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"The stuff the army issues is useless" and "no non-issue kit over seas!"

I have troops who were just issued pistols but no holsters because there were none available.

Regulator, I assume your with the boys from out west because around 2 Bde it's issued vests only as of right now and seems it will be that way for 3-08.
Regardless of what this soldier has said is true or not. He should have shown better judgement in airing his complaints to the media.

Others have been there before him and nothing was mentioned to the media. I sure hope his proud regiment will respond to this soldiers public outburst.

Talk about self inflected wounds.
[quote author=CBC]
The network said other soldiers also expressed similar complaints off-camera, but only Beaulieu was willing to go on camera despite the repercussions that could follow.
From CBC article. Emphasis added.

Probably not the best approach...  but he obviously knew what he was getting into.

Maybe the CBC should interview a Taliban fighter to see
if they have any equipment issues.Get over it ,when has
any Canadian force ever been properly equipped for the
task it was called on to fulfill.
Just as a note of common sense here, lets step back and take a breath.  There are numerous pages on the perceived (valid or not) shortcomings on alot of equipment, tactics, and other such related subjects.  This is a public forum, which the media can use, and have used, as source material.  So before we start casting stones at Cpl. Beaulieu, lets make sure that the ones making comments aren't just as guilty of voicing their opinion on other public means such as this site, whether or not they're kit related, tactics, discipline, etc.  i.e. making a comment advocating a physical assault (blanket party) on a commissioned officer in a thread about an RMC professor that refuses to salute/toast the Queen, then on the other hand saying how Cpl Beaulieu should have exercised better judgement.  Pot, this is Kettle, Over.
I've spent a lot of time in Valcartier and been on 4 missions during that time including Afghanistan.  I can't say for sure how it is now but until 2 years ago none of us were ever allowed to use equipment not signed from the QMR.  Nothing at all, no Safariland pistol holster, no civvy boots, no civvy gloves, no stealth suit, no nothing!!

At the same time, I have friends in Edmonton allowed to wear Artkis TV, any type of boots they fancy, they all wear the stealth suit, any type of ballistic eyewear...

It's like two different armies with two different mentalities.
Matt_Fisher said:
Just as a note of common sense here, lets step back and take a breath.  There are numerous pages on the perceived (valid or not) shortcomings on alot of equipment, tactics, and other such related subjects.  This is a public forum, which the media can use, and have used, as source material.  So before we start casting stones at Cpl. Beaulieu, lets make sure that the ones making comments aren't just as guilty of voicing their opinion on other public means such as this site, whether or not they're kit related, tactics, discipline, etc.  i.e. making a comment advocating a physical assault (blanket party) on a commissioned officer in a thread about an RMC professor that refuses to salute/toast the Queen, then on the other hand saying how Cpl Beaulieu should have exercised better judgement.  Pot, this is Kettle, Over.

Lets compare apples to apples here. Both the RMC officer and the R22R soldier made there likes/dislikes known to the media.

My reference to a "blanket party" was not made to the media, it was made on this forum. To my knowledge, if a reporter ( they do surf this site) wants to use information that has been posted to this site. They first most identify themself as a reporter and then ask permission to use the posted material. (stand to be corrected)

In the past I had been contacted twice by a reporter, both times I denied him use of posted material.

In this modern era, " blanket party" has become a figure of speech to describe ones feelings towards a situation/event. In my time " blanket party" was a "blanket party".

"blanket party" carries as much weight as, " knock your block off", "drop dead", "your in for a world of hurt", "your ass is mine", "he should be shot", etc.,etc.

What I have posted here, stayed here.
I carry two weapons rifle and pistol the issue holster is terrilbe can't too get my holster only a few weeks until it gets here.
time expired said:
Maybe the CBC should interview a Taliban fighter to see
if they have any equipment issues.Get over it ,when has
any Canadian force ever been properly equipped for the
task it was called on to fulfill.


Umm.... IMHO, the CDS & CLS have done a commendable job of getting their hands on the kit that we do need.
Is it perfect - nope... but all in all, compared to some of the other troops deployed, we're doing pretty well.
Canadian Sig......Yes I am out west. We are required to wear what was issued to us till we get to KAF. Then outside the wire anything goes. Like I said though we have been issued some good kit. Arktis rigs and such, nice boots, etc. People need to realize this army is in a transition. Look at the new rucks we got. They are pretty dam good, we all have them whole battalion. Issued rails and pistol grips for guns. Not the best but half decent. The kit is coming and the mentality at least out here is that if it works and makes you operate better then go ahead and use it, but when its time to look good for the RSM get rid of it! The army is changing and I personally think it is doing a good job and it will get better as time goes on. That CPL was out of line and mis informed. It seems that every regiment has different outlook not the army.
GUNS said:
To my knowledge, if a reporter ( they do surf this site) wants to use information that has been posted to this site. They first most identify themself as a reporter and then ask permission to use the posted material. (stand to be corrected)
What I have posted here, stayed here.

