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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

RFHC- I think the US Army has a policy and a monthly allowance that allows their troops to buy kit. Anyone else know the US Army policy?
That is why their clothing shops in/near the PX are so popular with Canadian troops.
Loachman said:
A REAL expert's opinion

Hmmm... Let me rip this apart if I may...

As much as I don't fully agree with Cpl. Beaulieu's issues....

Loachman said:
Cpl. Beaulieu says he fears retribution for his public outburst, but the military would be wise to heed his advice. They should design the corporal a vest that can hold 15 ammo mags, issue him the extra pistol clips and insist that he carry them all the time.


Carried that in to countless TICs and Op Medusa...  15 Mags, 4 G Bombs, 2 Smoke, a dozen or so shotty rounds, and some other goodies...  didn't seem all that heavy to me... or to the 4 others in my section carrying the same kinda rigs... some with the added M203 Bandoleer...

Send that photo to Scott.

I started out as a seventeen-year-old reserve Infantry private in 4 RCR in 1973. I didn't like carrying an ounce more than I absolutely had to - but very early on I appreciated the wisdom of carrying enough ammunition. We still had serving WWII and Korean vets, and tons of others who were associate mess members. I listened intently to them, and I read a lot.

I still listen intently to those with real experience.
Loachman said:
I didn't like carrying an ounce more than I absolutely had to - but very early on I appreciated the wisdom of carrying enough ammunition.

Run out of ammo just once and you become a big believer in the idea that you can never carry too much of it! ;D

Someone should really give Scott Taylor a clue, because he is right out to lunch on this.
His e-mail address is at the bottom of the article.

Just be nice and factual.
Thank you Inifidel 6. You seem to be the SME on this topic.
DO you have any pictures of what you're talking about? Please post if you do. I, for one, would like to see what you're talking about.

Releasable Vest

MOLLE Chest rig with mag pouches

Loachman said:
His e-mail address is at the bottom of the article.

Just be nice and factual.

I could be factual.... but, nice?  I don't know...  I'm just annoyed by the ignorance displayed in the article.  When I read the part about "20 rd mags", it just showed me he has no clue what he's talking about, or hasn't even taken the time to do the research..

But in regards to the 15 mags...  I didn't think it was necessary at one point, with the LAV right next to us during most TiCs, but then I realized where the ammo is stored in the LAV, and the thought of trying to move a bunch of stuff and lift a bench during combat changed my mind but quick.

And as for carrying it all around and using it... The most I went through in one contact was 6 mags (Op Medusa), but I wasn't in the heavy point of contact.  I would never want to be in a position where I'd have to reload mags during battle...

Either way, I've shown that pic, and others to my CoC, and all the same issue arose; weight, necessity, etc... and my response is; This is what happens in combat, and this is whats needed... simple concept.  But, WRT all the kit that works being used in the reserve system; as it stands, those of greater tactical importance have determined that there is no need... so that rig, my rails, grips, etc. are bagged up.  And when I return to the rifle company (if ever) it'll be back to the TV.. grudgingly.
Loachman said:
His e-mail address is at the bottom of the article.

Just be nice and factual.

Knowing the man personally, and his service, I don't think I can be very nice when talking to him. ;D
OldSolduer said:
RFHC- I think the US Army has a policy and a monthly allowance that allows their troops to buy kit. Anyone else know the US Army policy?
That is why their clothing shops in/near the PX are so popular with Canadian troops.

Not as much as you might think!

US Clothing Allowance: http://usmilitary.about.com/od/fy2005paycharts/a/clothing.htm

The clothing allowance is usually paid annually on a member's enlistment anniversary. Those with less than three years of service receive the basic rate (on the assumption that their uniforms are still fairly new and don't need to be replaced as much). Additionally, their first annual payment will be only 1/2 of the allowance amount (on the assumption that little would have to be replaced during their first six months of service).

After three years of service, members receive the standard rate each year. This allowance is not taxable.

Army Enlisted

Type  Male  Female 
Initial  $1,283.49 $1,551.49
Basic  $356.40  $417.60 
Standard  $511.20  $594.00
Scott Taylor.... expert on the military...

BTW, Cpl Beaulieu is a reservist with the Voltigeurs de Québec.
He is on his 2nd mission - the 1st one in Afghanistan.

The way you read the article the fella has been with the R22R all along - which is not true.
The way you read the article the fella has been to Bosnia & is on his second afghan mission.............

