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U.S. Politics 2018

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Kat Stevens said:
. . . As for angry German workers, they elected a pretty nasty piece of work eight decades or so ago. As a result of their national self flagellation of that poor choice, they now limit themselves to leaders like  Reichschancellor Urkell.

Just in case that wasn't sarcasm; it's Bundeskanslerin Merkel. The Reich died in '45.

Kat Stevens said:
... they now limit themselves to leaders like  Reichschancellor Urkell.


FJAG said:
I don't find it strange at all. When I was PD of the JAG's Comprehensive Information Management Project I got an eyeful of how DND handles electronic records and to put it politely (with the exception of those few entities that were using RDIMS) there are many more electronic records that disappear (generally when people are posted) then are retained as required under the DSCDS.

Quite frankly, the type of emails that are being discussed in the FBI case, which is more personal chatter than corporate records anyway would under most government records retention policies not be required to be kept in any event. In our RM parlance they are transient records at best which can be/should be disposed of by the user when no longer needed. All too often we keep useless junk around because we are too lazy to take the time to get rid of it.

I would have hoped that the FBI has a bit better e-record retention system than DND but then since these were undoubtedly not corporate records, I'm not surprised that they (together with those of hundreds of other users) were not readily available.


I hear what you're saying for sure but the timing just seems a bit too auspicious to me.
I'd imagine the more personal chatter is where  the most security breaches happen and where people let their guard down/are the honest. As in the quote from the link I posted.

Something like "She might be our next president. The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear," really calls into question the integrity and throughness of the FBI investigations IMO.

If someone investigating that Canadian military judge that recently hit the news was caught saying something similar I think we'd be up in arms.

5 months of personal texts could have a lot of damning conversations that would probably suggest the FBI weren't very impartial.  Could be totally wrong, I'm curious to see how it pans out.
Fox News Host Sean Hannity today regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller,

Regarding the "Secret Society" at the FBI, and the not-so-secret effort to discredit the investigation,

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is also in today's news,

mariomike said:
That was the impression I got from Bill Maher and Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs".

It's kind of distressing to see so many people steered toward university. But our educators and guidance councillors are all university graduates, so it's not surprising they're biased towards it.

I thought about Mike Rowe a few times at work. Roughnecking and plumbing. Preferred plumbing overall, but I know first hand getting sprayed in the face with drill mud is much better than sewage. He's been through much worse on that show.
New revelations about two anti-Trump and pro-Clinton FBI officials were revealed on Thursday as previously undisclosed text messages between the two show that they were eager to "get around" the bureau's rules for archiving and preserving text messages.

The newly-released texts between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page appear to show that they were interested in getting around policies that dictated they had to preserve communications. The Washington Examiner reports:

FBI trying to circumvent their own security rules?  Strange.

Jarnhamar said:
By Ryan Saavedra.

More from Mr. Saavedra,

Link to the Memo: https://www.scribd.com/document/370598711/House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-On-FISA-Abuses#from_embed

The 10 page Dem memo is out next week.


House memo states disputed dossier was key to FBI’s FISA warrant to surveil members of Team Trump - 2 Feb 18

Extract: A memo that shows alleged government surveillance abuse has been released and includes testimony from a high-ranking government official who says without the infamous Trump dossier, the FBI and DOJ would not have secured surveillance warrants to spy on at least one member of the Trump team.

It also claims the FBI and DOJ used media reporting to lend credibility to the dossier, while the firm behind the dossier, Fusion GPS, briefed major American news outlets to include New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, New Yorker, Yahoo and Mother Jones.

The memo shows that after former British spy Christopher Steele was cut off from the FBI, he continued to pass information, as did Fusion GPS, through Justice Department Official Bruce Ohr.  Ohr’s wife Nellie began working for Fusion GPS as early as May 2016.

It also claims evidence that Steele has a personal animus for the President Trump.

"Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then Candidate Trump, in September of 2016, when Steele told Ohr, that he Steele 'was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president," the memo reads, according to an excerpt obtained by Fox News.

Trump tweets about the FBI

The top Leadership and Investigators of the FBI and the Justice Department have politicized the sacred investigative process in favor of Democrats and against Republicans - something which would have been unthinkable just a short time ago. Rank & File are great people!

“You had Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party try to hide the fact that they gave money to GPS Fusion to create a Dossier which was used by their allies in the Obama Administration to convince a Court misleadingly, by all accounts, to spy on the Trump Team.” Tom Fitton, JW
Rifleman62 said:
The 10 page Dem memo is out next week.

Even if the Democrats try to force another vote to release their  memo, the White House could decide not to release it.

mariomike said:
As long as we are comparing President Kennedy....

Jan. 16, 2018

Associated Press

"Trump ends 1st year with lowest average approval rating"


First Year Presidential Approval

John F. Kennedy 76%

Donald Trump 39%

President Donald Trump’s approval rating is now virtually tied with Barack Obama’s at the same stage of his presidency after Trump popped to 49% following his State of the Union speech.

According to Rasmussen, voters are evenly split with 49% disapproving of Trump and 49% in his corner, Trump’s highest voter approval since March 7, 2017.

Looking at historical records of Obama’s approval rating from the same polling firm, we find that on this day in 2010, the same duration into Obama’s first term, his approval rating stood at 50%, just one percentage point higher than Trump.

In addition, on the same date in 2010, Obama’s “strongly disapprove” rating was 39% compared to his “strongly approve” rating of 32%, giving him a total approval index of minus 7.

