberta resgister his weapons prior to murdering four RCMP officers before he committed suicide? I doubt it.
OldSoldier said:
Did that nut in Mayerthorpe, Alberta resgister his weapons prior to murdering four RCMP officers before he committed suicide? I doubt it.

He used an unregistered HK, which I believe is a prohibited weapon.
The only time I have ever found this thing useful is when you go to some domestic and somebody gets locked up.  A quick check to see if there are any guns lingering about can be useful.  We had one the other day where some clown was running around with his lawfully registered SKS in his Jeep.  Apparently he was going to whack his girlfriend (not a huge loss, really).  Knowing he had four other weapons stashed through the house made it easier to find.  Yes, there are a great many ways to whack someone and for the record I will not really miss the registry.  It was a convenience but not one that is worth the cost.
I have a hard time believing they will scrap it entirely though.  Perhaps some serious modifications? 
zipperhead_cop said:
Knowing he had four other weapons stashed through the house made it easier to find.

Did you stop looking after those four were found?

How do you know that he didn't have a couple more unregistered ones somewhere?
Loachman said:
Did you stop looking after those four were found?

How do you know that he didn't have a couple more unregistered ones somewhere?

When the gun registry was proposed a lot of people I knew said they were going to keep one unregistered.  As they were law abiding people they probably didn't follow through.  I've also talked to a lot of people who still haven't registered their guns.
Credible estimates, prior to Allan Rock's misguided crusade against one of the safest and most law-abiding segments of society, pegged the number of firearms in private hands at fifteen to twenty-one million.

That means that only one-third to one-half were ever registered.
Loachman said:
Did you stop looking after those four were found?

Nope, because we found lots of other stuff too.  Like I said, "convenience".  As in "unnecessary luxury".  I've not been a big supporter of this thing either. 

Loachman said:
How do you know that he didn't have a couple more unregistered ones somewhere?

We didn't.  And that's entirely possible.  It was just a bonus knowing that the ones we did know about were recovered.  So when it comes time to release dude from custody we can put in the crown brief that his weapons have been recovered.  As opposed to keeping him in jail and making someone bring the outstanding weapon in. 
And now he'll have to kill the dumb, cheating hoo-war ex-girlfriend with a knife.  :P
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