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The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

I think the distinction to be made here is the Chapel is a MILITARY institution (the RMC one specifically) as compared to a civilian one. I‘m sure in a civiilian church there would be more or no tolorence depending on what your point of view it..or what the view the church body holds. However, being a military church, and the military being a federal institution one has little choice (in my opinion now..) when it comes to having a discussion with gays not marrying and what not. Its pointless..they‘re going to do it anyway. It if was a civilian church (and in most cases, self governing) that there would be room for argument. Just my thoughts..
huh...they don‘t have seperate denomination chapels? Never thought bout that...
They had different ones when i was at Borden.

NEways, then i guess i don‘t have any problems with them...

As for Hitler... He THOUGHT he was a devout catholic. We are still awaiting his excommunication.
If it stays in the bedroom I don‘t care. Just don‘t bring it to my church and don‘t try to force your views onto me or my family.

There‘s my stance.
Originally posted by SFontaine:
...don‘t try to force your views onto me or my family.

There‘s my stance. [/QB]
Also an excellent argument in favour of allowing gay marriage. Even if you don‘t agree with it, it doesn‘t affect you personally, so butt out.
Also an excellent argument in favour of allowing gay marriage. Even if you don‘t agree with it, it doesn‘t affect you personally, so butt out
This is my view too. Psychologically, there is still a lot we don‘t know about what causes homosexuality, but there have been a few genetic connections made, that demonstrate that it is not simply a ‘lifestyle choice‘.

Think of it at a biological level if (theoretically) people opposed attraction to the opposite sex, and publically slandered you for your behaviour. Can you simply change how you feel (on a hormonal/biological level) to conform to the crowd? I don‘t think so. Thats the argument for accepting gay people in society. And continuing, its only logical that some homosexuals will want to marry, since many heterosexuals have the same desires. Why not let them? They probably can‘t help how they feel any more than straight people can help liking members of the opposite sex.

It just seems too much like homosexuals have become the discriminated group of this generation, replacing Jews, black people or the Irish (stupid irish ;) ). How will people look at these times 100 years from now?

People don‘t have to agree with homosexuality, but they don‘t need to stand in other peoples‘ way, if they can‘t help their sexual preference.

Just my two cents. Please don‘t flame this too much, I am tired and need sleep :boring:
I live in a city which has the highest GAY population in th world. Whole gay suburbs exist here.

Ya, and I am from Redneckland, back in Saskatchewan, and I really had to adjust when I arrived in Sydney. Let me tell you! It was a shocker! Now its just an everyday occurance, and when I have company out from Canada, they just cant believe what they see here.

Seeing leather clad blokes in chaps with the bum cut out, having a deep passionate kiss on a corner is the normal here, and did I get my eyes open the first time I observed such activity.

When I was single a few friends and I were chasing some QANTAS air hostesses one night, and went along with these girls to a party in Padington, and it was full of gay guys from the airline. So me being almost legless, fresh of the boat from Canada said to this one guy " you know for being a gay guy you sure got big arms" (and he did). He replied "you would too if you held mens legs back all night long". I never forgot that, and I have never opend my mouth before thinking since.

At one unit I was posted to we had a officer, a Major who was entirley and totally gay in every sence of the word.

During PT one morning I nearly lost it when we saw love bites and hickys on the back of his neck.

At a mess dinner, he introduced my GF and I to his ‘partner‘ Maxwell.

I was also present when he was in the Q Store one time saying "RQ, I hate to be such a pain in the bum, but I need to replace my DPCU pants", then realising what he had said in front of 10 of us, he cupped his hand over his mouth and giggled like a school girl. The look on everyone‘s faces was enough to stop traffic, and I nearly ****ed my pants laughing later.

All his flaunting his sexuality was outragous, with every gay mannerism you could imagine especially if he was tired or been into the grog. Sadly no one really listened to him, but in the admin roll he as great.

Also at another unit smoker, a CPL form outside the unit showed him much disrespect (not as being gay, but being an officer), and I got up and had a go at the CPL, (who was later charged).

The Major, just shrugged it off, and I could not let it go, as insubordination is a key root in circumventing the chain of command, and all it stands for. All this infront of say 175 personnel too, all who were deep in the grog, partying after the end of another long exercise.

Not long after he was posted, he was seriously injured in a prang. He was in hospital for about 3 months, and has recovered.

At the end of the day, he is a fair man, and was/is a good officer, but the men saw him more as a joke than an officer, and a leader, and that because was the way he carried himself within the unit.

I respected the rank he has, and as wierd as it seems, he is an alright bloke. He knew that we knew what he was all about, and the rest is history.

So what am I saying? Frankly if a bloke can do his job, and do it effectivly, I dont care who he/she sleeps with, but just dont flaunt ones homosexuality in my face.

Am I a homophobe? Confessions, confessions, ya I might have been in the past, but at 44 yrs old, I would safely say, I know my sexuality, and I am not afraid of the G Force.

BTW the ADF even has a Gay float in Sydney‘s International Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras held every March.

Have I seen it? Only on the 10.30 news!

Remember, be tolerant. I am (mostly anyway).


So me being almost legless, fresh of the boat from Canada said to this one guy " you know for being a gay guy you sure got big arms" (and he did). He replied "you would too if you held mens legs back all night long". I never forgot that, and I have never opend my mouth before thinking since.
A great comment to read when you wake up on a Saturday morning! I have been in a few situations like that (mouth engaging before brain does...) Congratulations Wes, you have my vote for comment of the day!
Serious question here. If we are going to open marriage up along the lines of a contract between people, why don‘t we allow polygamy?
If that makes people happy, no one is getting hurt or exploited then why not?
I hate what the people do, not the people. I am tolerant, but in no way condone their lifestyle.
Shortbus why is it hurting you? You say your tolerant but by your very statement you are not. Can‘t have it both ways.
Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] Serious question here. If we are going to open marriage up along the lines of a contract between people, why don‘t we allow polygamy? [/qb]
That would solve so many of my problems...if there was some way to get to get my girls to accept that then I could introduce them to one another and we could all be one happy family.

