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The Khadr Thread

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Please, say NO !

Hey! I live in Montreal, where the rest of the family still at large lives.

They moved form Scarberia?

" Honey break out the champagne  the property values in the neighbourhood just went up!"  8)
Oldgateboatdriver said:
..... But still say NO, please !!!
Not a "no", but no details on "when" or "how" yet, either....
Convicted al-Qaida terrorist and killer Omar Khadr is coming home.

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said Thursday the government won't block the transfer of Khadr from a cell in the Caribbean to a Canadian prison.

Toews squelched speculation the government was considering using a clause in the International Transfer of Offenders Act to keep the 25-year-old, Toronto-born Khadr out of Canada on national security grounds.

"Under the International Transfer of Offenders Act, he is a Canadian citizen. He is also a Canadian citizen under the Charter which entitles him to come back to Canada, eventually," Toews told QMI Agency.

"The issue is when does he come back to Canada? That's a determination I have to make and I haven't made any decision in that respect yet."

( .... )

The transfer documents landed on Toew's desk this week.

Under Canadian law, he would be eligible for parole next year after completing one-third of his sentence and statutory release after completing two-thirds.

Toews said it would be up to the National Parole Board to decide when to integrate Khadr back into society ....
QMI/Sun Media, 19 Apr 12
Journeyman said:
Lock him up in Kingston Pen.......oh, wait.

No that could still work. It will be some time between closing the place and actually tearing it down or converting it into a Walmart or Condos or whatver the plan is. It's probably a heritage building so that should double the paper shuffling involved. We could be talking decades here.

Lock him in his cell , before the last guard is gone and just leave him there.... without power, lights, heat, plumbing, food........eventually the problem will resolve itself. >:D
Was going to say something about giving him some diving lessons into the bay from the Guard Towers, but remembered this was an open forum...guess I still have a problem with people that blow up medics.


Edit for spelling oops.
He was a an IED maker at 14. He was 15 almost 16 when he murdered a medic on a battlefield.

He is now a 100% certified jihadi with a Canadian passport who will soon be walking the streets of Canada and being celebrated by the various Leftoids talking heads and the CBC.

Good2Golf said:
So sad that he will never come close to enjoying the carefree, fun times as a young pre-teen.  The morally decrepit system has robbed him of the joy he once knew.  He looked so happy back then...poor Omar.  :'(


Haletown said:
He was a an IED maker at 14. He was 15 almost 16 when he murdered a medic on a battlefield.

He is now a 100% certified jihadi with a Canadian passport who will soon be walking the streets of Canada and being celebrated by the various Leftoids talking heads and the CBC.

How do you counter this? Publish the truth about him and his terrorist family, on the open forums.
Jim Seggie said:
How do you counter this? Publish the truth about him and his terrorist family, on the open forums.

And then Mike gets to defend that truth when all the lawyers who are lining up to represent this poor misunderstood boy get hold of it.  The truth hurts, and not always those it's aimed at.
Kat Stevens said:
And then Mike gets to defend that truth when all the lawyers who are lining up to represent this poor misunderstood boy get hold of it.  The truth hurts, and not always those it's aimed at.

Pardon me, not this one. Letters to the editors of newpapers, you MLA, MP etc.

I misspoke and I apologize.

Back to my points - we know his father was a fund raiser for AQ, and I am going to assume that we have proof his brothers were linked to AQ, right? Just need references.
Can their citizenship be revoked ?

Everyone needs to get used to the ideas that:

1. Our, Canadian, legal system is different from the one in the USA and it, broadly the Canadian legal system, is "offended" by the whole Guantanamo episode in the US and will, most likely, treat Khadr as a young man who has been, at best, improperly tried and punished; and

2. Omar Khard will, soon, be on our streets as, at worst, a man who has "paid his debt to society" and he will be entitled to the full protection that our society offers - including the protection the CF provides for all Canadians.

My skin crawls at the thought of him freely walking the same streets as my children.
tomahawk6 said:
Can their citizenship be revoked ?


Time for the government to amend the Citizenship Act. Should one take up arms against Canada or her allies one's citizenship will be revoked. Even if that citizenship is by birth and results in one becoming stateless. I don't care what the UN has to say about statelessness.