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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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Hmmm, the only national health insurance card which I have is my CF Blue Cross Card. No way I would trade that in. But seriously, what the heck is Michael Moore talking about?
Michael Moore is a big fat goof.
He is good at making propaganda, however.
Seriously though I think he fuels a lot of anti-Americanism, especially in this country
If Mr Moore actually had to get in a Canadian waiting line for surgical procedures (or even to see a family doctor) he'd change his tune pretty quick. Of course since he is wealthy enough to afford his own private doctor and hire medical specialists when needed, it is easy for him to wave his magic wand at the plebes and tell them what is best for them (but not limosine liberals like himself)
a_majoor said:
If Mr Moore actually had to get in a Canadian waiting line for surgical procedures (or even to see a family doctor) he'd change his tune pretty quick. Of course since he is wealthy enough to afford his own private doctor and hire medical specialists when needed, it is easy for him to wave his magic wand at the plebes and tell them what is best for them (but not limosine liberals like himself)

Yup. Big fat hypocrite. Just like 'Bowling for Columbine. NO ONE should have or need a gun says Moore..........what's that?............he did what?

"NEW YORK —  Filmmaker Michael Moore's (search) bodyguard was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon in New York's JFK airport Wednesday night.

Police took Patrick Burke, who says Moore employs him, into custody after he declared he was carrying a firearm at a ticket counter. Burke is licensed to carry a firearm in Florida and California, but not in New York. Burke was taken to Queens central booking and could potentially be charged with a felony for the incident.

Moore's 2003 Oscar-winning film "Bowling for Columbine" criticizes what Moore calls America's "culture of fear" and its obsession with guns."


I bet his next movie is about America becoming a police state where possessions will be "unfairly sized." Or possibly something along the lines of "well if I can have it in Florida, why not NY too?"
Um, I'm sorry to disappoint; however:

Dear Moorewatch Editors:

Our firm employs Patrick Burk.

Fox News has now removed the link for this story from their home page; their original story contained several errors (below).  We want to be certain you are aware of the appropriate corrections.

I know that Fox News editors must rely upon others when preparing their stories, and I offer with no judgment that their story titled “Michael Moore’s Bodyguard Arrested on Airport Gun Charge” contains several errors, including its entire headline.

Please correct the errors in your story below as soon as possible, because, as you are aware, the errors reach an ever-widening audience with each passing minute - and will predictably be picked up by other news agencies.

Our full-time employee, Patrick Burk, is not “Michael Moore’s bodyguard.” Accordingly, the headline in the Fox News Web site story is false and misleading.

If you believe Patrick Burk was ever assigned to protect Michael Moore, or any number of other public figures, you might accurately report that “A bodyguard who was once assigned to protect Michael Moore...”

You could as accurately say “A bodyguard that was once assigned to protect President Clinton,” because Patrick Burk has also been assigned to protect President Clinton in the past - but you wouldn’t be accurate if you said “President Clinton’s Bodyguard.”

Patrick Burk is not Michael Moore’s bodyguard, nor was he protecting Michael Moore or in any way involved with Michael Moore on Wednesday night, when he (Burk) was checking in at JFK for a flight to Los Angeles.

When checking in for the flight, Patrick Burk voluntarily advised United Airlines that he was transporting an unloaded, locked firearm in his checked luggage, precisely as regulations require, and not “carrying” a weapon, as your story inaccurately reports.  Advising the counter ticket agent is a routine procedure for police officers and security professionals.  In this case, a Port Authority officer decided to arrest Patrick Burk on the charge that he is not licensed to carry a firearm in New York City.

The Fox web site headline contains an error not present in the story.  The headline indicates that Patrick Burk was arrested on an “airport gun charge.” He was not.  The charge involves having a firearm without a New York City License to carry it.  On that note, Patrick Burk was not carrying a weapon on his person (only locked in his baggage), and the police do not allege that he was carrying a weapon on his person, as your story implies.

Police, security professionals, sportsmen, and citizen gun owners who fly on the Nation’s airlines are legally bound to advise the airlines of firearms in their checked baggage - and the firearms are transported just like any other baggage.

The Fox News story also says Patrick Burk was carrying “an unlicensed firearm.” Please correct that error.  Patrick Burk’s firearm is legally registered to Patrick Burk - it is not “unlicensed.” Patrick Burk is licensed to carry a firearm in several States, and a court will determine if any charge is appropriate for Patrick Burk in this matter, which involves New York City.

Though I realize a Michael Moore connection would be of interest to your web site, Patrick Burk is not Michael Moore’s bodyguard, and has never been employed by Michael Moore.

An important note for you is that Patrick Burk is not a public figure and even the smallest inaccurate detail that is widely disseminated could predictably interfere with his ability to pursue his profession.  Patrick Burk is a former Marine who served with distinction in an elite and specialized Marine unit, and he protected, among others, then-President Clinton.

Our firm (www.gavindebecker.com) provides protective coverage for public figures and others, and Patrick Burk is a leading professional in his field.

