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The Hardest Job in the World


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Since this deals with morality and law enforcement, it goes in the politics section.

Folks, in my opinion this would be the most difficult job in the world.  The Nietzsche quote is mentioned, and it is quite apt.  Everytime I get mad about my seatbelt fine, I suck back and remember that cops stand on the wall and do their best to protect us from these monsters and pay a heavy price for doing so.   :salute:  

My personal opinion is that sexual offences like these should warrant capital punishment or banishment to the north pole (without clothing) - they are depraved crimes against societies most vulnerable and imply deep-seated deviance.

The internet is a scary place....



Sifting Clues to an Unsmiling Girl
Toronto police analyze child porn images to find victims, offenders across the continent.

April 27, 2005
By Maggie Farley, Times Staff Writer

TORONTO â ” She is perhaps 12 now, her hair still light blond, but she doesn't smile anymore. Over the last three years, she has appeared in 200 explicit photos that have become highly coveted collectibles for pedophiles trolling the Internet. They have watched her grow up online â ” the hair getting longer, the look in her eyes growing more distant.

"She's a collector's item," says Det. Sgt. Paul Gillespie of the Toronto Sex Crimes Unit. "I know somebody out there could lead us to her. But right now, the only ones who can see her face are the wrong ones."

To his shame and frustration, all he could do was watch as the photos kept appearing and the usual tricks to trace her failed. So he decided to try something different. A computer expert digitally erased the girl from the photos, and in February, Gillespie asked the public to help identify the locations: a hotel room, a fountain, an elevator and a video arcade.

Moments after the pictures appeared on a Toronto television station, the tips began to come, and caller after caller identified a Disney World hotel in Florida. A scan of hotel records gave the police a few clues. They believe some of the pictures were taken by a relative on a family vacation and the rest were taken at a residence.

It was a rare breakthrough for Gillespie and his team at the Child Exploitation Section of the Sex Crimes Unit. A 25-year veteran of the Toronto Police Service, Gillespie is a tall, mustached man with intense energy, blue language and a willingness to push boundaries â ” including teaming up with Microsoft's Bill Gates to pioneer a tracking system that became available this month to any police unit investigating child pornography.

But in the case of the Disney World girl, it hasn't been enough. Now Gillespie wants to do something radical: release a photo of her face. But aside from worrying that it would violate her privacy, he must weigh whether it would put her more at risk than letting the abuse continue while they search for other leads.

In another case, an abuser confessed to police that he'd been so convinced that his victim's mother had figured out what was going on, he hired a fellow pedophile to kill her and the girl in exchange for more pictures and sex toys. What would happen if the offender saw the police broadcasting the Disney World girl's picture and expected that he was going to be caught?

"Could harm be caused? Absolutely," says the 45-year-old Gillespie. "Would it be more harm than would be caused for the rest of her life if we didn't do anything? We don't know. We're trying to determine the best thing to do."

Gillespie has been on that knife's edge since the Child Exploitation Section was created four years ago. The Toronto police seized more than 2 million pictures and videos of child sexual abuse in 2003. So far, the world's law agencies have identified fewer than 500 of the children.

"We're doing a terrible job," he says in his office at police headquarters. "Five hundred kids of 50,000? What is that?"

Their work is a daily sojourn to the underworld. Gillespie has a team of 10 men and six women who spend hours in front of their computers, extracting leads, writing warrants and sifting photos for clues. The payoff is the day they get to kick down a door and take the "bad guy" away. The mood is light and the humor often off-color to ease the horror.

On one wall is a "Star Trek" poster with investigators' faces substituted for the Starship Enterprise crew. But even that alludes to a dark fact of their work: All but one of the offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.

Det. Constable Warren Bulmer slips on a Klingon sash and shield they confiscated in a recent raid. "It has something to do with a fantasy world where mutants and monsters have power and where the usual rules don't apply," Bulmer reflects. "But beyond that, I can't really explain it."

