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Transferring to another unit (RESERVE)

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Awesome, thanks Lumber! Yeah I understand the first unit, (artillery) likely won't want to put too many rescources into me. Especially because I'd be transferring out of the trade, to armoured. Think they'd at least get me on a BMQ?
Standish said:
Awesome, thanks Lumber! Yeah I understand the first unit, (artillery) likely won't want to put too many rescources into me. Especially because I'd be transferring out of the trade, to armoured. Think they'd at least get me on a BMQ?

Ouuu a trade change? That's a WHOLE different pickle. Once you are enrolled in the Artillery as an Artillery soldier (even unqualified), the process for transferring to a different unit AND different trade becomes much more complicated. Instead of a simple administrative transfer from one unit's strength to another, you have to go through a VOT process (voluntary occupational transfer). This involves more paperwork, interviews with a Personnel Selection Officer, and cover letters by your CO. This is all in addition to the process for transferring from one unit to another.

I think the best way for this to work is to get both units involved. The way I see it working best is for the Armoured unit to officially hire you, and then "attach post" you to the Artillery unit for the sake of initial admin, kitting out and basic training. This is 100% doable, and isn't actually that much paperwork, but it does require those involved to show a little bit of initiative, and it would require that the two units actually talk to and work with each other. Unfortunately, my experience with the Army reserves does not give me much confidence that this will be easy for them.
Lumber said:
Ouuu a trade change? That's a WHOLE different pickle. Once you are enrolled in the Artillery as an Artillery soldier (even unqualified), the process for transferring to a different unit AND different trade becomes much more complicated. Instead of a simple administrative transfer from one unit's strength to another, you have to go through a VOT process (voluntary occupational transfer). This involves more paperwork, interviews with a Personnel Selection Officer, and cover letters by your CO. This is all in addition to the process for transferring from one unit to another.

I think the best way for this to work is to get both units involved. The way I see it working best is for the Armoured unit to officially hire you, and then "attach post" you to the Artillery unit for the sake of initial admin, kitting out and basic training. This is 100% doable, and isn't actually that much paperwork, but it does require those involved to show a little bit of initiative, and it would require that the two units actually talk to and work with each other. Unfortunately, my experience with the Army reserves does not give me much confidence that this will be easy for them.

The army folks here can correct me if I'm wrong, but my view is that the Land Force is UBER Tribal!! Between regiments, between elements, between Brigades, between Divisions. I have no clue how they actually plan and carry out a joint ex. They do it all the time, but I think its done in spite of their organizations not because of them.
Just a Navy perspective and not saying that we are the be all and end all of organization.  :cheers:
FSTO said:
Just a Navy perspective and not saying that we are the be all and end all of organization.  :cheers:

You don't have to. Because I will. Because we are.  :D
Ahh, had a feeling it couldn't be so simple, haha.  So in that case do you think it'd simply be easier to drive the 3 1/2 hours, and just join the armoured unit straight up, instead of running the risk of the two units not communicating? I've got family in the area, so I could certainly make it work.
Call the unit you want to join in Toronto, and explain the situation to them. They may have some recommendations on how to proceed. The "attach posting" thing seems easy, but with a 3.5 hour drive from your location to Toronto likely means the units are in different Brigades which could complicate paperwork. If your concern is being started in the CAF before you start University, you could inquire if a summer BMQ is a possibility (have no idea if they still run these), which would let you do BMQ in the summer and then you head down to Toronto in August for school having already completed BMQ with the unit you joined down there.

Your local unit is likely not going to want to fill up a recruit slot with someone who's definitely leaving in 18 months.
Hey friends,
I'm currently in the application process and just received word my application was going through final processing.  I was wondering how easy it would be to switch units early on. I have an opportunity in a different city where they also have an infantry reserve unit. 
Would I be able to transfer units early on or do I need to be trades qualified before moving around?  Would it be better to cancel my application and reapply? 
Is this a bit of a dick move to the unit I've applied for,  or would it be better to make the move now?
Hello all,

I'm going to be attending the University of Alberta starting this Sept. I'm planning on applying to transfer to UBC for Sept 2021 and currently live on the west coast. I'd like to enter the reserves as an officer for FY 2020/21 and complete BMOQ next summer. My question is: can I apply to a regiment in Edmonton when I move there in August, complete BMQ/BMOQ and then transfer to a Vancouver-based unit? Or will I need to be fully qualified before I can transfer?

Thanks in advance.

jimm said:
Hello all,

I'm going to be attending the University of Alberta starting this Sept. I'm planning on applying to transfer to UBC for Sept 2021 and currently live on the west coast. I'd like to enter the reserves as an officer for FY 2020/21 and complete BMOQ next summer. My question is: can I apply to a regiment in Edmonton when I move there in August, complete BMQ/BMOQ and then transfer to a Vancouver-based unit? Or will I need to be fully qualified before I can transfer?

