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"trickle down government."


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So much American Politics and not enough from Canada

Via e-mail
National Citizens Coalition

"trickle down government."

In campaigns, "pocket-book issues" are often the most impactful, as so much of government spending or waste can be tough to comprehend. Well, our intrepid finance critic ran the numbers, and laid out the damage neatly.

You are now responsible for another $10,000 in new debt. And not just you. Every man, woman, and child.


That's your bill after months of unthinking shut downs and economic hardship that further skyrocketed our federal deficit.

That's money that should have gone towards your mortgage, your business, or your retirement.

Responsibility depends on how long you live.  If governments just keep rolling debt over, it's only people in some far off future - maybe - that have responsibility for actually extinguishing any debt balance on the books.
Except that even governments have to pay interest and the greater the debt the less flexibility you have for necessary purchases like jets, anti-air systems, trucks, boots, ships and subs: the list keeps growing because we keep putting them off for another day.  And forget the military for a moment and think about health care.  We have an ageing population.  Our road infrastructure has more holes than the proverbial swiss cheese.  Constant deficit financing is a fools way to solve anything.  We have been running a constant 20 billion in the hole for the last 5 years.  Can you look around you and see a single improvement to a Canadian's lot in life as a result?  End of rant.
shawn5o said:
So much American Politics and not enough from Canada

Via e-mail
National Citizens Coalition

"trickle down government."

In campaigns, "pocket-book issues" are often the most impactful, as so much of government spending or waste can be tough to comprehend. Well, our intrepid finance critic ran the numbers, and laid out the damage neatly.

You are now responsible for another $10,000 in new debt. And not just you. Every man, woman, and child.


That's your bill after months of unthinking shut downs and economic hardship that further skyrocketed our federal deficit.

That's money that should have gone towards your mortgage, your business, or your retirement.


It's a good point buddy and that's the reason why I continually come back to make the comparisons. Maybe it would be more productive to compare our country with one of the most successful countries in the world on how they handled the virus crisis? Then we could criticize Canada for not doing as well. Any  countries come to mind?

Donald H said:
It's a good point buddy and that's the reason why I continually come back to make the comparisons. Maybe it would be more productive to compare our country with one of the most successful countries in the world on how they handled the virus crisis? Then we could criticize Canada for not doing as well. Any  countries come to mind?


Australia is the obvious one as usual and we don't come off that well. ERC has wrote about it a few times on his site

The truth is the decisions made in the past are in the past and we can only deal with things on the ground as they happen. I think we're doing fairly well. Every country has different political constraints and cultures that need to be considered in how they dealt with things as well
suffolkowner said:
Australia is the obvious one as usual and we don't come off that well. ERC has wrote about it a few times on his site

The truth is the decisions made in the past are in the past and we can only deal with things on the ground as they happen. I think we're doing fairly well. Every country has different political constraints and cultures that need to be considered in how they dealt with things as well

The truth is suffolk, Canada has done moderately well but not as well as say Japan or some of the other Asian countries that did extremely well. And especially it's important to compare our performance to the very poor performance of the US, that has been dictated to their people for reasons that are political.
