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The Michael Moore Super Thread- Merged

Michael Moore

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I'm glad that the world at large is beinning to see through his self-promoting garbage and recognize it for what it is.

Slim ::)
I wish that were true Slim. Unfortunately, most people will read all this and wonder what the controversy is all about, spend their whatever dollars a movie costs these day to go see it, and Michael Moore ends up with a very healthy bank account. Why do you think he's going around shooting his mouth off? Controversy sells, and that's what's going to get people into the movie theatres. It's a shame really that he'll end up wealthy (or is already I don't know) as a result.
I saw it today, and although ti was interesting, I wasnt impressed. he simply plays off the classic "my son is dead" emotional story, and he just goes on and on about Bush and oil. Into 10 minutes, i was already disgusted.
Yeah, I heard today that Michael Moore has assembled a "war room"(his own words) to respond to any attack on Farenheit 9/11 with "the truth".

The truth is that Michael Moore's film is one sided left wing propaganda aimed at getting John Kerry elected in November.

The end. Period.
Wow, i sense much anger at Mr. Moore. Why you guys hate him so much? He is just speaking his mind. That is a freedom value no?
I vote to 'like' Michel Moore.

But I would like to note that I don't like that he does not wear clean clothes or shave.
Hey I love Freedom. If someone says "I don't like President Bush, here's why" and provides a detailed, fact filled reason why he dislikes the man then I'll say "Alright" and won't think any less of him. But if someone says "I HATE PRESIDENT BUSH" and provides a bunch of half truths and flat out lies as evidence then I get a little miffed. The guy makes up controversy (Like with his latest film, and all the bullcrap with disney) and makes up a bunch of dumb crap trying to make the President, and Americans, look like dimwitted morons then he earns my, and all likeminded sensible peoples, hate.

Head over here for an example of Moore getting destroyed, and his claims being proven wrong. The guy is a hack who makes up a bunch of shit to try and further his agenda.. And sadly people believe it.
That is a very interesting webpage Mr. SFontaine. I read a couple articles and it made some very interesting points. Do you think Mr. Moore is in it for the money? But also the webpage asked me to give money through pay pal, are they in it for the money too?  ::) Trust no one it seems.

LeeYang said:
That is a very interesting webpage Mr. SFontaine. I read a couple articles and it made some very interesting points. Do you think Mr. Moore is in it for the money? But also the webpage asked me to give money through pay pal, are they in it for the money too?  ::) Trust no one it seems.

In capitalist countries, everyone does everything for money, Moore and that page included.

As a general rule of thumb take what everyone says with a grain of salt. Do not believe anyone fully.

I always find it odd how the people who try to pick apart Moore's work focus on his sarcasm and take his obviously sarcastic statements as fact. This adds much to discredit them. They also use the US government as the sources to back up their criticism! The film criticizes the US government, so naturally going to the US government for "the truth" is going to give you opposing, biased, and false information. This discredits their criticisms even more.

As well, people find much strength with going with the majority of people. The majority of people do not even want to listen to Moore or any points because they think that if they don't have 100% commitment to their government, then they are supporting the enemy. Which is exactly what your government who wants to use you and the enemy who wants to fight you wants.

I don't see much difference who believe what Bush says is the absolute truth, the people who believe what Moore says is the absolute truth or the people who believe what Osama says is the absolute truth. They are all too weak to think for themselves and must group together and fanatically oppose the opposite side, and make silly webpages like that bowling for truth one.
I'm a little hesitant to say it because of how many people here seem to hate him but I don't mind Michael Moore that much.

He's obviously showboating. Using conspiracy, hate for him, fear of terrorists and a million other things to get his voice heard.   I keep seeing everyonecalling him fat.  Yup he's huge and fat, it's disgusting.  Seems a little silly to use the guys size as an argument to discredit him. Well yes, he's overweight and so is something like 65% of north Americans.  Is he an average north American?
I watched bowling for lColumbine and his latest 9/11 movie. I didn't notice as much in the first one but in 9/11 i really started to get annoyed by his commentary. "What was bush thinking, what was going through his mind?"  Very irritating but then i began to think he HAS to ask this question because many people (ie   people who didn't vote) obviously can't think for themselves. I don't know too much about him. He makes movies, people either love him or hate him. He reminds me of the loud mouthed guy in highschool class that annoyed everyone but had just enough charisma fpr people to listen to him.

Someone mentioned a very good point on here. It was regarding not voting. People who choose not to vote because they don't like either party are helping the "bad guys" for lack of a better term just as much as if they voted against them.  Well personally I'd rather see a movie like this with facts like the attorney general who LOST a vote to a guy who was dead for a month.  I'd rather watch a movie like this, see all these facts, have it peek my interest and find out for myself if they are true or not than simply NOT hear the facts/lies at all and be ignorant about everything. Yes that makes me lazy that i need a movie to promt promote do some research. There's a few things i heard in the movie that motivated  me to read up on it myself.  I found a lot of the accusations/comments/ links in the government he made very interesting and some of them pretty scarry. I've seen people accuse him of being anti-american. He see's something in the government he doesn't like, he's speaking out about it, he's making LOTS of money off of it using fear and conspiricy,  being very loud about it. That doesn't sound ANTI american at   all...

EDIT because spell check barfed.
Mjr. Baker, do you think that the content in his documentaries are all pig lard?
I thought S_Baker might like to know that there is a ray of hope, in Canada...    :cdn:


I wasn't aware that he had made any comments regarding the Canadian election......
If you google "stephen harper" & "michael moore" & election you get about 5000 hits, including CBC, CTV, Globe and Mail, etc.


Umm, how are you going to charge/imprison someone who is not a Canadian citizen, and resides in another country?

You could charge S_baker (If he is in fact an american) or any other non Canadian on these boards who chimed in on the elections as well.

This is pretty pathetic....shame on him for having an opinion...

EDIT: Found an artice about it http://www.cbc.ca/canadavotes/analysiscommentary/columns/danbrown220604.html

Moore was in this country last week for the film's official Canadian premiere. He said that he pushed to have the movie released here before June 28, apparently over the protests of domestic distributors, who didn't want it to interfere with the federal vote.

"And I said, no, no, no. Even if it's just four days before the election, you've got to get something out there to inspire people to do the right thing here," Moore told the Toronto Star on Saturday. By doing the right thing, Moore means that Canadians should not vote for Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, who Moore believes is a Bush toady intent on slashing the social safety net.

Hmmm looks like Moore just asked people to "do the right thing" and was not "...in any way induce[ing] electors to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate..." The journalist put words into his mouth.

Again, this is a really pathetic petition, and shows how little ammunition people have when trying to discredit Moore or make him look bad.
He should educate himself regarding our laws before he opens his mouth up in the media. Its the priciple. Just to show him that not EVERYONE wants to hear him. Shame on us "for having an opinion."