Thanks in advance.

I’ve personally helped process transfers of pers from one PRes unit to another in both instances of being fully trained and not even close. It depends on the circumstances. It would also depend on how quickly you get in the door, when the training is taking place, etc.

But personally, if you already know you’re not going to be dedicated to a unit in AB for longer than a year and want to end up in BC, then don’t use a unit simply to meet your pre-planned career objectives. Just wait until you’re settled out west. A lot goes into getting a member in the door and trade qualified. A unit would like to see their efforts pay off, not simply considered as mere short-term convenience at the time.
jimm said:
Hello all,

I'm going to be attending the University of Alberta starting this Sept. I'm planning on applying to transfer to UBC for Sept 2021 and currently live on the west coast. I'd like to enter the reserves as an officer for FY 2020/21 and complete BMOQ next summer. My question is: can I apply to a regiment in Edmonton when I move there in August, complete BMQ/BMOQ and then transfer to a Vancouver-based unit? Or will I need to be fully qualified before I can transfer?

Thanks in advance.
This has been done. Be up front with the regiment in Edmonton and see what they say.  We have done this for troops as we had the room and it helps the CAF.

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I'll have a word with them when I'm in town then. Thanks for the responses!
If that doesn't pan out another option is to join the unit in BC and do an attachment to AB for the school year.  Have used that often with officers as units tend not to want their positions filled with someone that is not sticking around. 
Hello, hopefully I can get some assistance with my situation.

I am a Pre-BMQL Private (I have completed BMQ) with an Army reserve unit in Ottawa. I am currently on a Class C and am hoping to move to Montreal once my contract has ended. I have done my research and have determined my ideal unit to join in Montreal. The unit is also an Army unit and has my trade as well. I have heard some conflicting responses on what I should do from here. I was hoping for some assistance.

Some have suggested to bring it up directly to my CoC first, others have said to contact the Unit I intend to join first. If so, I am not sure if I should contact recruiting or the BOR directly.

Thank you.
dalva061 said:
Hello, hopefully I can get some assistance with my situation.

I am a Pre-BMQL Private (I have completed BMQ) with an Army reserve unit in Ottawa. I am currently on a Class C and am hoping to move to Montreal once my contract has ended. I have done my research and have determined my ideal unit to join in Montreal. The unit is also an Army unit and has my trade as well. I have heard some conflicting responses on what I should do from here. I was hoping for some assistance.

Some have suggested to bring it up directly to my CoC first, others have said to contact the Unit I intend to join first. If so, I am not sure if I should contact recruiting or the BOR directly.

Thank you.

The way I have seen it done at my unit and told my troops is to contact the intaking unit and see if they have a spot for you. They may want to meet or talk to you.  If everything is in order from their end initiate the process from your home unit.  Normally by way of a memo.  It could take a bit of time as your transfer is happening between divisions.  Meaning it will have to go through a few more hoops than if you were transferring inside your CBG.

Edit: but best bet is to ask your COC how you should do it.
It you're moving it's normally pretty straightforward. You may still be in your old units uniform for awhile, cause the transfer can take time, plus any extra hopes that unit might make you job through to get their capbadge. I do actually know someone who's transfer was denied. They were told that because they were a sub-par soldier that the unit wasn't going to pawn them off on someone else with the units name attached to them. They were told if they wanted to go to another unit they needed to release from the forces and reaply to the new unit. Now this was 10 years ago, I don't know if that could still happen today.
Yes it can still happen today. 

My preference has always been for the member to talk to his home unit which then liaisons with the gaining unit on availability of positions.  If Pte bloggings called me to ask about a transfer to the unit my first question would be - have you talked to your unit.  If not then it was all stops, go talk to unit and then if they were ready to transfer they would contact me.  That way even if we did not have a spot we could discuss the options such as an attach posting.  This also gave the members unit a chance to ascertain the reason for the request, if there was something amiss that could be fixed,  what alternatives there were and if they would even support a transfer.  So many times the request was because the member was going to university in x-town but returning home every Apr/May when school ended.  This is a better case for an attach posting than a transfer.

In the end it still boils down to using the chain of command that is in place and avoid stepping on toes that may get upset because you shopped another unit before discussing with your unit.
Hi guys. My question is whether it is possible to transfer to units within the reserves for example if I moved from one city to another and joined the local reserves in the city i moved to and leaving the one where i was before
Short answer:Yes

Long answer: depends on trade, if there are open positions at the unit you want to transfer to.