What a way to screw up an article.... not the least of which is the 20 round mag...
Obviously he's never been made aware of the old addage "It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have", I won't even get into his "20 round" mag comment.....FN anyone!?
If you ever read between the lines WRT to Mr.Taylor's headlines/editorials, he appears to harbor a grudge against senior CF officers and NDHQ in general. We are all aware that NDHQ is a bureaucracy, however, a necessary one that commands, controls and coordinates operations world wide.
He is not current with the COE (contemporary operating environment) and woefully underestimates the capabilities of the individual soldier.

Thank you Infidel-6. Pictures are worth 1000 words!!
Reporters or correspondents don't choose the Headline - the Editor does.  The by-line's purpose is to cite the contributor and in some cases give the article's content a degree of credibility.  Only the constant reader can judge the continuing credibility of the author's research. It often interesting to read the different tone in news items and editorials, as the latter come with a disclaimer.
Frostnipped Elf said:
Reporters or correspondents don't choose the Headline - the Editor does.  The by-line's purpose is to cite the contributor and in some cases give the article's content a degree of credibility.  Only the constant reader can judge the continuing credibility of the author's research. It often interesting to read the different tone in news items and editorials, as the latter come with a disclaimer.

+1.  You have to take it with a healthy grain of salt.
Scott Taylor said:
The last big revelation from Beaulieu was that the desert boots were substandard. Sure they may be state-of-the-art footwear that retail at around $300 a pair, but after Beaulieu went on long patrols, his feet hurt. I will pause here for a moment to let everyone who once served in the infantry roll their eyes skyward in disbelief.
... and here anyone who has worn the current arid boot is rolling thier eyes.  At least, it seems, the Army has accepted that "state-of-the-art footwear" really is junk:
DLR said:
The military replied that it regularly receives feedback from soldiers about equipment and that a new model of boots is currently being tested. The boots will be sent to Afghanistan when ready.
This is the letter I sent to his paper and CC'ed to him as well

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to respond to the utter tripe, that you allowed Mr. Taylor to publish last week in your paper.  Before you allow him to publish one more article, I implore you to make him at least do some basic research.  For one thing we do not use 20 round magazines in the CF, we use 30 round magazines.  He also goes on to state that Cpl. Daniel Beaulieu is an 11 year veteran of the Vandoos, when in fact he is a reservist.  He ponders why a troop would want to carry more ammunition in combat, where erroneously infers that we haven’t withdrawn from a fight because we ran out of ammo (going on his 4x 20 rd magazine assumption), when in fact the standard battle load as attested by several members of my regiment who have been overseas is in fact 10-15 magazines with 30 rounds in each (which equals 300-450 rounds of ammunition).  He asks who in their right mind would want that much ammo strapped to their chest, and the answer is anyone who goes outside the wire and doesn’t want to be caught short in a firefight that’s who.  I could go on but you get the jist of it. I don’t know where Mr. Taylor gets off calling himself a military expert/analyst, when it is painfully clear he is neither.
Farmboy sort of like those -- but I hate that TAG vest thingy

I was more thinking of a MOLLE version of the DHTC Chest Rig and Patrol Vest by Pacific Safety products
Made in Canada even...

The DHTC vest dig have (had?) modular side pouches

But the rig themselves was not MOLLE nor adjustable

OD version of the Patrol Vest

CADPAT and CADPAT AR versions of the Chest Rig


Eagle CIRAS (Maritime) in one of my older renditions of its setup

*I am not currently nor have I ever been in JTF-2 - I just have friends in low places.

MOLLE rigs are way better than the non adjustable legacy rigs as they allow the use to tailor the vest to their current mission/role
- my old Harris Assualt Vest circa 2002 in Wainwright. - when at the time I thought I was "cutting edge"

As for Scott Taylor -- the guy in an utter asshat, a clueless moron from a bygone day ( with what 4-6 years in and ZERO combat experience) -- he should STFU before he makes a bigger ass of himself, or someone walks up and throat punches him.  My left toe has more knowledge about militayr and combat operations than he does.

I sent him an email and actually got a reply. I highlighted some points i had issues with in the article he wrote, and of course made sure to beat a dead horse about the 20-round mag thing.
PatrickO said:
I sent him an email and actually got a reply. I highlighted some points i had issues with in the article he wrote, and of course made sure to beat a dead horse about the 20-round mag thing.

Would you mind posting the reply?