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The hospital

How many times have you been to a hospital, as a paitent

  • Never

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • Once

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • Twice

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • More than twice

    Votes: 20 40.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Reaction score
OK, guys. I'm back. I read the rules, checked them twice, made a few adjustments to my profile and made darn sure I know what I'm talking about.

So, here's today's interesting topic. How many times have you been to the hospital as a patient?

Altogether, I have been in a hospital/ER 8 times. The most recent visit was in May, when I got a pencap lodged in a bronchial tube while sucking on a pen (NOT pleasent).

OK, guys. Have at her. Just remember: tell about your hospital stay. If you want to get into detail, do so. If you don't, then don't. I'll be back with more stories later. I just need some coffee.

Great to be back.

Didn't your parents tell you not to suck on things that can get lodged in your trachea?  lol

I've never been admitted to the hospital but i have made many several trips to the ER, for everything from possible fractures to abdominal pain.  The most spectacular trip was when I was around 3 or 4, my father and I were t-boned at an intersection and a few hours later I apparently complained of head and neck pain so my parents promptly took me to Scarborough General from where I was transported to Sick Kids in a (at the time) Metro Toronto Ambulance.  I remember being quite disappointed that they didn't turn on the lights and sirens for me.  But ah well.  c'est la vie. 

I have, however, spent enough time in most of Toronto hospitals, for a summer I worked for a private transfer service so I got to know all of Toronto's main hospitals and a good chunk of the GTA ones.
once (thank god).

On the other hand, the walk in clinics have seen more than enough of me.
Three times recently, because I sideswiped a rock with my face while swimming and needed stitches. The guy at the ER check-in desk went "oh dear" when I took the dish towel away from my face, after asking me what the injury was.

I hate needles and I hate stitches, and I hate that they have to stick the needle into the wound in order to get the painkiller into you. I'm pretty sure there are finger marks on the underside of that bed now. And it wasn't just once they stuck me with that bloody needle, either. Three times!! Arrrggh that sucked. I was in the ER for around three hours, wearing nothing but my swimsuit and a beach towel. One of the nurses was good enough to give me a blanket to wrap around my shoulders, though, which was a boon. Stupid doctor though... jabbing at my cheek with his bare fingers. I wanted to punch him.

Now I have a nice little crater-like dip in my right cheek, and scars on my forehead and right shoulder. The doctor said if I had been a guy, he would've just let me go without the stitches, but since I was "a pretty female" they'd sew my face right up. I just grinned and said, "not pretty anymore, though."

Three cheers for stupid bravado!

And of course there are pics of the whole thing, because my family is warped that way.  :-X
On the comment about getting things lodged in my lungs:

Firstly, it was 5 in the morning and I was cramming for a test. Secondly, I suck on stuff like pens, pencils, candies or toothpicks while I am studying/working on a project.

By the way, 4 of the times I had to go to the hospital, I had febrile seizures when I was 6 months old and a year old, respectively. I rose above 101, got real ill and had to go there for a couple days. The other 3 were either eye surgery (to remove my natural lenses, because I had cataracts), food poisoning from rotten meat mom bought at the supermarket and during an FTX, I had a muscle problem which required a 3-hour stay at Didsbury ER. My left arm muscles locked up, and my chest tightened. I thought I was having a heart attack, but fortunately, just a muscle problem.

Mr. GoldenEye said:
The most recent visit was in May, when I got a pencap lodged in a bronchial tube while sucking on a pen (NOT pleasent).

Im sorry man I know that wasnt meant to be funny but I was laughing my a** off when I read that one
Oh i'm the same why when I'm thinking, my pen is always in mouth... oral fixation perhaps?  lol.  but yeah.  Be careful in the future; of all the ways to go I think that one ranks pretty high on the 'dumb list'.

But then again I personally hate going to the hospital as a patient which is odd becuase for the longest time I wanted to be a doctor - though i'm still thinking about it - about 2 years ago i sliced open my right knee while running up an esclatator and I refused to get it stitched up, now I have two scars to remind me of how stupid it is to run up an escalator.

Alright, don't judge me as a "skateboarding punk" but...

I was skateboarding with a friend of mine last near, and I was kickflipping down some stairs. I messed up and landed like superman and dusted it off. Alittle while later I start moving my fingers and I feel something between my middle finger and ring finger. I saw alittle bump in between the web of my fingers. So there I was poking at it thinkuing it was a broken bone I just couldn't feel. SoI go to the hospital and they're like..."Alright, well we're going to have to operate"  and that's the last thing I wanted. So i'm there laying on this table and I have this doctor freezing my hand and poking it with a needle asking me "Do you feel this?"  as he's still poking my hand with a needle.  So he cuts open my hand and tries to pull out what was a twig with tiny little arms so it was attached to some muscle! so as he was tugging on it to pull it out, it was pulling on some muscle. The twig was about an inch and a half long and I didn't feel a THING. Doctor said I could have died from blood poisoning if I left it there long enough.