The reporter only needs your permission to use your 'real name', he does not need it to use your comments and Pseudo/screen name.  Your comments (and mine) have been posted into the Open Source WWW.  They can be found by anyone using Google or Yahoo.
Who is to say that Cpl had any or all of the kit you mentioned?

I just found pics and an email of what is authorized (for 2VP).  I will find it and retype it here.
He most likely did not have that kit thats why he stated what he did.....He should just research and know what is coming down the pipe for the army before making a statement that could need damage control......
Lone Wolf Quagmire said:
Who is to say that Cpl had any or all of the kit you mentioned?

I just found pics and an email of what is authorized (for 2VP).  I will find it and retype it here.

Yea, I saw that posted at the lines.  I believe the vests approved are the Arktis vests and RCMP vest some are issued. Denalis an Warlords, Dropzone modular tac vest, CP Gear MoFOCR; think there was a couple others  can't remember though.
While I don't necessarily agree with this guy's methods, perhaps he felt compelled to 'take one for the team' and get the word out regarding the TV and boots, two fairly critical pieces of a soldier's gear that, dare I say it, are not only not perfect, but downright awful. Everybody knows that the TV is awkward at best for those operating outside the wire, and don't even get me started on those crippling desert boots.

Anyways....just something to consider before this guy gets eaten alive.
Anyone else see a problem with the video about the holster?, is there a different issued holster, other than the Bianchi?
Cpl. Daniel Beaulieu told TVA, Quebec's French language network, that Canadian soldiers are poorly supplied. He says the equipment they are given -- boots, pistols, vests -- are better suited for peacekeeping. Canadian soldiers are performing a combat role in southern Afghanistan, one of the country's most volatile regions.

The criticism brought a swift reaction from military officials in Ottawa after the TVA report became public.

"We have to field 2,500 soldiers, so the equipment, by default, is generic a bit. It's not entirely specific to one soldier. Is it perfect? No. Does it satisfy the vast majority of soldiers? Yes," said Col. Jean-Marc Lanthier, the military's director of land requirements.

Beaulieu -- who came back from Afghanistan two weeks ago -- also claims the soldiers don't have enough side arms. They're given one, when he said they should carry two. The soldiers' vests, according to Beaulieu, also don't have enough pockets to hold the ammunition that they should have. They have pockets for four ammunition magazines, but Beaulieu claims they should hold about 10 to 15 magazines.

When it comes boots, Beaulieu says their footwear is not suited for Afghanistan's rugged terrain. TVA said Beaulieu is not the only soldier to complain, although he was the only one interviewed on the record.

Defence Minister Peter MacKay responded to questions about Beaulieu's claims in the House of Commons.

"Our government is always looking at ways to improve the soldiers' equipment, but I have to say that we have the best equipment in the world. Of course, if we can make it better, we will try to do so," MacKay said.

An expert on the Canadian military says he doesn't understand the criticism. Scott Taylor, publisher of Esprit de Corps magazine, says Canadian soldiers are equipped as well as other NATO allies such as the Americans.

"If you just look at what you see on those news clips that are coming back, these guys look like 'robo-cops' from their helmets to their protective gear ... a lot of stuff is state of the art," Taylor told CTV Newsnet Wednesday.

Taylor said he doesn't know where the criticism is coming from, noting that "it's completely from left field."

Taylor said Beaulieu's comments seem to be unrealistic.

"He wants to have 15 magazines of ammunition on his protective vest. That would weigh about 35 additional pounds," Taylor said.

Retired Maj.-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie told CTV Newsnet's Mike Duffy Live he doesn't understand some of the criticism either. He said the complaint about having two side arms baffles him because most soldiers do not carry any at all. Also, MacKenzie pointed out that he has worn the boots that Beaulieu complains about and "they seem to be popular with most of the troops."

I don't even know what to say about this article.  This soldier is just pointing out the obvious, yet the media makes it sound like we are fighting with WWII equipement!  Then this "expert" doesn't believe soldiers carry 15mags overseas.  This makes me furious.   
Well Scott Taylor must be right, I mean when I knew him he was the Baden graphic artist, so...

(no disrespect to the graphic artists of the world)
From what i've seen of the new equipment issued to soldiers in aghanistan, we older guys would have given our left arm and right leg to have. When I joined the most upto date new equipment we had was the civilian underware we purchased the week before going into basic training.