Digital ID?
I thought it was already here without Government input.
Almost everyone here has some sort of smart device and it tracks you better than anything the Government could come up with.
One day a week , I pick up my kids at the ex's home. My phone beeps to let me know what kind of commute I have to her house and estimated time of travel and arrival. My phone beeps every morning with estimated travel time to work, ( I beat it this morning by 10 minutes)
Google even knows when I shop at Costco. It even knows the detour I make to drop my kids at school on the days I have them.
Between smart devices, credit/debit cards, points cards, loyalty cards we are well tracked. Maybe too well tracked.
Enhanced drivers licenses with RF chips can be read at the border crossings already. At one time there was talk about making the photo health card and drivers licenses in Ontario the same card, but think privacy issues came up.
Digital Passport is most likely coming in the next few years, but I am just guessing that our smart devices are not secure enough to allow it just yet. Too many phones are lost or stolen or flushed down toilets etc, to have that key information on it.
If you look at this way, every time we purchase something at a certain large box store. It works like this
1) you buy the product at the checkout,
2) report of sale is sent to store manager in seconds for inventory control
3) inventory control is already checking in store supply to see if resupply of product is required
4) district warehouse gets a message to add resupply to next order
5) Order is ready and placed in the cue for the next store delivery
6) Head office knows that you purchased it and they have 30, 60, 90 or 120 days depending on supplier to pay for that purchased item
This all happens with 45 minutes of your purchase. The store knows how you paid, cash, debit, credit or gift card.
This is how well the government could track us if needed. If not better.
Phones now have out finger prints scanned, eye scans to keep people out of our phones and other devices.
Biggest issues I see for digital ID is older generation that does not trust computers or government or those who live off radar and ghost the world. They will have to be convinced this is a good thing. Other issue will be rural areas where the internet and digital world does not work due to poor reception or too far off the map to get signal. Other issue what is the government going to use the tracking information for and how long will they store it and who can access it, will a warrant or court order be required to gain access to avoid abuse of power and invasion of privacy?