I also rolled my ankle and tore all the ligements in my shin. My shin was INFLATED I could poke a hole in it wtih my finger and it would stay there for about 10 seconds. My foot was Crayon purple, no kidding.
The Scarborough General Hospital  ER has seen my face numerous times for broken limbs, stictches, and removing numerous things that don't belong (i had a problem with swallowing coins when i was younger).

Hospital stays were not as numerous (3 times) but they were all for mono (2 of them i was at Cadet camp). That really sucked, nearly died from not being able to eat . :o
ThatsLife said:
I also rolled my ankle and tore all the ligements in my shin. My shin was INFLATED I could poke a hole in it wtih my finger and it would stay there for about 10 seconds. My foot was Crayon purple, no kidding.

Thats crazy, how did you roll it?

Cause I roll my ankle all the time playing basketball and it never gets this extreme
I've only been in the hospital twice.....to be born and once because some stupidhead threw a rock at my head when I was 7.

The most recent visit was in May, when I got a pencap lodged in a bronchial tube while sucking on a pen (NOT pleasent).

Thats really........interesting......
SeanPaul_031 said:
Thats crazy, how did you roll it?

Cause I roll my ankle all the time playing basketball and it never gets this extreme

I would guess he actualy sprained it as opposed to the minor rolls and twists most people think are sprained.

Acute trauma, gotta love it... My arm was once purple from elbow to wrist and twice it's normal size after a dislocation/spontaneous relocation of the Ulna. The bloody refferee sin-binned me for swearing when it happened and then suspended me for telling him to f*** off afterwards. Oh well I was out for 4 weeks anyway.
Pte. Gaisford said:
I would guess he actualy sprained it as opposed to the minor rolls and twists most people think are sprained.

A sprain is a sprain regardless of the severity of it. Sprains occur when ligaments are torn. He probably tore the ligament completely in half or like 90% of it. Playing basketball and tearing 20% of a ligament, it is still called a sprain and it still puts you out of the game for a couple days. A "minor roll and twist" still tears the ligaments...
was cutting watermelon at work with a chef knife, blade slipped and lacerated through my index finger tendon to the joint. 8 weeks with a damn splint, but good old WSIB came through  ;D
I was in the hospital at 22 to get my tonsils out.  I do recall just getting a shot of demoral when a friend came to visit.  He was a city cop and was just stopping in while on shift.  I was so out of it I remember flicking rounds out of his mag and trying to put them back in again (he wouldn't give me his gun, darn him).  The three poor old ladies I was sharing a room with must of thought I was under arrest or something.

Sucks to get your tonsils out at that age.  I was pretty happy when I no longer had to crush my pills into my OJ.
I've been to the hospital many many times. One time, I broke my arm snowboarding and it never healed and the doctors couldn't figure out why it was still hurting. Turns out that I had a bone fragment traveling around with me in my arm, that after many many x-rays they never seen. They took it out and after the surgury the doctor gave me me a little sterile jar with the bone in it.

The other time was during those ecoli outbreaks in sask. I was in Estivan (or Eston can't remember) and was drinking lots and lots of tap water. I then got very sick with horrible horrible flu like symptoms. Everybody was like "aw, suck it up, your just lazy and don't want to do anything". Which made me kinda mad. I then proceded to throwup everywhere and was taken to some small little hospital two hours away. I then had stool samples taken and got a couple of nice big needles in the back-end (one for pain, one for nausia). Turns out I had happy happy E.Coli. Took about two weeks to get over before I could really eat anything, let alone swallow a small little pill with some water.
atticus said:
Took about two weeks to get over before I could really eat anything, let alone swallow a small little pill with some water.

You must have lost alot of weight
Mappy said:
Thats really........interesting......

Think that's interesting? You should've seen when my friend Matt got a concussion from riding down a hill here in a shopping cart without a helmet, and landing face first in solid concrete. He was out like a lamp for an hour. Broke his nose as well. Chalk that up for another visit to the hospital, but not as a patient, though.

As a non-patient, I have sat in a hospital...19 times in the past 6 years, seeing everything from nails stuck in hands to head-meets-concrete while riding down a hill in a shopping cart.

Scary, eh?

I've been to the hospital numerous times, not once for myself. Family members having babies, brotehr and sister getting adnoids and tonsils out. ANd tehn recently my sister had to go to the hospital, she seperated her shoulder playing soccer and just last week my brotehr thought he broke somehting in his hand so we went to Scarborough General and sat for 6 hours to figure out that he was FINE!! GAH!!