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The Infantry Recruit Superthread- Lots of Q&A's

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Infantry MOC for NCM‘s and NCO‘s is 031 for the reg force and R031 for the reserves.
Before I get into to much detail I just wanted to say that my ultimate goal is to just be the best I can be. However, like everyone else, I do have goals within the military and have units I would like to serve under.

My question is to the reg force infantry members. I wanted to know what it is like. I have heard when you are training you do more classroom work than in the field training compared to the reserves. Do you love the job? If I wanted to know wether you thought it was worth it the answer would most likely be yes considering you are doing it. However it is important for me to love what I am doing because I have already gone through 3 careers and am looking into military as a final goal.

My ultimate goal, like many other seekers, is to be on the JTF 2. I am aware of it‘s standards and it‘s percentage of failure. I can‘t say I will be the best or be another failure statistic but it is my ultimate goal.

In my view the best way to remain prepared for such training and competition is through infantry. Again, I am not sure how much I would enjoy it so I am not sure what to do.

The other option I have is going back to school for a while. I don‘t mind school I just don‘t know what to take. Seems police foundations is the only thing that remotely interests me but I am not sure I want to do Military Police. Again, I have no idea what the real job is like and how many people do it because they love it.

I am the kind of person who thinks it is essential to wake up in the morning and be happy about the upcoming day. Obviously this won‘t happen all the time but I would enjoy it on a larger percentage. Thus far I have almost completed my BMQ and am anxiously awaiting some real field experience. I hope this will give me an idea of the infantry but I would really like input from the guys out there doing the job.
Has anyone recieved an offer fot infantry or Armored since trades opened last tuesday. Just interested to see what how many offers have been made. I have had my application complete since december, still waiting for the call. Anyone else here in the same situation as me?.
I recieved a call for my infantry trade about 9 days ago they said that I have been picked up for a course starting in April and that the exact date would be verified in the following weeks. :soldier:
Just one more question for you guys, I have no past military expierirnce ie. reserves, cadets ect. I have my grade 12 and have been working full time since graduation. Is this competitive? should I be assuming that this is gonna happen?, should I concentrate on other things like university?. Any feedback from you is greatly appreciated. This would be based on Infantry and armored, armored being my first choice.
Well, they should have mentioned to you at the interview that you SHOULD NOT put your life on hold while waiting for an offer. It is competetive, and you could potentially be passed over for any number of reasons.

If you are confident that you are a good candidate, then perhaps you should be preparing yourself to get that call, both physically and mentally, but I would still continue with your university applications. Just in case.

I just upgraded my PT this morning, and was told that my file was in Borden being medically reviewed, and that it should be back within two weeks. At which time they will assemble all aspects of my file, send it back to Borden where it will be considered, and hopefully determined that I will receive an offer.

The girl who briefed me on the status of my file was very adamant that she could not give me a timeframe on a response (if any) from Borden. I didn‘t even ask for one, but she addressed the issue anyway, saying that she‘s been getting ALOT of questions about it.

Remember too that there are many people lined up for their trade training, doing very little, because the people who usually do that training are deployed right now. The issue is all over the news, and we have foreign diplomats asking for our government to step up with some cash and improve our military budget. So that we can expand our peacekeeping operations.
It‘s pretty obvious to me that Canada is considered to set the standard when it comes to professionalism, and commitment to peacekeeping, and many people around the world would like to see our capabilities grow in this area.

There is light at the end of the tunnel (in my opinion) and I think that something is going to be done soon about beefing up the number of soldiers Canada employs.

Anyway, just try to stay positive and ready to go. Keep in mind that just because someone else gets an offer today, but you don‘t hear anything, doesn‘t mean you‘ve been passed over. There‘s any number of reasons why that can happen.
Prior military backround is not required, obviously its a plus, but its not a minus if you don‘t have one, that‘s what basic training is for.
Good post GrahamD. Some military recruiters are coming to my college today so I hope I get a chance to ask some questions and pick up some free stuff :D