I have heard arguments that it would not promote genetic diversity and all that...but I doubt that our species is really in trouble of dying out.

I think the main hurdle in bringing in a polygamy law would be to get people (the women at least) to accept it. I do believe one can love and care about more then one person at the same time, as I know it from my own experience. Now I dont know if my partners would see things my way, but if society was more accepting to it...well it would be great for everyone. Just imagine having all the money from a team of working women, plus what I would make with my career. We could live in a giant house with a pool and spend all day making dozens of children.

There is also plenty of economic problems and soforth that arise from it as well, so it would probably end up causing more problems then it solved if it were to be introduced.

But it works in more civilized countries like Saudi Arabia ( ;) ), so there is no reason why it would not work here.
I believe what they do is wrong, unnatural and I dont condone it. By saying Im tolerant, Im saying I leave them to themselves. Kind of a "you go your way, I‘ll go mine" type of scenario.

By tolerant, do you mean accepting? because if so, then I must not be tolerant.
i wont even get into this post, it seems i will just probably start a posting war with a few people on my beliefs on this matter.
But i will say this!

Is it really necesary to have a news article on this crap. i mean come on, for the people who dont believe in this. it really throws it in everyones face.

It‘s Ridiculous!!!!
Man their are a lot a biggoted people here. Is this a publicity stunt? Very likely it is. But no more so than what we see in the media regarding hetro celeberities and thier marriages. Do we condemn them? No. If to people are that committed to each that they want state publicly that they wish to remain together for the rest of their lives. Good for them. If they want to have some sort of eleborate cermony (religous or otherwise) to celebrate the fact they are now committed to each other, great. The fact is, what they are doing will not hurt you at all. If the so called "homosexual lifestyle" offends you and your morals, get over yourself. For all the love thy neighbour BS from the Christian religions especially, you are all a hypocritical-intolerant bunch (for those who must know I was raised Irish Catholic).

And to Michael Dorosh, your comment relating gay marriage to marry a dog or a 12 year old, or a relative. Well, if you wanna marry a dog, thats your business, but as was said before the dog can‘t enter into any sort of contract, so I guess you are SOL. As for marrying a 12 year old and a relative. Anybody remember Jerry Lee Lewis. He did both. He married his 13 year old cousin. Yeah you might say that was America, but you know what that sort of thing is considered normal in some cultures (if I am not mistaken, you could still have done this in Canada not that long ago), and who would we be say otherwise.
hey, if they were to allow polygamy, would that mean you could get multiple separation entitlements? Because I‘d be all over that.
Seriously guys, if you‘re going to get all twisted over something like this and let it get to you, than you‘ve become every hippy who has cared too much, every politically correct wiener who lets every last thing become their biggest prob.
If it doesn‘t harm you, let ‘er go. If you don‘t like it, fiiiine, we can still all get along.

I have the greatest gay anecdote, on a side note, almost as good as Wesley‘s Major.
Walked into a gay "cabaret" a few days afer my 19th, Had NO idea it was a gay bar (obviously sauced beyond anything) and all I kept thinking was "wow, everyones really nice here, they keep buying me drinks" you have to understand that this gay bar wasn‘t full of men, there were alot of women there too, so it was a tough call.
Guy bought me a drink, didn‘t think anything of it until it was time to leave and about 40 guys tried to give me their number and told me to call them.
Now something you have to expect about bars is that somewhere, sometime you are going to meet a gay guy who is going to try and pick you up, how you react to it is what‘s key.
In these cases I just went.."yeah...wait...hang on...what the ****??!?!?"
After the first 5 phone numbers, I started to get a little suspicious I guess, and I asked my friend "Hey....this is a gay bar isn‘t it???"

To shorten the story somewhat, as a joke we told a group of guys wearing ***-less leather chaps (villiage people coverband, stereotype alert) that my buddy (super homophobe, don‘t even know how we dragged him in that bar) just broke up with his boyfriend and was on the rebound.

Anyway..frickin hey, moral of the story, always read the fine print under a sign before you let your buddies talk you into going to a bar because "They have alot of pool tables."

Seriously though, there really is no need to get all bunched up about this whole topic. If a gay person wants to get married that‘s fine if they can find a church (**** they don‘t even need to find a church anymore). If the church is willing to do it, then hey, no one outside of that church really has any right to make a judgement on it. Even then, if you don‘t like it, this is Canada there‘s probably another church a block away that won‘t condone gay marriages. In any case, what a person does behind closed doors is definetly their business and not anyone elses, gay or straight. I don‘t want to hear about someones gay experience the night before anymore than I want to hear about someone tapping their old lady/man the night before.

People complain that it is defiling the "sacred institute of marriage",bullshit, people have been doing that with divorce (No offence intended really) since king Henry. Marriage is nothing more then an easier way of filing taxes unless there‘s some love there, he-he, she-she, he-she, she-he, doesn‘t make a wink of a difference to how I view my own relationship with regards to marriage.

On the flipside, there‘s no need to flaunt it if you are gay. It‘s annoying when straight people make out on a street corner, it‘s annoying when gay people make out on a street corner. I think recently a group of gay peple started making out and "Fondling" each other at Ralph Klein‘s pancake breakast, well wtf, if straight people did that it would be just as wierd.

Anyway, let it slide either way unless the gay guys are beating you over the head with a bat until you put on Barbara.