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Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

I just read a local news article talking about how Ontario’s nurse per capita has dropped. All the regular comments were blaming Ford (which I do believe a large part of the issue is successive government mismanagement for decades), but one pointed comment was that since the population increased 1m in Ontario in two years, of course the per capita decreased. Normally Ontario takes in 100-150k a year, so growth of 8-10 years in a two year span really isn’t sustainable.

We really need to cut immigration today, for at least a few years (other than very specific actual skilled positions), as recently not only have we been taking in too many immigrants for our system to absorb effectively, but it is generally not particularly skilled immigrants who we are bringing in (thanks to the schooling loophole).

This is strongly effecting the job market at the lower level and eroding our workers rights as many employers have no qualms about exploiting such labour and most those immigrants are too afraid to say/do anything about it.

The unvaccinated medical staff will be allowed back to work in BC since Dr. Bonny made her announcement this week. It will be interesting to see what that might do to the levels of service, if anything...

Part of me wonders is the BoC is actually as independent as we thought. I've been deployed since June, but I wasn't noticing a big change in my cost of living.

Independent doesn’t mean unaffected by GoC policies and budgets, though. It isn’t really a question, the relationship between interest rates and inflation, so there will necessarily be some relation…but that leads us to this…v

In defense of the LPC the CPC made the interest rate an issue. So lower the interest rate, et voila, you take that attack route away.

The CPC’s issue of interest rate was related to the CPC’s position that the LPC mindset of deficit funding for its aspirational nirvana plan has a direct causal effect on bond issue to finance the successive large deficits which in turn affects the supply of money which in turn directly impacts inflation, for which one of the few tools at the BoC’s disposal is control of the prime lending rate…the loop. Prior to 2015, Canada’s federal debt alone was in the mid-100s of billions…it’s now pushing 1.4-1.5 TRILLION dollars. This “isn’t not” the LPC’s doing…Trudeau & Co. have been in power for approaching a TENTH OF A CENTURY…
Meanwhile, denial is always a good tactic these days ;)

After Trudeau challenges reliability of poll numbers, pollsters respond | Power & Politics​

Abacus Data's David Coletto and the Angus Reid Institute's Shachi Kurl say while polls are snapshots in time, a series of snapshots can reveal how the electorate is feeling about parties and leaders. The comments come after Trudeau says Canadians are ‘not in decision mode’ right now, while facing poor poll numbers.

Meanwhile, denial is always a good tactic these days ;)

After Trudeau challenges reliability of poll numbers, pollsters respond | Power & Politics​

Abacus Data's David Coletto and the Angus Reid Institute's Shachi Kurl say while polls are snapshots in time, a series of snapshots can reveal how the electorate is feeling about parties and leaders. The comments come after Trudeau says Canadians are ‘not in decision mode’ right now, while facing poor poll numbers.

Oh, I disagree. I think Canadians are/have decided…
Meanwhile, denial is always a good tactic these days ;)

After Trudeau challenges reliability of poll numbers, pollsters respond | Power & Politics ...​

Political playbook tactic #527: Blame the messengers LOL!
Oh, I disagree. I think Canadians are/have decided…
Well, from a spin point of view, they're no longer in decision mode, right? #MoarLoserSpin
People will challenge any polling that doesn’t suit how they are feeling. The same people will use polling to support how they feel.

Happens here all the time lol.
Then will also say that polls don’t reflect reality.

And yes - I am a big proponent of that line of thinking.