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Training Area Development


Army.ca Veteran
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Why can a civie company take a section (a square mile) or whatever of southern Ontario farmland and turn it into Canada's wonderland, yet in our Training Areas we have to maintain illogical roads following the tracks made by Joey Two Canoes and Suzie Screaming Eagle in 1649?

Why don't we treat our Trg Areas as "Combat Manoeuvre Theme Parks" and put the ranges, roads and facilities where they will do the most good?

Why can't we terraform Gagetown so our new wheeled army can surf traces on it?  They way we cost account veh mileage and repairs, it would be cheaper in the long run.

I think we should charge admission to get into the Military training areas and then people could look at the Military as they drive by and see if they want to join sort of a recruiting poster, and then maybe the Government would get more money, but i like the sound of  "Combat Manoeuvre Theme Parks" it sound better than CFB Wonderfull or CFB Wally World. i think your on to something here, the Military try and save money, but then again why change it and just give the Military less money in next years budget!!!!!!
TCBF said:
Why can't we terraform Gagetown so our new wheeled army can surf traces on it?   They way we cost account veh mileage and repairs, it would be cheaper in the long run.


You've been there.  Swamps on top of hills.  How expensive would it be to Terraform the Lawfield Corridor?
Cheap.  Pick a two km wide corridor, start at Range Control, go South all the way to ATP, West to the WTP, North to the Shirley.  Put in a network of roads and crossing over the new ditches you dig to drain the swamps.  Put in woods where they can be used to teach tactical lessons.  Groom the ridgelines.  Formalize and groom the harbours so we can park 25 courses in the trg area withought driving into each other.  Remember the driving circuit?  Build a tactical circuit (Spahtruppebahn) where they can practice skills and drills.  Figure out the best places for OPs, and build a proper set of tracks and trails that interconnect and join the whole place.  Pull the stumps.  We have a wheeled Army in a tracked training area - do we want to spend our time training, or bogged?  Re-create the Cdn Canter Area, minus the German villages.

That would give our Engineers good Road Building experience..........but we all know that it will be sent out to tender amongst Civilian Contractors.......Then CE Roads and Grounds will have to come in and fix all the deficiencies when the winning Contractor declares bankruptcy after cutting corners and completing the project over budget, over time, etc.  Yet another scandalous procurement project.
Terraform Gagetown......sounds like a good Engineer EX to me,  ;D
Though you may be onto something with charging addmission, or atleast advertise the 'soldier for a day' program. I never did it but always thought it would be a good recruiting tool. show off some cool gucci gear, blow some stuff up, they'll be lining up in no time.

how can a contractor possibly do it cheaper than we can, have you ever compared wages? ;D
George, I'm scandalized!  How dare you mock the exemplary work of civ contractors on army projects.  Why, the very idea is preposterous, sir!    ::)
