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It is truly a shame that liberal democratic societies welcome these people with open arms. In my opinion they show no respect or regard for the traditions and value systems of their new countries. As well as a lack of willingness to learn , appreciate, and adapt to the customs and values of their new land. They believe there is a right to carry on as they did back home. Supposedly they immigrate to a new land of freedom and opportunity because their homeland did not provide this for them. Interestingly, upon arrival they are granted their rights and freedoms ( as well as citizenship soon afterwards) yet have done nothing (aside from paying taxes) to really deserve these privileges. It appears they simply want to turn _______ (insert any liberal democratic society) into their former homeland. It sickens me to witness these people take advantage of our rights and freedoms and apply them for their own selfish ends (which mostly have nothing to do with the majority of Canadians or Canada) The actions of the Khadr family, as well as the deplorable actions taken by the family members of the suspected terrorists in Australia (when they severely beat a reporter who was simply exercising his right of freedom of the press) are extreme examples of this lack of regard for the values of liberal democratic societies across the globe. That beating conjured up images of those mass demonstrations you see on the news in ______(insert any middle eastern country). The soft and welcoming brand of multiculturalism, where everyone belongs, and no one has to adapt, is only helping to ruin Canada and everything she identifies with and stands for. On a personal note - when my grandparents thankfully chose to come here after WWII they had to adapt to their new land, and they worked their as*es off. They had to learn the language, they adopted the holidays and customs of their new land. Why? Because it made them proud to do anything that would make them more Canadian. They didn't whine a b*tch about the lack of social services, or not being able to write a drivers licence test in the language of their choice ( I think there are dozens of languages to choose from in Ontario - may be wrong) etc, etc. They wanted my parents (who came here at a very young age) to become real Canadians, and they have. Although my brother and I are the only members of my immediate family,(excluding cousins and such) who were actually born in Canada, we couldn't give two sh*ts about the our "motherland", and neither do my parents, we are all fiercely proud Canadians. And that's because my parents put that pressure on us to be Canadian - not Italian. The same thing was done to them. And this lack of pressure on new Canadians now a days to conform to the customs, values, and traditions that shaped this great nation (primarily English / French) is a contributing factor in the confusion that surrounds the new Canadian identity no one can really identify.
I just felt like ranting a bit...maybe a little off topic ....I think I'll stop now
I just felt like ranting a bit...maybe a little off topic ....I think I'll stop now