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The hospital

How many times have you been to a hospital, as a paitent

  • Never

    Votes: 9 18.4%
  • Once

    Votes: 13 26.5%
  • Twice

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • More than twice

    Votes: 20 40.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I have been admitted three times in my life, twice to give birth(had my third child at home) and once so they could put tubes in my ears.

I have been the the ER thought quite a few times.

-Broke my arm in 1986 when i was pushing a fat kid in a shopping cart over speed bumps...lol
-3" wooden sliver in my arm that needed to be cut out in 1988(2 stitches)
-gashed open my foot after a broken piece of glass fell, hit the floor and then bounced up and hit me along the side of my foot and that required 9 stitches in Mar '04

All my kids have been in a bunch of times but I do prefer to go to clinics before we swamp an ER, especially the ones here in NS...they take forever to get into!

Mr. GoldenEye said:
my friend Matt got a concussion from riding down a hill here in a shopping cart without a helmet, and landing face first in solid concrete. He was out like a lamp for an hour. Broke his nose as well. Chalk that up for another visit to the hospital, but not as a patient,

Is there a mandatory helmet law concerning downhill shopping cart slalom?  I hope they kept him under observations and in retraints for a while.  Shock therapy?
When I was around 5 or 6 I refused to take medication for a cold I had. Just some simple cough medicine would have done it but everytime I took it I would vomit after. So I got very sick and dehydrated and had to have a lovely IV hooked up to me instead of downing some awful cough medicine. To this day I refuse to take ANYTHING. Seriously anything. I haven't taken a pill or cough medicine for well over 10 years and I never get sick.
You should've seen when my friend Matt got a concussion from riding down a hill here in a shopping cart without a helmet, and landing face first in solid concrete

I work at a Wendys in Hamilton which is right next to a giant hill (Its Highway 6 for all those who are familiar to the Hamilton area).....we have been trying to figure out the best way to go down the hill other than in a car.  We were thinking about getting the deep fryer and chucking someone down in it.

We really have alot of time on our hands, although the customers did enjoy my song and dance today!
The last time i was at a hospital was 3 months ago, i ate a nut my mom brought home from Hawaii, some roasted Macadamia nuts. They tatsed amazingly good, then before u kno it i had troubles breathing and i started to itch and swell. I went to the hospital for the night, but heres the worst part. My medical was 2 weeks after and if i didnt have that allergy reaction i would of got in for september  :'(  I had not have an allergy reaction since I was 4 and now i got rejected form the medical staff because of my mom bringing home those  nuts 2 weeks before. What luck!  :threat:

tang72 said:
The last time i was at a hospital was 3 months ago, i ate a nut my mom brought home from Hawaii, some roasted Macadamia nuts. They tatsed amazingly good, then before u kno it i had troubles breathing and i started to itch and swell. I went to the hospital for the night, but heres the worst part. My medical was 2 weeks after and if i didnt have that allergy reaction i would of got in for september   :'(   I had not have an allergy reaction since I was 4 and now i got rejected form the medical staff because of my mom bringing home those   nuts 2 weeks before. What luck!   :threat:


Wow that really sucks bro, I feel for you...
When I was 14 I had to stay in the hospital for a broken foot.  I was running on the snow and I felt a sharp pain in my right foot.  After getting babysitting I went shopping and I went to try on some shoes and when I took off my boot my foot was so sore and I couldn't walk on it and well as the pain.  My mom took me to the ER and after they did x-rays I was told that I broke all of the bones in the outside of my foot.  Now I buy stylish and sturdy boots, not just stylish.  I have also stayed in the hospital over night in 1998 after getting my left arm twisted up in the A-frame of a full water bufflo.  Still suffer with pain today.  Having babies always keeps me in for a visit as well.  My husband spent alot of time in the hospital as a kid from "boy and bike" accidents.  I hope our son takes after me when riding his bike!!
none of these were stays in the hospital.. but they were trips to the hospital.

