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The Next Canadian Government

When they get there only 170 Conservative MPs meet with Mr Poilievre; a full 50 stay outside the room and decide to meet as a new party. It's a CPC majority but a damned slim one and it is a stinging rebuke to Pierre Poilievre which indicates what Conservatives heard on the doorsteps during the campaign.

Just rumours from a few disgruntled Tories, but 🤷‍♂️ you never know.
I would bet against this happening on day 1- too big of swing too fast. But I wouldn't bet against PP's majority being troubled by a PC bloc forming that puts his whip to work.
O’Toole & Kenny would disagree.

In Canada, our “checks and balances” require MPs to prioritize constituency over party.
I agree that’s how it’s supposed to work. But I’ve only seen it happen a few times. Those examples are the exception that proves the rule. In your examples, both of those leaders believed in the supremacy of parliament and they gave their caucuses (cauci?) more leeway than most.

Parties have become personality cults of the leader. I would love to see MPs use the power they are supposed to wield, but they are more likely to stick their heads up one at a time to get mown down by the leader’s office.