That is one of the biggest challenges of the Child Exploitation Section's work. They need to get inside the minds of the victims and the perpetrators to find them, but there is only so far they can â ” or want to â ” go.

Sitting in front of two computers in a blue suit and gold tie, Det. Constable Paul Krawczyk starts the day as a 13-year-old girl. Within minutes of his entering a chat room on education, and without asking for them, men are e-mailing nude pictures. "It's always the same," he says. "After two minutes, here come the body parts."

Sometimes, he can set up a meeting with a likely offender within half an hour; others take months to be drawn out.

By lunchtime, he is a pedophile conversing with a fellow "pedo" on the other side of the world about their shared interest. "R u active?" he asks, meaning do you abuse kids. "Yea," the message comes back. "Seven [years old] and 2."

The pedo describes his exploits in unprintable detail and eventually asks to exchange pictures. They negotiate for a while, and the other guy sends a dozen photos that seem to be culled from other websites.

Krawczyk says they will try to save any kid, no matter where the child is. But this guy is very far away, and none of the images seems to be the kind of homemade product that indicates active exploitation.

About a third of child-porn collectors are also hands-on abusers, the police say, and almost all of them are related to or otherwise known by their victims. Krawczyk brushes him off with a "Not good enuf" and moves on.

Internet-savvy pedophiles have managed to stay ahead of investigators by using private networks, file-sharing software and surfing anonymously on public wireless systems.

One night in 2003, a frustrated Gillespie e-mailed Gates asking for help creating a database that could combine data from around the country â ” and the world â ” to help track down offenders and their victims.

To his surprise, Gates responded. After a year and a half of collaboration, Microsoft Canada and the Toronto police unveiled the Child Exploitation Tracking System this month to help investigators share information.

The system is designed to enable police in any country to plug into the system and cross-check data, including names, Internet aliases and the digital signature of every captured photograph. The software is free to any police team working to stop child pornography.

"It's important, because when we see a new series of photos online, that child could be anywhere," Gillespie said. "We need to cooperate and not duplicate each other's work. We just traced a toddler to a particular neighborhood in Spain through a subway ticket in his picture."

Interpol sends Gillespie any photo series suspected to have originated in North America. Clothing styles, writing or even the shape of a wall socket offer clues to locale.

Gillespie hopes the tracking system will not only link the often-overlapping investigations around the world, but that it will save his team heartache by letting the computers do some of the dirty work of sifting through the photos by their digital signatures.

"We arrested a bad guy last week," he said. "There were 1,000 images on his hard drive. Can I pay you enough to sit at this computer and look at every image? There are babies raped and sodomized with romantic music playing in the background. You are never the same person after you see something like that. It's soul-destroying."

The team is not allowed to send porn but can access new series of images the way college students swap music files, through programs such as Napster and Kazaa. There are thousands to sort through, with new homemade images appearing every day. For hours at a time, Krawczyk looks at pictures of abuse that the average person could not even imagine. His immersion in this sordid world doesn't leave him unaffected.

"Sometimes you just want to take a shower after doing this," Krawczyk says. "Sometimes you want to throw the computer across the room. But when we do get a bad guy, it gives you great satisfaction. He wouldn't have been caught any other way."

Of the unit's 37 arrests last year, 26 resulted from their undercover work.

The banter is tough in the room, with graphic discussions of what they would like to do to the "bad guys" if they could get their hands on them. But it masks an emotional investment in the search and rescue of children who often remind them of their own.

Bulmer, a goateed 16-year veteran with bleached spiky hair, speaks longingly of finding an 11-year-old girl he has tracked since 2002. After extensive analysis of online videos of her, the team has pinpointed her location to a city in the American Northwest and handed the case to the local police.

"Why can't they find her?" he asks. "Give me a plane ticket and I'll go there and find her myself."