I also don‘t have military experience but I hope to get accepted into infantry or MP soon.
Yeah Like I mentioned In another post that I put On this site. I just passed all my tests about a week ago Im just hoping I get an offer befor summer basic. Anybody else in the same situation?
Ya, me to Venero, its been a long wait, but I think we have the advantage because of just that. My recruiter informed me that they were taking people waiting on files for a while, so thats us. Lets just hope we get offers in the comming weeks.
Great article GrahamD, I have had conversations with my recruiters, who have been great by the way, about not relying on the military, because they themselves are ill informed as well.
I think the new budget will tell what is going to happen with the Canadian Forces in the near future, they were hinting at a bit of a boost. So only time will tell.
Anyways guys, I think that the next month or so is going to be a big month for all of us who have been waiting for this to happen. Good luck to all of you and look forward to working with all of you.
One more thing, my recruiters have been great as far as keeping in touch and answering questions, I notice that we all like to complain about the recruitment process, alot. Just wanted to stress to the recruiters out their, who this process is just as hard on, that you are all doing a good job no matter how much we do complain. Thanks again.
"Infantry Lacking manpower" Would you consider this to be true? If so which reg force battalions would you say are in need of troops the most. Thnks in advance
i have heard two differnt things, one is that canada is lacking a great deal of infantry soldiers, especially officers. However,where I have been applying(Kitchener)it is so packed all the time, and everyone in there is busy and working hard. But then again, in London, I have seen a sighn by the recruiting office that seems to tell the opposite. That it is very slow in London, but just an hour away its beyound busy.
I wouldn‘t be surprised about the lack of infantry officers or the busy Kitchener recruiting office. I‘ve been trying to contact them for the past few days by phone and email
(can‘t go personally because of crazy school load) and no one has gotten back to me. On the other point when I was at St. Jean back a couple years we had quite a few platoon warrants who were from the infantry. Of the five I‘ve heard about lately 3 of them, one who swore he‘d never want to be an officer, have been commisioned so I wouldn‘t be surprised about the lack manpower.
Every reg force regiment has three batallions. When your in battle school the course is posted to whatever batallion(s) need troops. After you first three year contract you can transfer elsewhere or remuster to another trade.

As of right now, no you don't have to stay in shacks but you will need to prove that you have somewhere else to live and that your financially stable enough to do it.

Meridian said:
A pension is after 20 years.. which is actually quite generous compared to the civilian sector.

After 3 years you get a kick in the pants and should you VR, you get all your contributions back.

Actually joining now you will probably be best served under the new pension plan option.   You are vested in your pension after 2 years.   However to draw an immediate unreduced annuity you have to do 25 years.   If you do 3 years you will be able draw a 6% pension at age 60 or a reduced pension between ages 50 and 60.   Which means you could join at age 57, do a BE and draw a pension on release.   ;)
I know how Derek feels though. I'm really torn between SigOps and the Infantry.

On the one hand I'm a genius with computers. I can get those little suckers to work no matter what. I also love messing with equipment and stuff. I've been doing it since I was a kid (22 years old, some people would say I still am a kid, but I digress), and am even to this day doing tech support.

On the other hand, I really want to get into infantry and see what I'm made of. Not that I'm implying that SigOps would be an easier job, but I've been doing technology all of my life and I feel it's time to learn to live without working at a computer 8-10 hours a day.

My hopes are to do 3-6 years in the infantry and then move on to a different trade where I would have the opportunity to learn some new skills, like Sigs (or officer?). The changeover time wouldn't really affect me, because I expect to love the infantry, so if it takes months to switch me over all the better.

Does that make any sense?
There are some peoples stories about it taking years to transfer over, I got told it would take a year to two just to switch to reg force.
So just beware and think it through.

My advice would be, to join the Infantry then be in it for the long haul.  After you retire, become a mall security guy , and yell at kids skate boarding! That and tell people that don't care stories that they have already heard about your life :).  Thats my plan, after university anyways.
_-ArchAngel-_ said:
On the other hand, I really want to get into infantry and see what I'm made of. Not that I'm implying that SigOps would be an easier job, but I've been doing technology all of my life and I feel it's time to learn to live without working at a computer 8-10 hours a day.

You may want to investigate the Lineman trade (which seems to have been politically corrected to "Line Technician") to balance your skills and military trade interests.

For those that did the infantry trade course.  I have heard the the failure ratio is 40% and the course is comparable to what the US Rangers have to go through.  Is there any trught in this?