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The Womanly Thread - Thank you Tommy ;)

Technoviking said:
OK, so which of you ladies did true woman's work?  You know, ironing  your man's shirt for him, wearing a french maid's outfit, while concurrently making sure that his beer never got empty nor too warm?  8)

(Can you tell that I'm no longer married?)  ;D

To my man's dismay, I have told him I will not iron his shirts, though I do give foot-rubs and I love cooking for him.

After washing my hands, of course.
zipperhead_cop said:
Seems to me there is a missing part before the going to sleep... ;D

Wore a big name tag proclaiming my name to be "Miffy" while I played a student in my 7 year old daughter's play school room while she was pretending to be the teacher.  Apparently, Miffy is capable of better work and needs to apply himself more to be successful  :P  Not much has changed...


That would also be allowed in the Manly thread for maximum points, as any guy with a pair that works can make a child... but it takes a real man to be a Dad.  :salute:
zipperhead_cop said:
Seems to me there is a missing part before the going to sleep... ;D

How would that be possible? He's got a headache  >:D

Tommy said:

That would also be allowed in the Manly thread for maximum points, as any guy with a pair that works can make a child... but it takes a real man to be a Dad.  :salute:

Whole heartedly agree with that!! Did a lot of "unmanly" things for the sake of my kids during the short stints we had alongside. (thankfully there were no pictures except in my kids minds!!)
Technoviking said:
OK, so which of you ladies did true woman's work?  You know, ironing  your man's shirt for him, wearing a french maid's outfit, while concurrently making sure that his beer never got empty nor too warm?  8)

(Can you tell that I'm no longer married?)  ;D

I guess here is the place to point out that I iron my wife's uniform...but I don't wear the French Maid outfit.  I have to draw the line somewhere.

HavokFour said:
I wore a pink shirt.

Apparently Pink is Womanly....

However if you Call it "Angry Salmon" its Manly enough...  Add some Tan in a can and frosted hair tips and it'll get you a guest spot on Jersey Shore.... Fist Pounding like a CHAMP!

Ahem... anyways...

uh... womanly thing... womanly thing... oh, I talked about feelings today...
Double feminine:

I got up with the baby last night, and received my appointment to get a vasectomy in September.
While on extended break from school - I have been doing the shopping, cooking, hanging laundry and cleaning - trying to make up for 11 months on IR.


I am at a loss as to how getting a vasectomy is a womanly thing, perhaps you should recheck the name of the doctor and clinic with whom you made the appointment for surgery?
IMO, getting a vasectomy is a manly thing.  Stepping up to the plate and being responsible for birth control.  :nod:
PMedMoe said:
... Stepping up to the plate and being responsible for birth control.  :nod:

Which used to be, strictly, a womanly thing.
Any man who would rather his wife go through a more severe surgery than he would have to go through is hardly a man.

Still, a man losing his fertility is still decidedly un-masculine.
Petamocto said:
Double feminine:

I got up with the baby last night, and received my appointment to get a vasectomy in September.

Remember, DON'T FLINCH!  ;D
Petamocto said:
Still, a man losing his fertility is still decidedly un-masculine.

Nothing wrong with being Sunkist, buds.  And creating unwanted kids is neither manly nor womanly.  "Fertility" has a time and a place. 
Yesterday I folded laundry, did dishes, baked the wife a cake, and willingly attended a folk music performance with her... (it was her birthday)
Greymatters said:
Yesterday I folded laundry, did dishes, baked the wife a cake, and willingly attended a folk music performance with her... (it was her birthday)

For this to be truely considered 'womanly', you must perform same-said tasks on a day that is not 'calendar special' ...

Else, you did them simply because you had to, thus negating the womanliness about them.
ArmyVern said:
For this to be truely considered 'womanly', you must perform same-said tasks on a day that is not 'calendar special' ...

Else, you did them simply because you had to, thus negating the womanliness about them.

Tough guidelines!  But doesnt listening to any folky-type music, regardless of the calender day, qualify as 'womanly'...?

Broke out my housewife kit and sewed up a rip in my combat pants.  Of course it says something about todays culture when most of the people that saw me sewing today asked why I did not exchange my pants; it was not that big a rip and I sewed it up no problem (a mat tech might disagree with me, but it works for  field pants).
Warning: This is not a blond's joke  :o

Today, I needed to buy a bulb for one of my lamps so I went to the store and got back home with... 30 amp fuses.

Then I sat down and figured it's about time I get back on the dating scene and find myself a nice man who knows the difference between a bulb and a fuse (even if they look alike a lot because in this case... THEY DO!).