Almost every investigator in the office has a talisman to ward off the ghosts that haunt the workday. For Gillespie, it's a Christmas card from the mother of a 3-month-old boy who had been raped by his uncle, thanking Gillespie and encouraging him to keep going even when he wants to give up. Gillespie tells a bit of the child's story, then swivels his chair to face the window when his eyes begin to well up. He turns back, recomposed.

"I look at that sometimes," he says simply. "It makes me feel good."

Krawczyk sometimes sneaks a look at a framed quote from Nietzsche above his computer: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster." But nothing purges the taint of the day like the way his son runs to hug him when he walks through the door at night, he says.

Other things are not so easy to shake. Gillespie says he has nightmares about the young girls beyond their reach. While shopping at Wal-Mart, he sometimes finds himself staring at children, thinking that he has seen them online. Krawczyk says that after three arrests of Boy Scout leaders in Canada in the last six months, he won't let his son join the local troop. Bulmer says he walks down the street looking at other men, thinking, yep, he looks like a pedophile. Yep, that guy is one for sure.

"You have to shake yourself out of it," Bulmer says. "It would be great if you could just tell by looking. But you can't, and that's what makes it so creepy. It could be your next-door neighbor or your teacher."

Their hard-won successes keep team members on the right side of sanity. One day last year, they discovered pictures of a 6-year-old girl cowering in a dog cage, her gaze perplexed and despairing. In another, her hands are bound, a hunting knife is pressed to her abdomen, and messages are written on her body in a red substance meant to look like blood: "Hurt me." "Kill me." "I'm a slut." Her face is flushed purple. She is crying.

"These were some of the most horrific images we had seen," Gillespie says. "We dropped everything to look for her."

They were lucky to find a few clues in the pictures: an orange wristband from an amusement park, her school uniform, a logo from a T-shirt. They found the amusement park in North Carolina, then contacted uniform manufacturers to narrow down which schools in the area used that particular pattern.

"About 36 hours after we got the pictures, we pinned it down to a certain school," Gillespie recalls. "The FBI showed her pictures of her face to the principal, and bam, they rescued her."

The confessed offender, Brian Tod Schellenberger, has been arraigned and faces up to 30 years in prison. His victims are undergoing intensive counseling, the first step in the long process of recovery. Nearly everyone involved in the case was in tears when they heard news of the arrest, Gillespie says.

They haven't been as fortunate in the case of the Disney World girl, squeezing every possible lead until little was left. Bill McGarry, a detective with expertise in graphics, removed the girl's images from photos and digitally restored the scene. He enhanced tiny background objects to pick up anything that could become a clue. Others on the team sent images of flowers and trees in some pictures to horticultural experts to help pinpoint the geographic area and talked to brick manufacturers all over North America to glean clues from a wall in a photo. Anything. Everything.

As a result, they have narrowed the area down to section of the northeastern United States, and now the investigation is in American authorities' hands. They have circulated sanitized photos in U.S. law enforcement circles that specialize in missing children.

If that leads nowhere, Gillespie says, the investigators must turn to the last resort: showing the victim's face to the public.

"I know somebody out there knows her," he says.

If they decide to release her photo, they must be ready to rescue her immediately, to get her into the care of an experienced counselor and to deal with the emotional fallout affecting her family and community.

"The first thought has to be care for the victim. It can't be an afterthought," Gillespie says. "Physically rescuing her is one thing. Rescuing her emotionally could take years."

As Gillespie speaks, a detective steps into the office to announce that police on the West Coast think they have found the girl Bulmer has been seeking for three years. A swell of hope moves across the room, then ebbs.

"We've been here so many times before," Gillespie says. "We're not going to get excited until they make an arrest." A day later, they will learn that it was a false lead.

But in the meantime, Bulmer allows himself to lightly linger on the possibility that the girl would finally be safe.

"If they find her, I'd like to go down and meet her," he says, one hand placed protectively, unconsciously, on his computer screen. "I would say, 'I am sorry we didn't find you sooner.' "
How do you do a job like that, day in and day out, and not let it get to you?!

The job needs to be done...But I don't think I could do it.