Some of my more gruesome visits to the hospital were all easily avoidable if other people and myself had paid more attention for instance when i was 6 i learned not to stick my thumb near a horses mouth, it resembles food and the bastards try to eat it (i did not lose my thumb but it was badly broken)
when i was 8 i was doing hay bailing and i yelled "i got it" (the hay bail) as my brother came down with a bailing hook well I'm sure you can figure that out, i had a bailing hook (similar to the hooks people pick ice with but smaller) through the center of my hand, no damage, just painful as hell and alot of blood and stitches,
i had a golf club hit me in the back of the head and take a baseball sized chunk of skin of my skull cause my friend decided to swing without noticing i had bent down a few feet in front of him.i think that was Close to 100 stitches (when internal/external are added together)
the best one though in my opinion was when i decided to take the removal of a bee hive into my own hands with a shotgun, for some BRILLIANT reason i decided to stand about 4 feet from the nest and blow it apart... yeah lets just say the bees got pissed off, chased me down and stung the hell out of me, although that didn't land me in the hospital, i thought it would be funny to add to my list of more then likely very unique injuries.
I was born right above the H, then a few months later I had to have a hernia. When I was like 6 or 7 I was standing on top of the monkey bars and lost my balance, smashed my mouth up pretty bad, docs even thought my teeth might come in black. Then a couple years after that I got shot at, one just missed the back of my head.
Partially broken jaw, two teeth cracked off, another two removed to balance the jaw. Other than that, the hospital didn't have a record on me, I didn't even have a family doctor up until a year ago. It's good to be healthy. That's something I'll never take for granted.
My sister went to Connaught...she called home a few days ago to tell us she broke her wrist...she was running, tripped and fell on it. So now she's off Flag Party. Bummer. But I told her I couldn't come to her graduation this friday because i have to work...I took the day off and i'm going to surprise her.!!

Miss her so much!!
Let's see a concussion where I was knocked out, that's once. Nose wouldn't stop bleeding, had to get it cauterized, that's twice. Fractured my arm two seperate times, third, and fourth times. There were more times when I was younger. Try this, a kid who absoulelty loves peanut butter but is allergic to it, and is stupid as hell...
Hockey story from 2001....

I got slashed by this guy and became extremely enraged by it. So, being the nice sport I am, I waited until he had the puck so I could repay the benefits. He was coming down the right wing with his head down, (YES!) and I came across the blueline and went to smoke him. We were both going extremely fast, not to mention we are not the smallest people in the world. I get to about a foot away and go to hit this kid, he "turtles"(tries to fall down) to get away from this hit and his helmet hits me straight in the sternum. After the impact i felt an extreme pressure on my chest, shoulders. Instantly I thought I broke my collar bone. I looked down and the kid was out cold on the ice. Ref blows the whistle, trainer comes out to help him, eventually they had to call an ambulance. Meanwhile, while the paramedics were putting him on the stretcher, i was sitting there finding it EXTREMELY hard to breathe. A paramedic came to me and was checking me out, he said i should go to the hospital because my breathing sounded off.
I got to the hospital by way of a second ambulance, and had xrays done. The lady who did my xrays wasn't the gentalist person either. Still in the bottom half of my hockey equipment, and smelling very nice, the doctor came to me and told me he needed to do emergency surgery because I had popped (collapsed) my left lung. I spent 3 days in the hospital hooked up to a chest tube and a humidifier to inflate my lung. Luckily, there was a law and order marathon on A&E to get me through my days.

I later found out that the kid i hit had whiplash.  It took me 2 weeks afterwards to be able to get up and walk around. And to top it all off, this year when i was applying for the army, i had to get a physical done and i had to retrieve my medical records before they would let me into CF. Damn delays.
Strike said:
I was in the hospital at 22 to get my tonsils out.  I do recall just getting a shot of demoral when a friend came to visit.  He was a city cop and was just stopping in while on shift.  I was so out of it I remember flicking rounds out of his mag and trying to put them back in again (he wouldn't give me his gun, darn him).  The three poor old ladies I was sharing a room with must of thought I was under arrest or something.

Sucks to get your tonsils out at that age.  I was pretty happy when I no longer had to crush my pills into my OJ.

Speaking of tonsils, about a week before deployment I came down with a terrible sore throat. Thought it was maybe strep throat but only one side seemed to be affected. I tried to stick it out but finally gave in and went to the ER when I couldn't swallow anymore. Turns out I had a peritonsilar abscess, and I have to say it was some of the worst pain I have ever felt, the IV morphine only dulled it... they had to freeze them with a local, and drain them with some big assed needles, not fun at all. A week of antibiotics and percocet and it had cleared up, also moved to a chalk a week later so I could recover. (and so I wouldn't be mixing narcotics and firearms!)

Glad I didn't wait for the MIR to open on monday, they said another day or two and I'd have needed surgery. They're also going to remove my tonsils when I get home in Feb, so I have that to look forward to... lol