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Trudeau to run at last?


Army.ca Legend
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A dream to some; A NIGHTMARE to others! *


I overheard at the convention last weekend that Justin Trudeau is considering a run in the riding of Outremont.
I didn't put much stock into the rumour, but this makes it more likely to be true (Romeo St. Martin reports that Jean Lapierre may not run again in Outremont) <http://www.politicswatch.com/lapierre-dec4-2006.htm>. Further, could he sit as an MP under a Dion government given Dion's hardline with soft Quebec nationalists?

Also, perhaps Trudeau believed that Kennedy (and then Dion) were weak leaders to support so that the eldest son of P.E. Trudeau could run for Liberal leadership in 2008.

Trudeau would be a (future leadership) candidate that would run heavily on personality and the name "Trudeau". Here's Blogging Tories Television's interview with him <http://www.bloggingtories.ca/bttv/2006/12/justin_trudeau_interview.html>.

I'm certain that it's not a question of if but when and when may come sooner than we think if Lapierre's vacating of Outremont (again, perhaps because of Dion) is true.

A Justin Trudeau run in the riding of Outremont? You heard it here first.
Posted by Stephen Taylor at December 5, 2006 10:17 AM

* Merlyn to Arthur in Excalibur
What has Trudeau Jr. actually done ???  I know we set the bar fairly low for our politicians these days but surely we expect some sort of success/achievement at something!
It seems to me that he has acomplished the same thing as his father, lingering talk about sex in his wake...

He has accomplished nada. At least his father was a law proffesor.  He has done some humanitarian soul searching and has toured the hard parts of the world speaking for this cause and that one.

No doubt the Tories will cry about how the liberals are so like the Americans for hoisting their chances on a legacy candidate...

Mr Trudeau manages something called the "Trudeau institute"....

Also:  this is a democratic country and the people will decide at the urns.  If they like the cut of his sail and the ship he sails on... they will vote for him.  If they don't like either.... they won't.

geo said:
Also:   this is a democratic country and the people will decide at the urns.  If they like the cut of his sail and the ship he sails on... they will vote for him.  If they don't like either.... they won't.

The danger here is a lot of people "like" Mr Trudeau, an observation especially relevant based on the reaction to his presence at the Liberal convention. As noted, he has very little in the way of concrete accomplishments to stand on but the MSM and delegates hung on his every word as if it was pure gold.

Perhaps the most telling thing is to contrast the treatment of various politicians. Mr Harper is depicted as Satan's right or left hand man, while Mr Dion, a Chretien era cabinet minister with a very thin record (even the Clarity act was plagiarized from a private member's bill tabled four years before by......Steven Harper!) is touted as the man with "new ideas" who will renew the Liberal party. Regardless of what Trudeau does short of actual murder, the press will act as if the sun shone from his a**. What's not to like when you are accorded that level of uncritical treatment?
If they like the cut of his sail and the ship he sails on... they will vote for him.  If they don't like either.... they won't.
And a large number would simply vote for him because he carries the "Trudeau" name.
When it comes to voting in federal elections, people vote more on their party perceptions rather than individual candidates. Don't forget that people are also voting on the Prime Minister. If Trudeau jr. ever ran for the Liberal party he would be a shoe in and would quickly ride to the top. And we could relive the Trudeau days sooner rather than later. IMHO of course