Agreed!  As a teacher, I see hundreds of children on a daily basis.  To see any of them in situations like these officers have to view would make me crazy.  God bless these people for the work they do.  :salute:  As far as the pervs go.......  :rage:
Spanky said:
Agreed!   As a teacher, I see hundreds of children on a daily basis.   To see any of them in situations like these officers have to view would make me crazy.   God bless these people for the work they do.    :salute:   As far as the pervs go.......   :rage:

How old are your students...And do they know about the "other side" of spanky?

I guess I live in a very shelter world.  Someone might read that and not think much of it but that really bothers me.  I can't imagine hurting a child or anyone like that.  The first few paragraphs will be with me for a while.  "A collector's item" how sick is that.  Turns my stomach!  A long lingering death would be too short for those people.
It's a shame how many people are quick to despise the police and deem their job as a hinderance to our modern society.  You know today's generation.  I for one have every bit of respect for the officers who specialize in areas that most of us wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole.  They work long hours and put their mental focus on the line to try and save a few lives and catch the bad guy.  This is a fine example of one such unit in a police force that has unfortunately been tarnished by the media for wrong doings.  But for every wrong, there is atleast a right.  I say keep up the good work, we're lucky to have great police forces in this country.
I can't imagine the psychological damage doing that kind of work must cause... wtf is wrong with people?? They should toss them into general population and let nature run its course...

Most of the time, us within the military circle complain that the training isn't "realistic" enough.
I have no problem whats so ever in giving these "people" some food, water, and a rifle and sending them on there merry way into the training area so we can get a little "realistic" training.
Slim, the kids in my school range from 4 yrs to 14.  The kids in my class are 11 and 12.  It would tear me apart to have any of them hurt in such a heinous way.  Those cops, man, what they must go through. :salute:

They know about the army stuff, but certainly not the rest.  They gave up on the tooth fairy and easter rabbit, and aren't too sure about Santa, no sense in bursting their bubble further. ;D

Child porn victim found safe
Last Updated Fri, 13 May 2005 22:03:30 EDT
CBC News
ORLANDO, FLA. - A girl at the centre of an international child porn case who was shown being sexually assaulted in a series of photographs discovered on the internet by Toronto police has been found safe.

The girl, believed to be 11 or 12, was located in Pennsylvania after the FBI was able to identify her through images, the Orange County Sheriff's Office said Friday. The girl is now in foster care.

The man believed responsible for taking the pictures has been serving a 15-year-sentence in a federal prison since last year on charges related to trading child porn on the internet, said Matt Irwin, a detective for the Orange County Sheriff's Office in Orlando.

Police said the man was the girl's adoptive father.

The man still faces state charges in Pennsylvania in relation to the molestation of the girl.

The girl, originally from Russia, was adopted by the suspect when she was five, Irwin said. Officials said she is not in any new danger.

Last February, Toronto police announced they had discovered the pictures of the abused girl on the internet. They released copies of pictures with the victim digitally removed, in hopes that someone could tell them who the victim was and where the crimes took place.

Tips poured in, leading investigators to conclude that those pictures were taken at a Walt Disney World resort hotel.

Last month, police in Orlando released a picture of another girl they believed could help them find the victim.

Police did not believe that girl was a victim of sexual abuse but suspected that she had been photographed by the same person who took pictures of the abused girl.

Police said Friday that the second girl was a next-door neighbour of the victim.

Props to the Orange County Sheriff's Office  :salute:
People like that are the reason i think russia and china are great role models in the prison and punishment system
tired of paying 70000 a year to keep sicko like that alive just so they can serve a resort sentence and then come out and possible come after more kids .. thats my 2 cents
If this thing ever goes to trial, which I highly doubt, you know that the defence is going to argue that if the police were able to remove the girl from the images, in what other ways could they manipulate the photos? 