I highlighted in red below the specific errors where they appear in the Fox News story.

Please let me know that you have received this email, and if you need further information or need to reach our firm, please call (redacted), and ask for (redacted).


Gavin de Becker

Posted at MooreWatch - http://moorewatch.com/index.php/weblog/correction_to_moores_bodyguard_story

Luggage is certainly part of a person's possessions and is carried to and from the airport. You don't get a free ride just because you put a handgun in your luggage and check it.

They only mention he wasn't performing bodyguard duties for Mr Moore Wednesday night and wasn't directly employed by him. I find that far too narrowly argued to be persuasive. If he was guarding Mr Moore then common sense says he was Mr Moore's  bodyguard. If he was travelling to/from such duty then he also could be referenced as Mr Moore's bodyguard. Just like if a limo driver drops off celebrity X and then promptly runs over and kills somebody the papers would make reference to X's limo driver. Doesn't matter if he was hired by a third party for just that night and the celebrity wasn't in the car anymore.

Lastly about using exact legal terms I find that unpersuasive. The exact terms and meaning vary too much between jurisdictions for an argument about using a specific local term when speaking to a national audience.
Agreed. Just because he wasn't on duty at the time of his arrest, is irrelevant. The point of fact I was trying to make is the Moore believes we should not be armed or have access to firearms. However, it OK for him to employ armed bodyguards for his own protection. Kinda the same situation and justification Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin used.
I never watched the movie...but I remember that scene from the preview of "Sicko" where he and a bunch of other people complaining about America's health care system are on a barge just offshore from the US Naval base at Guatanamo.

Michael Moore is on a loudhailer demanding that he and these other people be allowed to get into the POW camp for suspected enemy combatants, because he claims they have better health care within the camp.

Anyways, I am surprised the US Marine artillery batteries on GITMO don't open fire on him... ;D

Or better yet...maybe a USMC Colonel who happens to look like Jack Nicholson will swim up to Moore's barge and shout to his face:



Regardless of what I think of Moore personally, his film is supposed to be a good examination of how badly the US system serves their population...or in this case doesnt serve the population.

GreyMatter said:
Regardless of what I think of Moore personally, his film is supposed to be a good examination of how badly the US system serves their population...or in this case doesnt serve the population.

Which given his track record and penchant for selective editing makes me wonder how bad their system is?

My neice is a nurse in Texas and prior to that was a nurse here in Toronto and before that the Philipinnes.  She's in town on vacation and coming for dinner this weekend. i'll be sure to get her observations on this, which I would wager are more credible than Moore's.
Insiders are usually more credible then outsiders...

except for the people working at the top of  an assurance cie, I would say.
Ah, Mr Moore the master of taken out of context comments. He is probably hedging
his bets on the future, when his over weight body begins to show the effect of a
lifetime of abuse and he needs the US tax payers to pay for his medical treatment.
I have never been seriuosly ill or needed to go to the doctor more then once a year. I have heard the horror stories of wait lists and all that. I would still choose this system. As it is "free" (no monthly fee) I am willing to endure long waits in the ER and other such inconviences. All because if I had to pay for a hospital visit or a doctors visit I would never go. Basically because I couldnt afford it. I also know my mother couldnt afford it when I was growing up. We couldn't even afford the dentist even with CF benefits (which explains my horrible teeth).

When thinking of this subject I am reminded another documentary done by the guy from "Super Size Me". In which he lived 30 days on minimum wage. At one point he got injured and had to go to the hospital, that visit was 600 dollars. There was no way he could ever pay it and I wondered how people survived down there. After seeing that I was thankful to be up north. No matter what the problems with the system, I wouldn't give it up.
formerarmybrat23 said:
When thinking of this subject I am reminded another documentary done by the guy from "Super Size Me". In which he lived 30 days on minimum wage.
That would be Morgan Spurlock.  He did a series called 30 Days, and that was the first episode.  Pretty interesting series.


As to everyone's comments on Moore, it looks like I'm in the minority (that's OK, I can live with that).  Where do I begin?

Is Moore a hypocrite for supporting gun control and hiring an armed bodyguard?
First things first, I don't consider Patrick Burk to be Moore's bodyguard any more than he is Clinton's bodyguard (ref the article I posted).  Having said that, is Moore a hypocrite?  On the surface, it appears he is.  On the other hand, it could be seen as the reality of a controversial public figure who has received death threats. 

Does Moore quote people out of context?  Does he use facts selectively?
I don't think he does that any more than the mainstream media.  And Moore doesn't claim to be "fair and balanced."

You see, it's a lot easier to attack the messenger than the message.  Which is easier to say?

Michael Moore is a fat lying hypocrite!
George W is the best president the US has ever had!

Michael Moore is a fat lying hypocrite!
I want American-style healthcare!

Michael Moore is a fat lying hypocrite!
The insurance industry is above reproach, and puts its customers above the bottom line!

I know, I'm exaggerating.  But I'm sure you can see my point.