Personal rant:
The Trudeaus are Canada's equivalent to the American Kennedies. They don't have to do anything, all they have to do is announce where they will be and the crowds (and cameras) will flock just to hear one of them speak. I really hate how it works in this country, people are more apt to vote for a hockey legend rather than an accomplished Politician or bureaucrat and political parties know this and try desperately to recruit these types of people in key ridings which could help out in the swing vote. Trudeau jr. is just riding on the coatails of his father and I wouldn't vote for him even if he was the only candidate in my riding based on the fact that he has not done anything to prove his knowledge of state business. Politician is a profession, humanitarian work has nothing to do with that profession (I'm a realist if you can't tell).
While all the Trudeau sycophants are dreaming of the Second Coming, voters should care to remember that while Justin is the Son of Pierre, Leader of Canada, he is also the Son of Margaret, Groupie of Mick.  Justin descends as half the man his father was (exactly which half, we can't tell) and the other half, more or less, descends from his mother.  Nor should it be assumed he got only the best of his father and none of the worst of his mother; odds are he got a mixed helping of the characteristics - good, bad, otherwise - of each.  This whole romance founded on who begat who[m] should be thrown onto the mound of festering poot where it belongs until the Heir captures some riding of voters with stars in their eyes/a propensity to gamble.
Well, if he got the best from his father it means he does a great pirouette.  I can think of nothing else useful done by PET.
This is a very common theme in politics or in buisness for that matter, sons or daughters following in their parents footsteps. One shoudn't discount all their OJT at parents knee which makes them savy in the ways of their forebears. IE; Paul Martin Sr. & Jr , Conservative Foreign Affairs Minister McKay simply took over his Fathers riding so it has been in the family 30 yrs (what did he do before being elected)  and do you think Belinda would be where she is if not for her father. Give me a break!!  They are probably more qualified than most politicians where the majority are non practicing lawyers or teachers or ex real estate salesmen what are their qualifications. Like the man said the voters will decide that's the system.

a_majoor said:
Perhaps the most telling thing is to contrast the treatment of various politicians. Mr Harper is depicted as Satan's right or left hand man, while Mr Dion, a Chretien era cabinet minister with a very thin record (even the Clarity act was plagiarized from a private member's bill tabled four years before by......Steven Harper!) is touted as the man with "new ideas" who will renew the Liberal party. Regardless of what Trudeau does short of actual murder, the press will act as if the sun shone from his a**. What's not to like when you are accorded that level of uncritical treatment?

Mr.Din has a distinguished academic background and has shown personal strength by standing up to the nationalists in his home province.

Baden  Guy said:
Mr.Din has a distinguished academic background and has shown personal strength by standing up to the nationalists in his home province.

But besides that? His record as Minister of the Environment is typical Liberal; six billion of our dollars spent on the Kyoto accord and the Auditor General blasts them for having no accountability on how the money was spent, and no metrics to define useful or successful programs.

He was a cabinet minister under both Chretien and Martin, and claims to have no knowledge of any of the scandals which marred that period of our history. Is he totally clueless, or simply disinterested in what is going on in caucus and the PMO? Either one is a brilliant endorsement for a potential leader.

Standing up to the separatists is one thing; using Steven Harper's private member's bill to do so after a four year delay (and without ever acknowledging the source) smacks of laziness and opportunism. Perhaps these are admirable qualities in the Liberalverse.

Trudeau seems more of the same, and if voters like the cut of his sails regardless, that says something about us as a nation.
HDE said:
What has Trudeau Jr. actually done ???  I know we set the bar fairly low for our politicians these days but surely we expect some sort of success/achievement at something!

>They are probably more qualified than most politicians where the majority are non practicing lawyers or teachers or ex real estate salesmen what are their qualifications.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  The point of representative democracy is for citizens of various professions and trades and backgrounds to run their own country.  The development of a political class whose pre-eminent skill is winning elections is not a positive development in the evolution of governments.  Besides, I doubt any kid growing up in a political household knows any more about working in government than the child of a teacher or plumber knows about working in a classroom or fitting a house.  Did you grow up somehow magically prepared and qualified to do whatever it is your parents do?
Edward Campbell said:
Well, if he got the best from his father it means he does a great pirouette.  I can think of nothing else useful done by PET.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms come to mind...
Why do you imagine a charter of rights that makes such a lukewarm and qualified defence of inherent rights of persons to be a useful achievement?

(My view: a useful charter places inherent freedoms absolutely beyond the reach of any government, specifies exactly the limits of powers and privileges of government, and reserves all remaining (ie. unmentioned) rights to persons.)
No, I'm referring to fuzzy clauses such as "reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society", and enumerations of "fundamental freedoms" which fail to assert important qualifiers such as "including, but not necessarily limited to", and 15(2).