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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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Timmy's reverses poppy directive

Veterans again allowed to sell poppies outside Tim Hortons outlets

MIDLAND – Tim Hortons officials have had a change of heart and will once again allow veterans to sell poppies outside its stores.

On Nov. 5, Midland Legion member Allan Light was stunned to learn he was no longer allowed to sell poppies outside the County Road 93 outlet, despite years of having done so.

On Monday, Alexandra Cygal, the company’s manager of public affairs, said the policy was one Tim Hortons has had in place for a number of years.

“We do get approached by so many different wonderful charities and organizations, and we can’t possibly allow everybody to go in or stand outside the door,” she said. “It can disrupt service.”

However, the company changed its stance Tuesday – less than two days before Remembrance Day – and apologized to Light via a statement through the media.

“Like most businesses, we have a policy against soliciting donations on our property. However, we’ve supported the Royal Canadian Legion for many years, allowing poppy donation boxes to be placed in our restaurants,” Cygal said. “We realize that support should also extend to veterans selling poppies, and we’ll communicate that to our restaurant owners immediately.”

The change of heart has left local veterans and Royal Canadian Legion members pleased.

I was initially shocked last week to learn of the stance of Tim Horton's head office, and am glad they have reconsidered their position on this issue.
I'd like to see them be allow inside, many of them are getting on in age and our weather isn't very friendly.
A friend of mine just told me that apparently the guy has turned himself in.  Haven't seen anything on the news yet though.
This is something that occurs every year with one major business or another. In this case, they still place the poppy boxes in the restaurant, and at the Timmies' here in Oromocto, those boxes were always quite full.

And every year around this time a story gets published about <insert evil company or corporation here> banning the sale of poppies at their location, then recanting after public opinion swells against them. I wonder how long it will take <insert future evil companies or corporations> to catch on...
What a dirt bag. Warning, do not read the story comments posted below on the link, seems "lefties" are making excuses for him already
This happened at a Tims in Windsor Nova Scotia today as well. Customer asks worker for a cup of water, while she's turned away getting it, he grabs and runs.
Keeping on the defiled poppy theme.....

Muslim group burns poppies on Remembrance Day
By QMI Agency
Article Link

A large model of a poppy was burned in protest of the war in Afghanistan and several demonstrators chanted during two minutes of silence in London during Thursday morning Armistice Day ceremonies.

A group that calls itself Muslims Against Crusades chanted, "British soldiers burn in hell," and held signs saying, "Islam will dominate" and, "Our dead are in paradise, your dead are in hell."

The Remembrance Day protest, near Hyde Park, involved 50 members of the group, the Daily Mail newspaper reported.

Another 50 counter-demonstrators were also there. The two groups were separated by police.

"We are demonstrating because this day is a day of remembrance to remember every single fallen soldier, including those killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. We find it disgusting that innocent people, innocent children, have been killed in an illegal and unjust war and we are demonstrating against that," Asad Ullah of Muslims Against Crusades said, several media outlets reported.

"We want the government to pull the troops out from these countries and to stop interfering in our affairs."
More on link
"A large model of a poppy was burned in protest of the war in Afghanistan and several demonstrators chanted during two minutes of silence in London during Thursday morning Armistice Day ceremonies.":

Edit to add:
( Warning: Graphic content. )
"Muslims Against Remembrance Day: The silence is broken":
mariomike said:
"A large model of a poppy was burned in protest of the war in Afghanistan and several demonstrators chanted during two minutes of silence in London during Thursday morning Armistice Day ceremonies.":
Good grief! What wretchedness on the part of those that would attempt such!
I'm thankful to live in a country were cr*p like that is against the law. If they are so up in arms, how about they go back to where they came from?

They do not realize that the wearing of the poppy and Remembrance Day is for remembering ALL war dead, even the non-combatants! This is merely a venue they are using to spout their hatred.
I don't want to be banned from this site, so I'll refrain from expressing what I feel about those people chanting "British troops burn in Hell".
mariomike said:
"A large model of a poppy was burned in protest of the war in Afghanistan and several demonstrators chanted during two minutes of silence in London during Thursday morning Armistice Day ceremonies.":

Edit to add:
( Warning: Graphic content. )
"Muslims Against Remembrance Day: The silence is broken":

Isn't it interesting to see that they find nothing wrong with their "Crusade".
My word - demonstrations like this sure do make the job of the security establishment a hell of a lot easier, though. Hey fellas - why not just put your mailing addresses and phone numbers on those posters you're carrying? They've already got your faces (and probably followed you home).
Grimaldus said:
We wanna preach tolerance this is what we get.

I was just reading something lately that our preaching of tolerance is in fact making us more susceptible to loose of our freedom.  I suppose we can look at our topics here on what the Human Rights Commission has been up to lately and the pieces by Ezra Levant to see that perhaps this is true. 
I saw this happen at the Ontario St Tim Horton's in Kingston last Friday Night.  I was taking my son to a hockey game downtown and we stopped in at Timmies to get a coffee and Hot Chocolate.  There was two Army Cadets just inside the doorway with their Poppy boxes there and I got one for my son to put on his jacket.  On our way out, a Tim's worker was telling these two kids that they were not allowed to be there.  I wasn't sure if she meant there in between the doors or on the property at all.  The poor kids didn't know what to do.
HavokFour said:
I'd like to see them be allow inside, many of them are getting on in age and our weather isn't very friendly.

Kingston and Pet have had Poppy Boxes on their counters since the get-go (& stuffed full here in Kingston). Asking around - this seems to be the SOP for Tim Hortons. Mom tells me that Poppy boxes have been on the counters in Timmies in Nova Scotia as well.
George Wallace said:
I was just reading something lately that our preaching of tolerance is in fact making us more susceptible to loose of our freedom.  I suppose we can look at our topics here on what the Human Rights Commission has been up to lately and the pieces by Ezra Levant to see that perhaps this is true.

What if this had happened twenty years ago?
On the 50th anniversary of Operation Millenium the Queen Mother unveiled a monument of "Bomber" Harris and gave a speech. Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was in attendance.
As the Queen Mum began to speak, about 250 protestors began heckling and throwing red paint.

This is the interesting part. The veterans "burst out of their seats and attacked the demonstators."
Police made nine arrests.