Trump’s “strongly disapprove” rating is at 38% compared to his 35% “strongly approve rating,” giving him a total approval index of minus 3, which is four points better than Obama
I quoted The Associated Press (AP).

Jarnhamar said:

Regarding Infowars,


InfoWars disseminates various conspiracy theories, such as speaking against the HPV vaccine; claiming that the Las Vegas shooting was part of a conspiracy; and stating that Hitler is alive.

InfoWars advocates New World Order conspiracy theories, 9/11 conspiracy theories, chemtrails, conspiracy theories involving Bill Gates, supposed covert government weather control programs, claims of rampant domestic false flag operations by the US Government (including 9/11) and the unsupported claim that millions voted illegally in the 2016 US presidential election. Jones frequently uses InfoWars to assert that new high-profile mass shootings are conspiracies or "false flag" operations, claims which are often then spread. This has been characterised as Second Amendment "fan fiction".

InfoWars host Alex Jones has also promoted the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting conspiracy theories. Jones was widely criticized for claiming that the Sandy Hook massacre "completely fake" and "manufactured".

Infowars has been accused of publishing and promoting fake news. Jones has been accused of knowingly misleading people to make money. It has been alleged that as part of the FBI's probe into the interference of Russia in the 2016 US presidential elections Infowars was investigated to see if it was complicit in the disseminating of fake news stores put out by Russian bots.

InfoWars promoted fabricated Pizzagate claims. The fake claims led to harassment of the owner and employees of Comet Ping Pong, a Washington, D.C. pizzeria targeted by the conspiracy theories, including threatening phone calls, online harassment, and death threats. The owner sent a letter to Jones in February 2017 demanding a retraction or apology. (Such a letter is required before a party may seek punitive damages in an action for libel under Texas law).

After receiving the letter, Jones issued an apology in March 2017. Alex Jones said that "I want our viewers and listeners to know that we regret any negative impact our commentaries may have had on Mr. Alefantis, Comet Ping Pong, or its employees. We apologize to the extent our commentaries could be construed as negative statements about Mr. Alefantis or Comet Ping Pong, and we hope that anyone else involved in commenting on Pizzagate will do the same thing." InfoWars also issued a correction on its website.

InfoWars reporter Owen Shroyer also targeted East Side Pies, a group of pizza restaurants in Austin, Texas, with similar fake "Pizzagate" claims. Following the claims, the pizza business was targeted by phone threats, vandalism, and harassment, which the co-owners called "alarming, disappointing, disconcerting and scary."

In 2017, Infowars (among other right-wing sites) published a fake story about U.S. yogurt manufacturer Chobani, with headlines including "Idaho yogurt maker caught importing migrant rapists" and "Allegations that Chobani’s practice of hiring refugees brought crime and tuberculosis to Twin Falls." Chobani ultimately filed a federal lawsuit against Jones, which led to a settlement on confidential terms in May 2017. Jones offered an apology and retraction, admitting that he has made "certain statements" on InfoWars "that I now understand to be wrong."

From May 2014 to November 2017, InfoWars republished articles from multiple sources without permission, most frequently from RT with over 1000 articles copied.


Jarnhamar said:

By Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com


Paul Joseph Watson (born 24 May 1982), also known as PJW, is an English YouTube personality, radio host, writer, editor, and conspiracy theorist. He has been described as 'alt-right' by multiple sources, though he does not associate himself with that label, instead identifying himself as a classical liberal. He publishes content that is critical of Islam, feminism, pop culture, and left-wing politics.

He is the editor-at-large of Infowars.com, an online publication that promotes conspiracy theories about American and international politics, and a contributor to Infowars' talk radio programme The Alex Jones Show, where he occasionally either hosts or co-hosts instead of or with radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Watson has been working on Infowars.com since October 2002. As of August 2017, he has over one million subscribers on his political YouTube channel.

Watson, along with Jones and Infowars as a whole, used to discuss conspiracy theories such as chemtrails, the New World Order and the Illuminati before switching to material against feminism, Islam, and left-wing politics. In an interview, Watson recalled, "I've talked about some quite fruity things in the past in my younger days, in terms of conspiracy theories. We don't all believe what we believed ten years ago." Watson has been described as a member of "the new far-right" by The New York Times, who wrote in August 2017 that his "videos are straightforward nativist polemics, with a particular focus on Europe" and also noted his opposition to modernist architecture and modern art. Iman A'tta, the director of the anti-Islamophobia group Tell MAMA, has said that "Paul Joseph Watson has become 'the' nexus for anti-Muslim accounts that we have mapped...He has become an influencer in promoting information—much of it bizarre and untrue—which has been regurgitated by anti-Muslim and anti-migrant accounts time and time again."

In 2016, he was an early proponent of the allegations that Hillary Clinton suffers from numerous serious medical conditions. Watson's part in the manufacture and popularization of the rumour was covered in the mainstream media as part of a discussion of the role of rumour and conspiracy theory in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Watson was born in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England where he grew up on a council estate. In a November 2016 interview with The Tab, he described his adolescence as "not particularly conventional", and said that he exercised for three hours each day and abstained from alcohol. One of his first jobs was cleaning toilets at a sports arena, but he gave this up to concentrate on InfoWars and his website PropagandaMatrix.



So what you're saying is someone who cleans/cleaned toilets is lesser than everyone else or ripe for ridicule?  PJW's job cleaning toilets is somehow some kind of indication of his personality or integrity and we should look down on him? 
Have  you or your partner ever had to clean up shit?
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