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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter MAJOR_Baker
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Do you live in a closet, or a small town of 12?

Seriously, you've never seen anyone selling poppies?

You served, why don't you belong to the Legion?

Nope, I don't live in a closet the last time I checked.  I've been to many cities in Canada, and no never seen anyone sell poppies in person that I can recall.
I'm actually in Ottawa at moment, and haven't run across anyone selling in person thus far either. Perhaps I crossed paths with someone selling them and just never noticed.

As for the Legion, I joined initially but I  found quite a large age gap between most members and myself, and I did not feel comfortable there. Perhaps I will get more involved in the future, but for now I don't have much of a connection with it. I have been more involved with the Military Museum so far, interacting with some of the library research members who are collecting information on Afghanistan etc.

Out all day subway station and shopping mall, where ever they want me to be. Some of the older guys drive around and restock the counter boxes.
Danjanou said:
Out all day subway station and shopping mall, where ever they want me to be. Some of the older guys drive around and restock the counter boxes.

Saw two of them sitting with three boxes, at the Mcdonalds in the Local Walmart.  the just stared down anyone without a poppy.

Meh, just walked by them,  and had no poppy on.  Not by choice, as it was sitting in the boot of my Jeep, where it fell......


Danjanou said:
Some of the older guys drive around and restock the counter boxes.
I'm having trouble with the concept of anyone that you'd refer to as "older" would still be allowed to drive.  :whistle:

Sorry? Kiss your what?!  :-*
Journeyman said:
I'm having trouble with the concept of anyone that you'd refer to as "older" would still be allowed to drive.  :whistle:

Sorry? Kiss your what?!  :-*

for the record you are actually older than me. I said older not more mature, although we're both behind the curve in that regard. :-*
the 48th regulator said:
Meh, just walked by them,  and had no poppy on.  Not by choice, as it was sitting in the boot of my Jeep, where it fell......

If you attached it with a lapel pin, you wouldn't lose them like that all the time.

Personally, I suggest a regimental cap badge pin, and then see if anyone says that somehow insults the memory of the soldiers that died wearing it.

Schindler's Lift said:

I must admit, I'm both shocked/apauled and, since we are talking about a politician, not surprised at the same time.

And it seems that his Parliamentary Assistant supports this position as well.

"Andrej Litvinjenko, Aspin's parliamentary assistant, said there are no exceptions to bylaws included in the Board of Internal Economy, which state an MP can only use funds and premises provided by the House to “carry out their parliamentary function.”

This time next year, I hope to be wearing a hard hat instead of a beret etc.  I have seen poppy decals on some of the hard hats worn by civvies at the yard, but they obtained them several years ago.  Does anyone know where these decals might be available nowadays?
jollyjacktar said:
This time next year, I hope to be wearing a hard hat instead of a beret etc.  I have seen poppy decals on some of the hard hats worn by civvies at the yard, but they obtained them several years ago.  Does anyone know where these decals might be available nowadays?

Most times I've seen a table set up in a mall or grocery store offering poppies I've noted they have the standard pin/plastic poppies, enamel lapel pin type and stickers for those who do not wish to pin one on.
Thanks, I'll keep an eye out for them.  I've only seen as I mentioned above.
Schindler's Lift said:

I must admit, I'm both shocked/apauled and, since we are talking about a politician, not surprised at the same time.

I'm curious as to why someone is handing out boxes now. The Poppy campaign does not start until October 31, 2014. Fifty years in the Legion and apparantly the rules don't apply to him  ::)

jollyjacktar said:
This time next year, I hope to be wearing a hard hat instead of a beret etc.  I have seen poppy decals on some of the hard hats worn by civvies at the yard, but they obtained them several years ago.  Does anyone know where these decals might be available nowadays?

There are Poppy stickers or decals available. I usually have a roll in my box when out. They're usually for little kids and people like Journeyman who could  may injury themsleves with a pin, but would work for hardhats to. Just ask, someone should be able to accomadate you.
31 Oct? I didn't realize that though I don't recall the one year I did that at Sobeys (I know, I am a bad sailor!-Will do it this year)
They are authorized for uniform wear the last Thursday of October (which is actually the day before this year).

The Poppy Campaign traditionally runs from the last friday in October until Nov 11th.

The GG and the Provincial LGs usually recieve a ceremonial first poppy sometime during the week leadign up to the official start form the Dominion or Provincial Presidents.

Incidentally the campaign will be a short one this year ( 12 days) and that may affect total revenues I'm guessing.

Love the comments, nice to know cyber stupidity and self righteous single mindedness is not limited to the GTA. BTW if that's the Legion dud in the pic he's wearign his Poppy in the wrong spot on his lapel. ::)
Danjanou said:
BTW if that's the Legion dud in the pic he's wearign his Poppy in the wrong spot on his lapel. ::)
Even better - it's MP Jay Aspin himself....

From the MP's parliamentary profile:
In that case not wrong. The Legion member should know the Poppy goes above the lapel pin ::)