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The WTF News Files

At Least Five Fishermen Dead After Drinking Contents of Bottles Found at Sea

At least five Srilankan fishermen have tragically lost their lives and three more are in critical condition after consuming the mysterious contents of bottles found floating in the open sea.

This is crazy.

Ball hockey referee left with fractured skull, jaw after removing player from game
“(The referee) received a stick blow to the chest followed by a stick blow with both hands directly to the face,” the NBHPA said in a social media post detailing the incident.
The referee suffered a fractured skull and jaw along with a concussion, according to the association. All of his teeth were either broken or displaced.
The NBHPA said the victim will need facial reconstruction surgeries and is unable to work.
He needs to be arrested, charged, undergo a trial like any other criminal. Publicly very publicly
He’s charged with assault causing and assault with a weapon. Based on the injuries described I’m surprised they didn’t charge agg assault. Taking the story at face value, I’d have likely charged the 268, and probably seen a plead down to the 267.