The Canada/US border is a problem because Trump says it is. He has the means to make it a problem for Canada.
And, yes, illegal guns, drugs and, to a lesser extent, people coming north is a bigger concern to us that to them.
What a lot of folks are missing is that controlling what goes into the US is a them problem that falls in the lap of Homeland Security through USCBP and the Border Patrol. However, we have a role to play in controlling who and what comes into Canada with the intent of illegally making it's/their way into the US. But our main focus is and always should be on domestic security, not US security. However, our domestic economic security is now being threatened politically so we have to take this more seriously than we have in the past.
Thought -
Suppose Trump is treating Canada like Mexico because Trudeau apparently cosied up to the new President of Mexico after trying to cosy up to Trump?
Trump has issues with Canada, and some are valid. He also has issues with Mexico, and again, some are valid. But his issues with Canada and Mexico are not the same.
Canada does have a Border problem with the US but the scale and nature of the problem is vastly different than the problem the US has with Mexico.
Suppose that this is as much about, at least in part, Trump suggesting to Trudeau that if Trudeau wants to ally with Mexico then he can expect to be treated like Mexico?
Trump has discussed a flat tariff of 10% on all goods coming into the US regardless of relations. Suppose we take that as his baseline (subject to negotiation).
He then announces a 15% surcharge on trade with Canada and Mexico. In Donald's world there is nothing that can't be cured with more money.
In Canada's case that 15% corresponds to about 3% of GDP. As noted he has been after us for an additional 1% of GDP for Defence - and that was before war broke out. Now he is looking for 2% or more. 2% on Defence and 1% on Border Security and Immigration Control would probably suit him just fine - and make our NATO allies happy as well.
In Mexico's case what would that 15% cover? The cost of building and maintaining the wall perhaps? The cost of returning people that are not welcome?
The 25% Tariff is a 2x4. To be taken both seriously and literally.
A message to Canada and Mexico and everybody else. Donald has set out his stall and is open for business, on his terms. This is as much a message to the Chinese and the Germans as it is to us.