Some in the blue Liberal camp tout former BC Liberal premier, Christy Clark.
For me, I have three words to describe her: Liberal Sarah Palin.
She does have many strengths to those outside of BC who don’t know her. She’s very telegenic and is an awesome campaigner. She is seen as a “business-friendly” Liberal and she’s an outsider; she has nothing to do with the current wrecking crew in Ottawa.
If she’s out campaigning, yucking it up with construction and factory workers in her pumps and hard hat in Ontario, she may be a formidable opponent for the Tories. Although she’s educated at SFU and the Sorbonne, she can do her “g’s” like any Joe Lunchbucket blue-collar worker.
She may not do well in BC. People there don’t remember her fondly. She did as well as she did because she wasn’t NDP.
Her biggest weakness is her French is not good, which has been a stumbling block to any British Columbian seeking higher office. But apparently she’s been talking lessons.
If the LPC get someone like her, PP will really have to up his game.