I cant imagine how dedicated or driven mabey is a better word you have to be to work in this world day after day after day. I imagine the only thing that makes it bearable is when you finally get the guy ( after the investigation that didnt trample the poor dirtbags rights ) and get a guilty verdict ( after the Crown didnt trample the poor dirtbags rights ) and see him sentenced to a long time in Prison , well mabey not Prison , (house arrest because the dirtbag might get hurt in the big house ) HMMMM mabey this isnt that bearable after all. I guess I dont know how they do it ................just glad someone out there is at least trying .
Hedgehog18 said:
People like that are the reason i think russia and china are great role models in the prison and punishment system
tired of paying 70000 a year to keep sicko like that alive just so they can serve a resort sentence and then come out and possible come after more kids .. thats my 2 cents

You mean the whole "lead them down a stair well as the guards slip off, one by one, until all that's left is the dirtbag and a bunch of pissed off prisoners"?

Yes, that would be... neat.
GrimRX said:
You mean the whole "lead them down a stair well as the guards slip off, one by one, until all that's left is the dirtbag and a bunch of pissed off prisoners"?

Yes, that would be... neat.

i am not sure what you mean ...do you mean to lock them in a big room with al lthe other prisnors ?

It's a shame how many people are quick to despise the police and deem their job as a hinderance to our modern society.  You know today's generation.

I agree with you, I despise my generation, more or less because of the predominant attitude many of them take. I mean look at kids these days, most of them think their "gangsta" or whatever, and think it's the best lifestyle even though they have never been in a gang and have never been to gang ridden cities like Compton or Harlem. Hell, I sometimes think even though this may sound bad, that it would be good to have a war which would effect everyone to whip this generation into shape.

As for policing, I'm interested in getting a career in law enforcement, in fact I've even basically been accepted into the police foundations course at Northern, however I think that hopefully I'll be able to go with the regular force infantry soon.
Fuck I almost puked when I read that. For one its absolutely disgusting - and two, being a former criminology student, I've heard numerous professors argue for an abolitionist, minimalist and/or restorative justice perspective. (Yes, even for convicted pedophiles)

The pendulum should swing the other way. These assholes should be butchered over the course of a few months.
I say that the crime commited is paid back in the same method and ten times more painful, televised to all who can see it and then maybe we'll see a difference. The justice system has to stop rewarding this behavior by giving cushy excuses, jail terms and even house arrest. Give them over to the victims families and let it go where it may.
Hedgehog18 said:
i am not sure what you mean ...do you mean to lock them in a big room with al lthe other prisnors ?


Nah man, you have to have plausible deniability.

Take'em out of their cell and lead them to like, the Boss's office, only one the way there, in a secluded place (like a stairwell), have the guards slip away and have 3 "prisoners" go in, beat the crap out of the sicko's, then have the guards come back in and "restrain" the "prisoners" before tossing the Sicko's ass back in his cell and tell him to clean up before getting to the Boss's office, lol.
That article had me in tears after the first few sentences, which quickly turned to rage, and then back to tears. I cannot figure out how someone can do such things to innocent children who have done nothing wrong. These horrible people (to keep it PG) do whatever they please to whomever they please to get themselves off, or whatever the heck it does for them. Then, they make the victim feel as though it is normal, and somehow their fault. Nothing bothers me more in life then when a victim blames themself for something they should never have had to experience.

My unconditional support goes out to the wonderful people who are willing to cause themselves some pain in order to help save/protect those innocent children. As a big sister of 3 younger siblings that mean the world to me, I am so grateful for these people's work. I have unfortunately known quite a few people who have been victims to these sort of crimes. I was luckily saved from an abuser's hands when I was younger, before I could be harmed. (very lucky, but not too often one is saved like I was) It's amazing how you can never really tell who might be an abuser. It can be anybody, from your parent, to your teacher, to your youth leader. Or in my case, it was my brother's best friend's father. I am forever grateful to the police and other workers for their actions, who have helped people such as myself in the past and in the future.

I guess I just want to say THANK YOU...to the men and women who are so determined, in a job that is so hard.

Edited for grammar