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The Rocket Scientists Amongst Us.

Yeah, its a very old joke that you say to people who do stupid things or dont understand simple things.
A way of showing how even an idiot (you, who mixes up two unrelated things) understands something.
It was intended.
I coudn't tell if you were joking or not - your face was so grey and blank when you told it....  ;D
Anyway, getting back on topic, whats the worst case ontario? Could he just hope for denial and error? Make my words, getting him off the streets is the only option. That way we can get two birds stoned at once.
Hate to say atodaso buddy, but atodaso!

;D Ah rickyisms

Ok, i'm done being silly. What happens to someone in Canada who's caught in this situation? Lose their license for 12months and/or fine?
Hale said:
What happens to someone in Canada who's caught in this situation? Lose their license for 12months and/or fine?

The penalty for Refusing a Breath Test is the same as getting convicted of Impaired Operation or Operate Motor Vehicle Over .80.  You get an automatic 90 day licence suspension (in Ontario, not sure how everyone else does it), and on conviction you generally get a $300 fine and a one year suspension.  Therein ensues a number of annoyances to get back your drivers licence.  Each subsequent conviction gets a higher suspension.  Second gets a three year suspension, third gets a life time ban. 
If you are caught Driving While Disqualified (which is different from being suspended in Ontario and is a criminal charge) you are subject to a special impound condition for the m/v you are driving.  First time caught, you get it hooked for 45 days, then 60, then 90 then 120 for each additional time.  The impound fee is something nuts like $46.00 a day, so it gets expensive real fast.  And even if you abandon your car, you are still responsible for the impound fee and they will go after your wages (but not your welfare, because that would be cruel  :threat: )  It also doesn't matter if you own the m/v you are in, so sucks to be buddy who lends his car out to be a crack taxi. 
Thats pretty well the same as here except i think our fine is around $600. This might make you feel a bit warm and fuzzy.
My understanding is that we take drink driving very seriously here in Victoria. Not as strict as it could be, but you'll still be in the shit if you get caught with a skin full.
Its the worst thing someone can do on the roads. And drugs are even worse. The new "Drug buses" we have a pulling people off the roads in huge numbers because the "Rocket surgeons" decide smoking cannabis then driving home is a good idea. The tests will get you if you've got dope or just about anything else in your system. And get them it should.
Yeah, that is something our laws are fairly unprepared for if the jackholes decide to legalize marijuana.  Drunk driving is one of the easiest charges to beat now, forget about trying to get a conviction for Impaired By Drug.  We have no practical or medical tests, and there is no agreement as to how much THC constitutes "impaired". 
Essentially, a bunch of people will have to die before some clown decides that there needs to be some controls in place.  Hope it isn't anyone in our families, eh?
Chap killed 6 kids leaving a party last year i think. Coppers tested him for grog and he was under .05, tested him for THC and found him to be, excuse my use of technical terms, fucked up.
Weed is an illegal drug, being caught driving with it in your system here is a crime and will get you punished. Its as dangerous in Australia as it is in Canada. Like you say mate, you'll all just have to wait till someone wipes out a group of kids till someone stands up and does something about it.
Hale said:
Chap killed 6 kids leaving a party last year i think. Coppers tested him for grog and he was under .05, tested him for THC and found him to be, excuse my use of technical terms, fucked up.

Except that the only way to test for THC is a blood test, and we have doctors here who will refuse to take blood, even if ordered by the courts to do so, if they deem it "medically unnecessary".  Liberalism does run in the medical profession. 
Really? I've never done a police drugs test, my understanding is that it works just like the "Blow into here" test but uses your saliva instead. If a trace is found then a little light goes turns on on the machine and they have grounds to take you for a blood test at a station. They can also take a test against a person will, but dont quote me on that one.
Thats bizarre that doctors would refuse to test someone. Surely if the courts have ordered it, the only person who will look stupid is the doctor?
We can't do our own blood tests.  And some of the doctors around here could care less how we unter-menchen cops think about them, as even God needs to make an appointment.  In reality, if it was a big deal case we would just shop around for a decent doc, but for practical purposes it is pretty much a free for all if you are doped up. 
Another reason you cozzers call it the "Legal system" instead of "justice system"?
I'll be waiting for that next big car accident caused by drugs then. Maybe then something can happen...
Hale said:
Another reason you cozzers call it the "Legal system" instead of "justice system"?
I'll be waiting for that next big car accident caused by drugs then. Maybe then something can happen...

I'm sure there's plenty of them happening now given the number of users....it's just not getting reported...my wife works in an Operating Room and there are plenty of folks they can't immediately treat because of drugs in their system....drugs and anaesthesia do some pretty weird stuff to you.