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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

... The Liberal guy came out and said changing Trudeau out is about party survival at this point (best option they can hope for if they do this is forming the opposition next election)
A lot of Team Red boosters have been saying that for a bit all over the podcast-sphere - maybe some of it'll eventually get through the Liberal Brain Trust Deflector Shields?
A few days ago Brad Lavigne posited that if Trudeau were to step down/be removed that the party would prorogue parliament to run a leadership race.

Not an impossible scenario.
Proroguing would be the only proper thing to do if Trudeau were to step down (there is no mechanism in the Liberal Party for his MPs to force out, short of voting with the opposition on a confidence motion and having the Government fall). It allows the Liberals to sort their house out and find a new leader who can then present a fresh agenda.
Despite how some people feel about the CBC, David Cochrane is a pretty good host/moderator and he always has all sides represented (except when he has actual MPs on since the CPC has a policy against CBC appearances).

I’ve never really seen it get out of hand when he’s on.
People are surprised to find out how much I watch CBC. I also watch CTV alot but the truth is that is mostly Vassey Kapelos (who in my mind is the most neutral, honest and ruthless Canadian Political journalist out there). You will also find on international incidents being reported CBC does some good coverage. I do catch David Cochranes show everyday.
The other thing being brought up alot is the PMO staffers. Now is this in reference to Katie Telford herself or all the staff? How much interference do they run covering Trudeau's backside?
The other thing being brought up alot is the PMO staffers. Now is this in reference to Katie Telford herself or all the staff? How much interference do they run covering Trudeau's backside?

Enough that the Coup planners made sure they were not in the room, apparently.

We should launch a hostage rescue operation for our Liberal MPs ;)

Enough that the Coup planners made sure they were not in the room, apparently.

We should launch a hostage rescue operation for our Liberal MPs ;)

Everyone makes it sound like Trudeau, Telford and Freeland are going to throw the rebel Liberal MPs off the cliffs behind the centre bloc crashing down onto the Ottawa River cycle path below. In reality, they'll get yelled at, berated and humiliated by the in-crowd. Yes, Trudeau is long rumoured to have a wicked temper, but this isn't the Kremlin. They'll still be sitting MPs, as either LPC backbenchers or independents, at least for few more months anyways.
Yes, Trudeau is long rumoured to have a wicked temper, but this isn't the Kremlin. They'll still be sitting MPs, as either LPC backbenchers or independents, at least for few more months anyways
He’ll scream behind closed doors like he does often, but he’s not going to hoof any of them out of caucus just yet. A number of folks I know on the well-informed periphery are mindful that Trudeau is trying to make it to July to be the ‘legacy reinforcing’ progressive G7 leader at the Kananaskis conference. He’s apparently going to go full send on climate rescue…
Everyone makes it sound like Trudeau, Telford and Freeland are going to throw the rebel Liberal MPs off the cliffs behind the centre bloc crashing down onto the Ottawa River cycle path below. In reality, they'll get yelled at, berated and humiliated by the in-crowd. Yes, Trudeau is long rumoured to have a wicked temper, but this isn't the Kremlin. They'll still be sitting MPs, as either LPC backbenchers or independents, at least for few more months anyways.
I alo think someone in that group realize strategically they can't afford to lose any more MPs.
Behind a paywall, an article by eminence Gris of the Laurentian Elite, Jeffery Simpson, in the Globe and Mail. Usually I can’t stand reading him, but he did write a good book during the Chrétien years called The Friendly Dictatorship, about how the PM in Canada is basically an elected dictator with vastly more powers than a US president.

In this article, he talks about the four “I’s” that are bringing the Liberals down with voters: Incumbency, Inflation, Immigration and Identity, and how the Liberals (or Trudeau) shit the bed on all of them, pissing off Canadians.

It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. Very few of them stand any chance of being reelected. Who cares if they get blackballed by the PMO. It'll likely be the last time they work for the liberals anyway. At least go down salvaging whatever scruples you have left.
Even if Trudeau does step down and Parliament is prorogued to enable a new leader, the Liberal party doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell to be re-elected as the governing party. The best case scenario for the LPC is that Trudeau’s resignation would minimize an otherwise savage bloodbath (like what happened to Kathleen Wynn’s government in Ontario) and allow at least a few more MPs to keep their seats.
Even if Trudeau does step down and Parliament is prorogued to enable a new leader, the Liberal party doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell to be re-elected as the governing party.
Trudea is going to:
-promise, if elected, to introduce some kind of guaranteed basic income leading people to believe they can sit at home and collect checks
-promise, if elected, to introduce some kind of guaranteed work from home rule leading the 360,000 public service living in big cities to vote for him
-promise, if elected, to introduce an even better daycare plan
-promise, if elected, to really take the housing situation seriously and come up with a plan to make housing more affordable.
-promise, if elected, to introduce electoral reform

Lots of stupid Canadians will eat these promises up. I'm predicting a Liberal minority government.

“I would say that I’m disappointed because Canadians expect us to be focusing on Canadians,” Ng said.

Ng is one of Trudeau’s China-friendly cabal…Katie Telford, Jody Thomas, Zita Astravas, et al. No surprise she’s disappointed that some Liberal MPs take ‘focusing on Canadians’ to mean addressing issues important to Canadian, like not becoming a. Chinese vasal state…
Trudea is going to:
-promise, if elected, to introduce some kind of guaranteed basic income leading people to believe they can sit at home and collect checks
-promise, if elected, to introduce some kind of guaranteed work from home rule leading the 360,000 public service living in big cities to vote for him
-promise, if elected, to introduce an even better daycare plan
-promise, if elected, to really take the housing situation seriously and come up with a plan to make housing more affordable.
-promise, if elected, to introduce electoral reform

Lots of stupid Canadians will eat these promises up. I'm predicting a Liberal minority government.

I'm voting Liberal. Because I want to see how destructive Canadians really are ok with the LPC being.
I heard an interesting show on CBC Radio today about narcissism. The guest was a psychologist or something similar and had just written a book so was probably 'on the circuit'. She discussed narcissists in relation to corporate leadership, politics and intimate partner violence and how it can be related to psychopathy and sociopathy by its lack of empathy.

She was asked about our current party leaders but had to defer since she was American and didn't really know enough about them but said if they are anything like the US party leaders, no doubt they are narcissists. We (the voters) want someone who appears highly confident, appears to have the answers and is focused on our best interests. The problem is, it's all a scam - they are there for themselves.