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U.S. Politics 2018

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mariomike said:
"Report: 3 million votes in presidential election cast by illegal aliens." 

— Bloggers on Monday, November 14th, 2016 in an article on InfoWars

Fact-check: Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in this year's election?

Here's my hypothesis on the 3 million "popular" votes.

California has the majority of the US's illegal immigrants.
Illegal immigrants stand to lose more with Trump in power than Clinton.
California had 3 million more people vote for Clinton.
There are ways for non-citizens or illegal immigrants to vote in the US election.
Many of those 3 million votes likely come from non-citizens or illegal immigrants.

Til Valhall said:
Here's a story I couldn't find on Fox News.

George W. Bush says Russia meddled in 2016 US election

I miss Dubya.

Trump is the least popular president at least as far back as 1945.

I think President Roosevelt 1933-45 was also popular.

Be interesting if the base will accept the 2020 Popular Vote results any more than they did the 2016?

kkwd said:
I heard through the grapevine that President Trump was a 5 time draft dodger. Please check out this man's record in regard to the draft, it is identical to President Trump with the addition of another deferment.


Here is a list of other famous people with deferments.


Minus the attacks on decorated war vets, gold star families and then expect to have a military parade in your honour...
Remius said:
Minus the attacks on decorated war vets, gold star families and then expect to have a military parade in your honour...

So is President Trump declared a draft dodger according to law? If so then many millions of other men would have to be put in that category as well.
I could care less that he dodged the draft.  Plenty did.  It was a complicated time.  I accept that.

But he’s attacked people’s service, some people’s sacrifice and now he wants a parade.  Most of those other dodgers like Biden haven’t done those things.  So yeah, he’s in a category all on his own.
Remius said:
I could care less that he dodged the draft.  Plenty did.  It was a complicated time.  I accept that.

But he’s attacked people’s service, some people’s sacrifice and now he wants a parade.  Most of those other dodgers like Biden haven’t done those things.  So yeah, he’s in a category all on his own.

I ask you not to call people who obtained deferments dodgers. They are honourable citizens.
kkwd said:
I ask you not to call people who obtained deferments dodgers. They are honourable citizens.

Sorry.  Didn’t mean to trigger anyone.  I’m sure there’s a safe space somewhere here...
Remius said:
Sorry.  Didn’t mean to trigger anyone.  I’m sure there’s a safe space somewhere here...

You are casting aspersions on millions of men, I am livid!!!!
kkwd said:
You are casting aspersions on millions of men, I am livid!!!!

Calm down.

Draft dodging, or perhaps more properly "draft evasion", is nothing more or less that a "successful attempt to elude government-imposed obligation to serve in the military service of one's nation". In can be either legal or illegal.


The term can be used pejoratively or non-judgmentally or even as an honorific. Many who evaded the Vietnam draft refer to themselves quite proudly as draft dodgers. How any one of us views the term is quite subjective.


mariomike said:
Trump is the least popular president at least as far back as 1945.

I think President Roosevelt 1933-45 was also popular.

Be interesting if the base will accept the 2020 Popular Vote results any more than they did the 2016?

Yes, all of those polls proved s-o-o-o-o-o accurate right up through the first week of last November. Except the one that I followed.

Here's one that differs: http://www.newsweek.com/trump-approval-rating-obama-same-761948

He has been hammered incessantly by blatantly Hillary-loving media that will twist anything that he says or does (not that he is incapable of some truly cringeworthy tweets and such himself).

His State of the Union address was widely accepted, despite that. And I seriously doubt that many of those who will benefit from his tax cuts, real wage improvements, and job creation will disapprove, nor those who have been fined for not taking Obamacare and have now been freed from it. His ratings will more than likely improve over time.



The Democrats have no leader, nor one likely to be effective, and have no platform. They voted against the tax cuts. Who in their right mind would vote for them and risk losing those cuts, and the resulting wage increases and bonuses that many employers gave?


I was the only one at work who expressed a real possibility (not certainty), based upon several sources and observations, that then-Mr Trump would win. Many would not believe me. There were plenty of indicators, for those who chose, or were able, to see them.


"With a boost from the U.S. economy, President Donald Trump gets a negative 40 - 55 percent approval rating, still under 50 percent, but his best overall score in seven months, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today.

