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The right NOT to vote

I think we are missing the larger issue here.  The fact that the major parties spend most of their election dollars on character-bashing campaigns just show how much the party under-estimates the voting population's intelect.  If we base our votes on such strategies (ie: Martin said Harper did this... or Harper says Martin is a bd guy because...) then we are falling into the trap.  Basing our votes on advertising is just as much of a failure towards our duty as citizens then not voting at all.  As it was said further up, what's worse? a misinformed vote? or no vote at all? 
It is then our responsibility to respond to such ads, not by fining them, but by placing our vote somewhere else, somewhere that is actually focused on showing the public their programs, proving that such party trusts in the judgment of the voters.  It is also our responsibility, throughout the Prime minister's term (who ever, and for however long) to hold him / her (someday!!!) to it.  Common expression says if you wave your right to vote, you wave your right to complain... (I am guilty of using that expression!) Complaining is however not enough.  Responsibility is not something that deserves to be displayed only once every term...

Have a good night!  :cdn:
One of the Libertarian Blogs I read from time to time (helps me calm down after any contact with "Rabble.ca" to see what the other side is up to) made an interesting point. The author of the blog refused to vote on principle; since each vote also translates into tax dollars for the party in question.

In essence, taxpayers are being forced to contribute to parties they do not support (conversely, some parties which fall below the 2% of ballots cast threshold do not get support, to the detriment of the taxpayers who do support them).

That is one aspect of election laws which should be changed post haste; parties should only receive financial support from voluntary contributions, not forced contributions of taxpayer money (or theft of taxpayer money....)
a_majoor said:
That is one aspect of election laws which should be changed post haste; parties should only receive financial support from voluntary contributions, not forced contributions of taxpayer money (or theft of taxpayer money....)
Public monies paying for political campaigns is the price for democracy, however I do believe the major parties' payments should be reduced to account for private donations... Just like EI or Welfare when a person has other income ;D Stick it to the MAN!!