"President Trump had a negative 40 - 55 percent approval rating in a June 29, 2017, survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll.

"In a survey conducted February 2 - 5, a total of 70 percent of American voters say the U.S. economy is "excellent" or "good," the highest rating since Quinnipiac University first asked this question in 2001 and up from 66 percent "excellent" or "good" January 10.

"For the first time in a year, voters say 48 - 41 percent that President Trump is more responsible for the state of the economy than former President Barack Obama.

"American voters approve 51 - 43 percent of the way Trump is handling the economy, his highest score on this issue since he was inaugurated.

"A total of 75 percent of American voters say their financial situation is "excellent" or "good."

And that is despite the most hostile press that any major American politician that I have ever seen.

Yes, there is much improvement to be made in his ratings

Don't be surprised if the Republicans hold both houses in the next mid-term election, and don't be surprised if President Trump wins a second term - barring something catastrophic, of course.

But keep hammering that irrelevant popular vote. It won't count for anything more in 2020 than it did in 2016.

There may be a few less illegal immigrants to inflate it, though, and a few more citizens happier with their jobs and tax breaks.

Think President Trump an idiot all that you want, but he is still a successful businessman and performer, knows how to influence the right people, surrounds himself with good advisers, beat the Republican establishment, the media, the Democrat establishment, the Clinton mafia, and the "most-qualified presidential candidate ever".

Like it or not, those who underestimate him do so at their peril.
FJAG said:
Calm down.

Draft dodging, or perhaps more properly "draft evasion", is nothing more or less that a "successful attempt to elude government-imposed obligation to serve in the military service of one's nation". In can be either legal or illegal.


The term can be used pejoratively or non-judgmentally or even as an honorific. Many who evaded the Vietnam draft refer to themselves quite proudly as draft dodgers. How any one of us views the term is quite subjective.


Anyway it is a poor subject for this board. The draft dodger dig seems to me to be meant as a cheap shot at President Trump. I don't want to play into the game. I will never mention it again.
Remius said:
I could care less that he dodged the draft.  Plenty did.  It was a complicated time.  I accept that.

There is a difference between those who found legal deferments (and those who went to jail instead, like Muhammad Ali) and those who dodged. Some/many of those deferments may have been given by sympathetic doctors and the odds of a rich man or celebrity getting one were indubitably greater than those of somebody of lesser status, yes, but can one truly blame somebody for seeking a way out if one was available? I do have more respect for Muhammad Ali and those who stayed true to their conscience and suffered because of it than those who obtained invalid/fraudulent deferments, but we will never know who did and who did not.

I still sympathize with those who actually dodged, though. Vietnam was not a war of national survival as the previous World Wars were, and was not fought well at the political or upper-military levels.

I have much less sympathy, though (like about zero) for more modern deserters, who voluntarily accepted the benefits of their training yet ran when it came to actually perform their jobs for real.

Remius said:
But he’s attacked people’s service, some people’s sacrifice and now he wants a parade.  Most of those other dodgers like Biden haven’t done those things.  So yeah, he’s in a category all on his own.

Yes, extremely bad form, but some of the claims may not have been completely valid, nor have there been all that many (not that that excuses valid ones).

Hillary was more discrete, but Marine One aircrew gave the callsign "Broomstick 1" and she was known to disdain and berate her security people and have them carry her luggage rather than protect her. The Secretary of State's security detail used to be considered a plum job until she occupied that position, then senior staff stopped bidding on it and left it for their more junior colleagues. And she left good people die unnecessarily in Benghazi - and then lied about it and brushed it off: "What difference does it make?"

Whatever President Trump's failings and imperfections, they pale by comparison. It could have been much worse.
Hillary Clinton not being president is why I'm not too hard on Trump.

That and suddenly a lot of NATO countries are making their way to 2 percent of GDP spent on defense,  France being the latest.
Til Valhall said:
Couldn't find it on their main page, still can't. Must be fake news. It was copy pasted from AP anyway.

It's under the Politics sub-page of their site.
Til Valhall said:
I had to knock twice on the back door to find it.

Well all stories are just not front page news.

Here is what President Bush said on the subject of ex-presidents talking about current presidents.


"I don't think it's good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president; I think it's bad for the presidency for that matter," Bush said, according to video posted by Mediaite.

A link to the video mentioned.

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